Job interview questions examples




Job interview questions examples


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Job interview questions examples


A citizen becomes irate because his permit application cannot be found. How will you handle the citizen?
A citizen calls and is irate because she has been transferred to three different departments and cannot get anybody to answer her question. How will you handle the call?
A citizen calls in and states that one of your company's trucks ran over her mailbox. How will you handle the citizen?
A salesperson comes in to talk to your boss without an appointment. How will you handle the salesperson?
A subordinate supervisor directs an employee to correct a potentially unsafe action. The employee refuses. What is your direction to the supervisor?
A supervisor from another group comes to you and complains that your employee visits the other group constantly and disrupts the work. What steps will you take?
A vendor comes in to thank you for assistance in clearing up a past due invoice. The vendor offers you two tickets to a ball game. What will you do?
A vital piece of equipment requires repair.  You are the only mechanic certified to repair the piece of equipment.  You receive a call that your father is on his way to the hospital.  What will you do?
A work stoppage has just concluded. A number of employees participated in the work stoppage, while others came to work. To insure that your organization continues to work effectively, what steps can you take?
After returning from lunch, you find five telephone slips from customers requesting that you return their telephone calls. How will you prioritize your return telephone calls?
Along with your other assignments, you’ve been given a rush assignment that has to be done. What adjustments or considerations will you make in trying to complete the rush assignment?
An employee approaches you with a sexual harassment-related problem. In your discussion with the employee, what items of information will be of the most importance?
An employee complains that you gave another employee a benefit that the employee did not receive. He states that this is not fair. How will you handle this employee?
An employee continues to make careless mistakes. How will you address the situation?
An employee from another group comes to you and complains that your employee visits the other group constantly and disrupts the work. What steps will you take?
An employee is not performing the assigned tasks correctly. As the supervisor what will you do?
An ESL student has passed all their courses toward an AA degree except the required English class. What would you do to assist this student?
An executive manager has given you an assignment that will require you to work late tonight.  However, you have dinner and expensive tickets to a show with your spouse tonight.  What will you do?
An exemplary employee starts to become listless at work, misses deadlines, comes in late, and takes extended breaks. As the supervisor what action will you take?
An irate citizen calls regarding one of your employees who was speeding on the expressway. What steps will you take regarding the employee?
Another department calls for your supervisor. Your supervisor is on the telephone. How will you handle this call?
Another supervisor has told you that one of your subordinate supervisors made a sexually oriented comment to a new employee. What course of action will you take?
Are their any types of people you find difficult to work with? How do you go about establishing working relationships with them?
Are there additional considerations in communicating to groups of employees versus individual employees?
Are you analytical? Give us one example of your analytical abilities.
Are you creative? Give us one example of your creativity.
Are you good at delegating tasks?
Are you seeking employment in a company of a certain size? Why?
Are you willing to relocate?
Are you willing to travel for the job?
As a manager with a number of subordinate supervisors, one of the employees consistently bypasses your subordinate supervisor and brings issues and problems directly to you. What action, if any, will you take?
As a receptionist you are responsible for answering the telephones. What would you do if four lines were ringing at the same time?
As you are conducting a meeting two of the participants are talking and disrupting others. What will you do?
As you're walking out of the building, you notice an employee from another section carrying department equipment to their car. The equipment is clearly labeled and belongs in your section's work area. What will you do?
Aside from formal training, what other means may be used for developing employees?
Based on Internal Revenue Service rules, what criteria distinguish a consultant from an employee?
Based on your understanding if this position, what tasks do you feel would be the most challenging?
Based on your understanding if this position, what tasks do you feel would give you the greatest satisfaction?
Briefly describe the most significant responsibility you have had in your career and what it taught you?
Can you describe a situation where you had to say no at work and what was the outcome?
Can you describe for us experiences you've had in developing effective working relationships?
Can you explain this gap in your employment history?
Can you give an example of when you've reached out to people either in a new situation or who you percieved were different than you?
Can you give us examples of how you have had to vary your style in order to communicate with others? How did it work out?
Can you give us examples of two or three tasks you do not enjoy doing and how you keep motiviated in order to accomplish them?
Can you tell us about a situation where you had to make a decision based on incomplete information?
Can you tell us about a time when a classroom discussion situation grew very difficult or tense and you were able to turn it into a possitive experience?
Can you tell us about a time when you had to work through a difficulty with a co-worker?
Can you tell us about a time when you have been able empower a student or "see the light go on" towards grasping a concept or accomplishing a task?
Can you tell us about a time when you were able to develop a new way of accomplishing a task?
Can you tell us about a time when you were able to develop a new way of assisting a student with problem solving and critical thinking?
Can you tell us about a time when you were able to successfully balance a difficult perfessional problem and still remain upbeat?
Can you tell us about a time where you were able to resolve a differenc of opinion by finding some common ground with another in the workplace.
Can you tell us of a situation where your sence of right or ethics worked to the advantage of an organization?
Communicating with your supervisor is an important aspect of all of our jobs. In addition to being brief, what guidelines should you follow to communicate effectively with your supervisor?
Contracts for consultant services normally have some provision for other associated expenses such as parking, travel, and meals. What are some of the ways to control these associated expenses?
Cost reduction is often associated with budget reductions. What are some positive means of reducing costs?
Define "span of control".
Define leadership?
Define productivity.
Define the internal rate of return.
Define the term "chain of command" and its importance.
Describe a politically sensitive situation that you were in and how you handled the situation.
Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.
Describe a situation in which your work was criticized?
Describe a situation where you came up with a creative solution to a problem.
Describe a situation where you had to convice a boss or authority figure of the validity of an idea or course of action.
Describe a situation where you had to impliment a change.
Describe a situation where you had to share bad news or an unpopular idea with co-workers
Describe a situation where you have been cautious about what you say to anther and how it worked out.
Describe a situation where you have worked collaboratively or as part of a team.
Describe a situation where you were able to build a good working relationship with a difficult peer.
Describe a situation where you were critisized unfairly and how you handled it.
Describe a time when you anticipated potential problems and developed preventive measures.
Describe a time when you extended a helping hand to assist a co-worker complete a project
Describe a time when you had to make an unpopular decision.
Describe a time when you have given extra effort in order to assist a student struggling with content areas of your class.
Describe a time when you set your sights too high (or too low).
Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills.
Describe a time where you had to bite your tounge to avoid an uncomfortable situation in the workplace.
Describe a time where you have gone "the extra mile" to accomplish a goal.
Describe a time where you needed to ask for help from a co-worker or superior.
Describe a typical day at your present position.
Describe experiences you have had working with diverse populations, i.e. people from other cultures, ethnic backgrounds, disability, etc.
Describe for us your ethics.
Describe how, if at all, your responsibilities changed from the time you started working in this position and the time you stopped
Describe some of the methods used to allocate support costs.
Describe the best job you've ever had.
Describe the best supervisor you've ever had.
Describe the experience you've had working independently and with a team.
Describe the most rewarding experience of your career thus far.
Describe the process by which conflict in an organization should be addressed.
Describe the range of students you would expect to find in the community college classroom.
Describe the relationship that should exist between the supervisor and those reporting to him or her?
Describe the situation and how you responded to the criticism.
Describe the skills and education in this field that students will need to be successful in the working world.
Describe the skills you have that make you a good choice for this job:
Describe the workload in your current (or most recent) job.
Describe to us the extent to which you have worked with executive or top management.
Describe your approach in dealling with the following situations; angry/upset people, unreasonable requests, deadlines, unethical requests.
Describe your ideal supervisor's management style.
Describe your ideal working relationship.
Describe your perfect co-worker
Describe your philosophy regarding being an educator in the community college setting.
Describe yourself.
Desibe a collaborative work project that was successful and one that did not come out as anticipated. What sort of things did you learn from these experiences
Did you hold more than one job for this employer? If “yes”, what jobs and what time periods did you hold those jobs?
Did you work while attending school? Explain.
Discuss a time when your ethics or integrity were challeneged. How did you handle it?
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of benchmarking a government agency to the public sector and benchmarking to the private sector.
Discuss the different styles of leadership.
Do you consider yourself a leader?
Do you have a geographic preference? Why?
Do you have any closing comments?
Do you have any hobbies? What do you do in your spare time?
Do you have any questions?
Do you have anything to add?
Do you have plans for continued study? An advanced degree?
Do you think there are times when it is best not to get credit for an accomplishment?
Do you work better by yourself or as part of a team?
During a routine audit, you find that the timekeeper credited herself with more overtime than was actually worked. How will you address the situation?
During an all hands meeting, two of your subordinate supervisors begin to accuse one and another’s employees of sabotaging an important work process. How will you handle the situation?
Five years ago, where did you see yourself today?
Focus on the aspects of your experience that apply specifically to the position that you're applying for.
Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree.
Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.
Give me an example of a time when something you tried to accomplish and failed.
Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split second decision.
Give me an example of a time when you motivated others.
Give me an example of a time when you set a goal and were able to meet or achieve it.
Give me an example of a time when you used your fact-finding skills to solve a problem.
Give me an example of when you showed initiative and took the lead.
Give us a situation that illustrates your ability to exercise good judgment.
Give us an example of a situation that you handled which would demonstrate your ability to supervise.
Give us an example of a situation you handled exemplifying superior customer service.
Give us an example of your ability to make decisions under pressure.
Have we missed something that you’d like to add?
Have you been in a situation where you made the right decision because you were not influenced by the actions of others?
Have you conducted a budget review?
Have you done filing before and how did you arrange the files?  Did you set up the filing system? 
Have you ever been at a loss to know what the right course of action is?
Have you ever been fired or forced to resign?
Have you ever been in a situation where saying what was on your mind had unexpected consequenses? What did you learn from it?
Have you ever come up with a "common sense" solution that saved time and/or money in your job? If so, describe how it benefited the organization.
Have you ever had a discipline overturned?  Why?
Have you ever had difficulty with a supervisor? How did you resolve the conflict?
Have you ever had to tell your boss that they were wrong about something and if so how did you handle this situation?
Have you ever taken the lead on a project? If so, tell us about it.
Have you ever terminated or suspended an employee?
Have you ever worked in a position in which you had frequent interruptions? If so, how did you handle that type of work environment?
Have you ever worked with close supervison and if so how did you handle this type of working situation?
Have you ever worked without close supervison and if so how did you handle this type of working situation?
Have you had any experience in applying the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act?
Have you implemented or administered a chargeback system?
Have you managed off-site records storage or did you use a contract facility?
Have you performed a needs assessment? And, if so, what steps did you take?
Have you used metaphors or storytelling in your teaching style? Has that been a successful style for you? Why or why not?
Having supervisory experience you may have run into problems with a member of your staff. What type of problem did you encounter and how did you handle it?
Here's the basics; date, subject, and alphabetical.
How are you qualified for this job?
How can a supervisor establish effective communications with staff?
How can you involve staff in changing and implementing the revised procedure?
How can you involve staff in changing and implementing the revised process?
How confident are you that you can successfully perform the duties of this position and why?
How do you believe your knowledge and experience will help you be successful in this position?
How do you deal with conflict?
How do you deal with risk on the job?
How do you decide what assignments to delegate to your staff?
How do you define diversity?
How do you define integrety?
How do you determine or evaluate success?
How do you effectively communicate with others?
How do you estimate how your students are learning?
How do you gauge how well your students are absorbing the material you're presenting?
How do you handle responsibility?
How do you keep current in trends and emerging issues in your field and use this information in the classroom?
How do you keep current on innovate teaching methods and incorperate their use in the classroom?
How do you maintain an effective working relationship with your coworkers?
How do you motivate yourself to complete unpleasant assignments?
How do you or would you deal with a difficult and disruptive student?
How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
How do you present controversial issues in the classroom?
How do you prioritize your work?
How do you react when someone points out a mistake in your work?
How do you respond if you see a co-worker doing something dishonest or unethical?
How do you think your former supervisor or co-workers would describe you and your work ethic?
How do you typically schedule your work day? What about unexpected interruptions and the things that "just come up"?
How do you work under pressure?
How do your or would you keep student motivathed throughout the entire term?
How does your current job qualify you for this position?
How does your education qualify you for this job?
How does your experience and education qualify you for this job?
How does your experience qualify you for this job?
How has your current position prepared you to take on greater responsibilities?
How has your job prepared you to take on greater responsibility?
How have you (or would you) handle a situation where you expended a great deal of effort into a project or task and received little credit?
How have you dealt with organizational uncertanty? For example uncertainty over a project, a decision, direction of organization, etc.
How have you handled a situation where you've made a mistake and had to tell your boss about it?
How have you handled stressful work situations (such as with a co-worker, process, external influences, etc.) and turrned things to your advantage?
How have you incorporated collaborative problem solving in your organization?
How important is listening to effective communications?
How is productivity measured?
How long did you work there?
How many invoices have you handled on a monthly basis?
How may the internal rate of return be used in capital budgeting?
How might quality problems manifest themselves in an accounting department?
How often do you prefer to receive progress reports and why?
How should an assignment be made to an employee?
How well do you adapt to new situations?
How well do you work with people? Do you prefer working alone or in teams?
How will you insure that the implementation of a plan is consistent with the objectives of the plan?
How would a good friend describe you?
How would a supervisor evaluate an administrative employee’s performance?
How would you communicate the implementation of performance measurements so as to not panic staff?
How would you describe yourself?
How would you evaluate your ability to deal with conflict?
How would you go about establishing a mission statement for the organization that you supervise
How would you go about investigating an accident?
How would you go about training a new employee?
How would you handle a customer who used abusive language?
How would you implement a safety program?
How would you incorporate a sensitivity to diversity in this position?
How would you measure success in this position?
How would you measure success with students?
How would you organize a file of general correspondence documents?
How would you prepare a cost/benefit analysis for an automation system?
How would you rate a job that requires you to constantly make decisions?
How would you rate your analytical ability?  Why?
How would you rate your communications skills?  Why?
How would you respons if someone asked you to do something unethical?
How would your best friend describe you?
How would your co-workers rate your communications skills?
How would your manager rate your analytical ability?
How would your subordinates describe you?
How would your supervisor rate your communications skills?
How would your worst enemy describe you?
Identify some important steps to take during the conversion of an accounting system.
If you were hiring a job-seeker for this position, what qualities would you look for?
If your past supervisors were to select three (3) words to describe you, what would they be? Why?
If your past supervisors were to select three (3) words to describe your weaknesses (areas you need to work on), what would they be? Why?
In instances where you are required to assert yourself, what do you do to assert yourself effectively?
In order to properly document a discipline, what facts should be included in the documentation?
In taking a message for another employee, what information should be included on the message?
In the areas where your experience falls short for this job, what steps will you take to make up for this shortfall?
In what instances, is written communication better than verbal communications?
In what kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
In what kinds of situations do you find it most difficult to deal with people?
In what manner can business processes reinforce customer service training?
In what ways can an organization transfer a "customer first" attitude to the Internet?
In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our company?
In which instances would using temporary employees be justified?
In which situations would distance learning be preferable to instructor-led training?
In which situations would you use a fixed price contract versus a price and time contract?
In your supervisor’s absence you have been asked to schedule the work of the group for the next two weeks. How would you schedule projects, assignments, and vacations?
Is there a difference between assignment and delegation? And if so, what is the difference?
Is there anything else?
Is there anything you would like to add?
Is there anything you’d like to address?
It's your first day on the job.  Your new job includes the supervision of 10 employees.  What is the first thing you will do?
Looking only at output and costs, under what circumstances would productivity fall?
Looking only at output and costs, under what circumstances would productivity rise?
Microfilm is used for records that are vital and require long term retention typically 10 or more years.
Name five criteria essential to establishing effective service standards.
Name some commonly made mistakes in reengineering efforts.
Name some components of an effective chargeback system.
Name some contract administration tools that you can use to monitor progress and payments on a contract?
Name some of the circumstances under which a leader will fail.
Name some of the criteria that may be included in a citizen satisfaction survey.
Name some of the means by which productivity can be improved.
Name some of the pitfalls of outsourcing.
Name some of the pitfalls to be avoided in building an effective team.
Name some of the visual aids that can be used in a meeting.
Name some of the ways that a supervisor can demotivate staff.
Name some techniques to use with people who sit in meetings and don’t participate.
Name some typical causes of accidents in a shop environment.
Name some typical causes of accidents in the office.
Name some typical operating expenses.
Name the characteristics of an effective presentation?
Name the elements of an effective meeting agenda.
Name the elements of effective meeting minutes.
Name the factors to consider in determing the appropriate retention period for records.
Name the greatest risk that you've taken which resulted in failure.
Name the greatest risk that you've taken?
Name the major sources of conflict in organizations.
Name the methods available for delivering training to employees.
Name the risks of having an ineffective records management program.
Name the steps involved in disciplining an employee.
Name the steps to correctly take a message in a coworker’s absence.
Name the steps to correctly transfer a customer call.
Name three teaching methods and how they are used in the classroom.
Occasionally we have to live with unresolves situations in the workplace. How does this type of situation make you feel and how do you work effectvely in those circumstances?
Occasionally, this position represents the Department before the City Council or other elected officials. Tell us about your experience in representing your present organization before elected officials.
On what basis should a supervisor schedule and assign work?
One of the members of your team only does what is absolutely necessary at work.  His performance is impacting the team.  How might this person's performance affect your work?  Would you work overtime to complete a team project?
One of the participants in your meeting continues to disrupt the meeting. How will you handle this individual?
One of the requirements for this position is that the individual be a self-starter. Give us an example of your ability to be a self-starter.
One of your employees is using derogatory language on a telephone call. You and a number of your staff hear the employee. What will you do? If you pursue disciplinary action, what will the charges be?
One of your subordinate supervisors without talking to you has taken a personnel issue to your supervisor. What will you do?
One reason is that warehouse space is cheaper than office space.
Overtime expenditures have increased over the past year. Yet, the workload has not increased. What steps will you take to control overtime?
Please discuss an important written document you were required to complete.
Please give us specific examples of your ability to communicate with people of different backgrounds?
Please share your experience in a work situation where change was happening fast and consistantly.
Provide us an example of your ability to work independently.
Provide us with an example of how "zero-based budgeting" would apply to the staffing in your organization.
Provide us with an example of how you’ve asserted yourself in an emergency or high-pressure situation?
Provide us with an example of your ability to delegate work.
Provide us with an example of your leadership ability.
Provide us with an example of your problem-solving ability.
Recall an incident where you made a major mistake. What did you do after the mistake was made? What did you learn from this mistake?
Relate to us a confrontation that you've had with your supervisor.  Who was wrong and why?
Relate to us the last time you dealt with an ethical question on the job and how did you handle the situation.
Share with us a student success story that brought you a sense of accomplishment.
Sometimes we have to remain calm on the outside, even though we might be boing over on the inside. Have you been in a similar situation and how did you handle it?
Tell me about a difficult decision you've made in the last year.
Tell me about a recent situation in which you had to deal with a very upset customer or co-worker.
Tell me about a time when you delegated a project effectively.
Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get a job done.
Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.
Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.
Tell me about a time when you missed an obvious solution to a problem.
Tell me about a time when you were forced to make an unpopular decision.
Tell me about a time you were able to successfully deal with another person even when that individual may not have personally liked you (or vice versa).
Tell us about a confrontation that you've had with a coworker.
Tell us about a contract dispute that you were involved in and what your role was in resolving the dispute.
Tell us about a contract that you have successfully administered.
Tell us about a difficult situation that you encountered and how you resolved it.
Tell us about a major issue the arose in your last position and how you dealt with it.
Tell us about a management report you’ve made with recommendations and what happened once those recommendations were adopted?
Tell us about a particularly difficult problem that you analyzed and what was your recommendation?
Tell us about a pressure situation you were in that would demonstrate your ability to work under pressure.
Tell us about a situation in which you dealt with a customer and what you would have done differently.
Tell us about a situation in which you demonstrated your leadership ability.
Tell us about a situation in which you were required to analyze and solve a complex problem.
Tell us about a situation in which you were required to work with people at various levels within your organization? What was the most important step that you took to work effectively with these people?
Tell us about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence that you have in yourself.
Tell us about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence your manager has in you.
Tell us about a situation that would exemplify your integrity.
Tell us about a situation that would show the confidence your coworkers have in you.
Tell us about a situation where the analysis that you performed was incorrect.  What would you have done differently?
Tell us about a situation where you demonstrated good communications skills.
Tell us about a situation where you demonstrated poor communications skills.  What would you have done differently?
Tell us about a situation where you have helped a student work through a serious academic problem.
Tell us about a situation where you made a mistake. How did you handle the mistake and what was the resolution?
Tell us about a situation where you motivated your staff to extraordinary accomplishments.
Tell us about a successful team of which you were a member. What was the most outstanding characteristic of that team? What did you contribute?
Tell us about a task that you unsuccessfully delegated.   What did you learn from this experience?
Tell us about a time when you had to "stand up" for something you felt strongly about, in the workplace, and the result of such action
Tell us about an analysis that you have performed and the recommendation(s) that you made as a result of your analysis?
Tell us about an employee that you've terminated.
Tell us about an incident in which you dealt with an irate customer, which would demonstrate your ability to work effectively with others?
Tell us about an invoice discrepancy that you discovered and how you resolved the discrepancy.
Tell us about an invoice dispute that you were involved in and what your role was in resolving the dispute.
Tell us about an unsuccessful team of which you were a member. What, if anything, could you have done differently?
Tell us about how you have handled a dissatisfied customer in the past.
Tell us about reports you have prepared.
Tell us about the best decision that you've made on the job.
Tell us about the best supervisor you’ve worked under.
Tell us about the customer service training programs that you have implemented.
Tell us about the last major assignment that you delegated and why you delegated?
Tell us about the last time you lost your temper?
Tell us about the most difficult presentation that you have made?
Tell us about the worst decision that you've made on the job.
Tell us about the worst supervisor you’ve worked under.
Tell us about your analytical skills.
Tell us about your approach to succession planning.
Tell us about your background, education and experience?
Tell us about your educational background.
Tell us about your experience in accounts payable.
Tell us about your experience in accounts payable.
Tell us about your experience in conducting audits.
Tell us about your experience in cost accounting.
Tell us about your experience in dealing with the public.
Tell us about your experience in developing new courses and also about preparing or revising class materials.
Tell us about your experience in developing procedure manuals.
Tell us about your experience in implementing a new policy and what the result of the implementation was?
Tell us about your experience in implementing a new procedure?
Tell us about your experience in implementing a new process and what the result of the implementation was?
Tell us about your experience in implementing a new process?
Tell us about your experience in managing off-site records storage?
Tell us about your experience in working a public service counter.
Tell us about your experience in working with volunteers.
Tell us about your greatest accomplishment in your last job.
Tell us about your inter-personal skills.
Tell us about your morals and integrity.
Tell us about your most recent experience in disciplining an employee.
Tell us about your qualifications for this position.
Tell us about yourself.
Tell us how do you respond to on-the-job pressure? How do you maintain a positive and optimistic outlook?
Tell us three adjectives that describe you and explain why you chose these words.
The files for your office consist of general correspondence, purchase orders, and employee files. How will you organize these files?
The more public or customer contact the better.  Include a situation where you provided exemplary service.
The supervisor returns after lunch and says that the information on the call slip you took is incorrect. How will you handle this?
There are times when the workload can seem overwhelming. How do you handle this type of work environment?
Through what tools can a committee become more useful or productive?
To perform your duties more efficiently and reduce interruptions, what steps should be taken when given a new assignment?
To what extent have you used presentation software such as PowerPoint in preparing and presenting presentations?
To what extent have your assignments required interface with other departments?
To what extent were you involved in collections?
To what extent, if any, should an employee’s good performance be considered in a discipline?
Two employees come to you about a verbal disagreement. One says the incident happened one way, and the other employee has a different story. There are no other witnesses. What will you do?
Two of your staff are involved in a verbal altercation in your office area. How will you handle this situation?
Under what circumstances may a person decide to delegate upward to their supervisor?
Under what circumstances might a disciplinary action be overturned?
Under what circumstances should records be microfilmed?
Under what circumstances should you bypass your supervisor and go to your supervisor’s supervisor?
Under what circumstances, might you recommend computer-based training instead of instructor-led training?
Under what conditions should an organization consider outsourcing?
Under which circumstances would you refer an employee to the employee assistance program?
Usually the absence of an established agenda results in a non-productive meeting, provide three other circumstances under which meetings are not productive.
Vacations during the holidays are popular among employees. Describe the actions a supervisor can take to insure that service levels are unaffected during these times.
We all have difficult experiences with co-workers or students, ones that just seem to push our buttons and test the limits of our patience. How have you handled this type of situation?
What about the job did you like best? Least?
What accomplishment on the job are you the most proud of?
What action on the job are you the least proud of?
What actions can a supervisor take to establish teamwork in the organization?
What actions can a supervisor take to insure that subordinates support the mission and goals of an organization?
What actions can you take to communicate and reinforce safe work practices for field employees?
What actions can you take to facilitate the retrieval of records?
What actions have you taken in the past 10 years to prepare you for this position?
What actions would you take to simplify work?
What additional training will we have to provide for you if we hire you?
What approaches have you or will you use in advising a student regarding academic problems or personal concerns?
What are fixed costs?
What are policies?
What are procedures?
What are records?
What are some constructive methods of dealing with stress?
What are some good rules to keep in mind when directing employees?
What are some of cost-cutting steps you could take to reduce fleet expenses?
What are some of the characteristics of a good listener?
What are some of the means by which performance can be measured?
What are some of the means of communication in the workplace?
What are some of the reasons additional staffing may be justified?
What are some of the reasons working overtime may be required?
What are some of the signs that you're staff may be suffering from burnout?
What are some of the things on your current job you have done well?
What are some of the ways in which a supervisor can motivate staff?
What are some of the ways in which an employee starts to behave that usually indicate a potential problem?
What are some of the ways to measure customer/user satisfaction?
What are some rules to follow to insure effective communications with your coworkers?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of privatization?
What are the advantages, if any, of establishing team goals as opposed to individual goals?
What are the attributes of a good leader?
What are the basic rules for answering the telephone?
What are the basic rules for putting a customer on hold?
What are the benefits for the subordinate when a supervisor delegates?
What are the benefits of budgeting?
What are the benefits of centralizing a function?
What are the benefits of collaborative problem solving?
What are the benefits of providing just in time training?
What are the benefits of records management?
What are the characteristics of a successful team?
What are the characteristics of an effective supervisor?
What are the components of an effective records management program?
What are the components of an injury and illness prevention program?
What are the considerations in determining if a meeting is necessary?
What are the critical service requirements in using a contract facility for off-site records storage?
What are the different ways to organize a filing system?
What are the elements included in strategic planning?
What are the elements of a business letter?
What are the elements of a business report?
What are the elements of a successful safety program?
What are the elements of a successful training program?
What are the elements of an effective management report?
What are the essential elements of effective problem solving?
What are the factors involved in a cost/benefit analysis?
What are the five functions of a supervisor?
What are the four steps in Job Instruction Training?
What are the guidelines to follow in constructively criticizing an employee?
What are the important qualities a person should have to become an effective team member?
What are the keys for implementing a performance measurement program?
What are the keys to conducting a successful meeting?
What are the legal implications associated with a records management program?
What are the most common goals of reengineering efforts?
What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?
What are the most important topics that should be covered in the curriculum of this program?
What are the objectives behind "Quality Circles"?
What are the potential pitfalls when the variances of budget versus actual expenditures are expressed only as percentages?
What are the principles behind continuous improvement?
What are the pros and cons of decentralizing a function?
What are the pros and cons of outsourcing internal support functions?
What are the reasons for communicating upwards to your superiors?
What are the reasons for storing records off-site at a records warehouse?
What are the steps in developing a new procedure?
What are the steps involved in an organizational assessment?
What are the steps involved in developing goals and objectives?
What are the steps involved in preparing a budget?
What are the steps involved in progressive discipline?
What are the steps involved in reengineering a process?
What are the steps involved in streamlining a process?
What are the steps involved in successfully handling an irate customer?
What are the steps to successful delegation?
What are the steps to take in identifying training requirements?
What are the three most common weaknesses of managers and supervisors?
What are the various means of calculating depreciation?
What are variable costs?
What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?
What are your long range and short range goals and objectives?
What are your long range career objectives?
What are your long term career goals?
What aspect of supervision is most difficult for you and why?
What aspect of your education applies to this position?
What barriers do you see community college students facing today and how would you facilitate students' chances at success?
What benefits does a cost accounting system provide?
What benefits does a supervisor receive from delegating work to employees?
What can a supervisor do to enhance an employee’s job and the employee’s motivation?
What can you contribute to establish a positive working environment for our team?
What can you tell us about our company?
What challenges do you believe we face as an educational, non-profit, organization that for profit firm do not?
What challenges do you think you would face working with students and staff with wide variety of backgrounds?
What changes would you make to a former position and how would you go about implementing said changes?
What considerations should be made in establishing organizational goals for your unit?
What considerations would help you in determining the need for consultants in your organization?
What controls, if any, should be placed on the use of subcontractors?
What cost-cutting measures have you implemented?
What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for which you hope to work?
What decisions are easiest for you to make and which ones are the most difficult? Why?
What did you do the last time you were asked to submit a report that due to time and resource constraints, compromise quality?
What did you like best about your supervisor? Least
What distinction do you see between teahing and learning in the classroom?
What diverse groups have you worked closely with?
What do you consider to be the most critical issues facing education and community colleges in the next five years?
What do you consider to be your biggest work-related mistake?
What do you consider to be your biggest work-related success?
What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
What do you consider your greatest contribution to the college would be if you were to serve in this capacity?
What do you do to create a positive learning environment for students?
What do you do to remain current in emerging trends and technologies relating to this position?
What do you expect to be earning in five years?
What do you find difficult in disciplining employees?
What do you find most rewarding in a job/career?
What do you hope to be doing five (5) years from now?
What do you know about our competitors?
What do you like the best about supervision?
What do you like the least about supervision?
What do you look for in an employer?
What do you really want to do in life?
What do you see as advantages and disadvantages of using distance education tools in instruction?
What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Ten years from now?
What do you think it takes to be successful in a company like ours?
What do you think it takes to be successful in an educational organization?
What do you think your coworker would say about your work?
What do you think your customers would say about your work?
What do you think your supervisor would say about your work?
What do you want to find in this position that you are/have not currently/recently found in your present/former job?
What does "best practices" mean?
What does good customer service involve?
What does it take to get under your skin?
What does the following statement mean to you, "Chemeketa supports an environment supporting diversity."?
What experience do you have with general ledger?
What experience have you had as a cashier?
What experience have you had in benchmarking?
What experience have you had in collecting data and writing reports based on that data?
What experience have you had in contract negotiations?
What experience have you had in developing a budget?
What experience have you had in fixed assets accounting?
What experience have you had in flowcharting?
What experience have you had in investigating discrimination/sexual harassment complaints?
What experience have you had in making presentations?
What experience have you had in meetings with executive management?
What experience have you had in payroll?
What experience have you had in performing analysis and preparing recommendations?
What experience have you had in preparing management reports?
What experience have you had in pressure situations?
What experience have you had in resolving grievances?
What experience have you had in responding to OSHA complaints?
What experience have you had in supervision?
What experience have you had utilizing distance education methods and technology?
What experience have you had with establishing file systems?
What experience have you had working with external agencies?
What experiences, in the past, have been the most frustrating for you?
What experiences, in the past, have been the most satisfying for you?
What factors influence the success of a presentation?
What factors should be considered when applying discipline?
What factors would you consider in assembling a project team?
What factors would you consider in determining the appropriate hourly rate on a contract?
What factors would you take into account before privatizing a function?
What factors would you take into account when planning a reorganization of staff?
What factors would you use in evaluating a trainee?
What gives you the greatest pleasure or rewards in your job?
What guidelines should be followed in counseling an employee?
What has been your experience in working with community organizations?
What has been your most negative experience in supervision?
What has been your most positive experience in supervision?
What has been your role in encouraging you organization's affirmative action and/or diversity plan?
What have you accomplished that shows your initiative and willingness to work?
What have you done outside of formal education to improve yourself?
What have you done to develop your leadership skills?
What have you learned from past mistakes?
What have you learned from past successes?
What have you learned from your mistakes?
What ideaqs and teaching methods would you used to appeal to a broad range of students.
What impact do you hope to have on students?
What influences your productivity?
What innovative projects, processes, or systems have you designed or implemented in previous positions and what were your results?
What interests you about our products?
What is "benchmarking" and what are the benefits of benchmarking?
What is "distance learning"?
What is "Total Quality Management" or "TQM"?
What is a "gap" analysis as it pertains to training?
What is a budget?
What is benchmarking?
What is chargeback?
What is ISO 9000 and how can it support our quality efforts?
What is marginal cost?
What is process?
What is progressive discipline?
What is reengineering?
What is succession planning?
What is the appropriate span of control for an organization?
What is the difference between a capital budget and an expense budget?
What is the difference between a leader and a manager?
What is the difference between a line function and a staff function?
What is the difference between billable and non-billable expenses?
What is the difference between policies and procedures?
What is the greatest failure you've had?  What would you have done differently?
What is the impact on the organization of inadequate employee training?
What is the importance of greeting the customer politely on the telephone?
What is the importance of leadership in the organization?
What is the importance of planning your work?
What is the importance of prioritizing work?
What is the most compelling argument for decentralizing internal support functions?
What is the most difficult assignment you have had?
What is the most important quality a supervisor should have?
What is the most interesting thing you have done, professionally, in the past year?
What is the purpose of a budget?
What is the purpose of a performance appraisal?
What is the purpose of a records retention schedule?
What is the purpose of audiovisual aids in a presentation?
What is the purpose of chargeback?
What is the purpose of delegation?
What is the purpose of discipline?
What is the purpose of the OSHA log (Form 200)?
What is the relationship between a cost accounting system and a budget?
What is the relationship between goals and planning?
What is the role of a supervisor?
What is your biggest weakness?
What is your career goal
What is your definition of ethics?
What is your strongest asset?
What is your strongest leadership skill and how will it assist you for this job?
What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example.
What is zero-based budgeting?
What issues do you feel will have an impct on education in the next five years?
What items of information do you need before you can approve an invoice for payment?
What items of information do you typically need before you make a decision?
What items of information should be included in the orientation training for new employees?
What kind of boss do you like to work for?
What kind of personality traits do you get along with most easily?
What kind of personality traits do you have the hardest time working with?
What kind of work did you do there?
What kind of work situations get on your nerves?
What kind of working relationship , do you feel, works best with subordinates?
What kind of working relationship , do you feel, works best with superiors?
What kind of working relationship, do you feel, works best with peers?
What kinds of behaviors/tools are you familiar with to assist students with learning disabilities?
What kinds of tasks and responsibilities would you just soon avoid in your next job?
What major problem have you encountered and how did you deal with it?
What makes you a special and unique cnadidate for this position?
What makes you more qualified than the other candidates?
What makes you qualified for this position?
What means of communication may be used to effectively establish a new policy?
What measures would you implement to encourage employee involvement in a quality improvement program?
What motivates employees?
What motivates you to go the extra mile on a project or job?
What motivational techniques do you use with your work unit?
What one thing would your boss say that he or she has the greatest problem with you?
What percentage of discounts lost did you have in Accounts Payable?  Did the percentage increase or decrease under your supervision?
What personal qualities should a leader have?
What prompted you to take your current job?
What qualifications do you have that make you successful in this career?
What qualities do you have that make you an effective team player?
What qualities make for a good boss?
What qualities should a successful manager possess?
What questions should you ask prior to hiring a consultant?
What requirements should be met in order to measure performance?
What role can "distance learning" play in the development of our employees?
What role does documentation serve in the disciplinary process?
What role does leadership play for a supervisor or manager?
What rules governing behavior would insure a constructive meeting?
What should your employer expect from you aand what do you expect from your employer?
What significant contributions have you made to the operation of your work group?
What situations make you lose your temper?
What skills and abilities do you have?
What specific diversity-related activities have you been involved with?
What specific goals other than those related to your occupation, have you established for yourself for the next ten years?
What stategies/techniques do you or would you use for adult learners?
What steps are involved in determining the retention period for records?
What steps are involved in making a decision?
What steps can a supervisor take to improve the capabilities of staff?
What steps can be taken to insure quality in any operation?
What steps can you take to establish a "customer first" attitude in the organization?
What steps can you take to insure a successful presentation?
What steps can you take to reduce the number of accidents in an organization?
What steps do you take to handle reporters effectively?
What steps do you take when analyzing complex problems?
What steps have you taken in the past two years to improve your qualifications?
What steps have you taken to improve your job skills?
What steps would you take before approving an invoice for payment?
What steps would you undertake to promote diverity (at the college) (in your department) (at your work site) (in your classroom)?
What strategies and techniques would you use to instruct a student whom you did not particularly care for?
What supervisory talens do you need in order to manage an independent work environment?
What techniques do you use when faced with a hostile audience?
What techniques/assessments do you or would you use to let students know how they're doing in your class?
What telephone techniques are important when serving as a receptionist?
What three keywords would your peers use to describe you?
What tools or methods do you use to keep people interested during a meeting?
What topics would you include in a supervisory development training program?
What training have you received that qualifies you for this job?
What training opportunities have you taken advantage of and why?
What traits do you most (and least) like to see in your supervisor?
What two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction? Why?
What two or three things are most important to you in your job?
What type of decisions do you make in your current position?
What type of people do you work best with?
What types of records would be considered as vital records for an organization?
What types of records would be ideal candidates for optical imaging?
What types of tasks can be delegated?
What types of tasks cannot be delegated?
What types of things motivate you to succeed?
What were the qualities of the best boss you ever had? How about the worst? What made them difficult or easy to work for?
What were your three greatest accomplishments on your last job?
What would your boss say about you - both positive and negative?
What would your co-workers say about you - both positive and negative?
What would your last boss say about your work performance?
What would your subordinates say about - both positive and negative?
What’s more important to you -- the work itself or how much you’re paid for doing it.
What’s the most recent book you’ve read?
What's one of the hardest decisions you've ever had to make?
When writing an executive report, how should the text be structured for effective communication?
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
Where do you want to be 5 years from now in your career?
Which accounting systems are you familiar with?
Which aspect of supervision did you feel the least comfortable with?
Which aspect of supervision did you feel the most comfortable with?
Which audiovisual aids have you found to be the most effective and why?
Which is more important: creativity or efficiency? Why?
Why are policies important to an organization?
Why are procedures necessary in an organization?
Why are procedures necessary in an organization?
Why are you interested in working at Chemeketa Community College in this position?
Why did you choose this career?
Why did you choose to attend the college that you are attending?
Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?
Why did you leave your last job?
Why did you make a career change?
Why do you think you might like to live in the community in which our company is located?
Why do you want to come to work with us?
Why do you want to leave your current job?
Why do you want to leave your current position?
Why is feedback important?
Why is it that the direct salary paid to an employee does not represent the total cost of the employee to the organization?
Why should I hire you?
Why should internal support services be outsourced?
Why should we hire you rather than some other qualified person?
You are given a new assignment, but not given any instructions. How would you go about completing your assignment?
You are given a number of assignments. How will you prioritize the assignments?
You are sitting next to a coworker who is consistently rude to others over the telephone. You realize that no one is aware of this. How would you handle this situation?
You been asked to prepare a training class for completing expense statements.  What points will you emphasize to insure accurate expense statements are submitted?
You have an exemplary employee who suddenly starts coming in late. How will you handle this situation?
You have been asked to address a citizens group regarding a particularly sensitive environmental issue. What steps will you take to ensure your success?
You have been asked to determine if a piece of equipment is on warranty. The only information you have is the serial number and the name of the company from which the equipment was purchased. From what sources could you determine if the equipment is on warranty?
You have been asked to develop a training program. What steps will you take in developing the training program?
You have been asked to develop the training budget. How will you develop the training budget?
You have been asked to provide your organization with guidelines on reengineering or simplifying business processes. What guidelines will you recommend?
You have been asked to recommend some criteria for reducing the budget. What criteria will you recommend for reducing the budget?
You have been asked to reduce the information technology budget. How will you do this?
You have been asked to reduce the staff for your organization by 10%. How will you go about this?
You have been asked to reduce the training budget. How would you determine the reductions?
You have been asked to schedule and conduct a meeting with a vendor to discuss contract issues. What steps will you take to insure that the meeting is successful?
You have one slot available for a personal computer training class. There are two people who have asked to be scheduled. Which factors will you consider in deciding which one of the two people will be scheduled?
You notice that an employee is continually on the telephone for personal telephone calls. What steps will you take?
You receive three test papers from students with similar answers. What do you do?
You smell alcohol on an employee. What will you do?
You supervise a group of civilian employees. Your employees appear to be at odds with the uniformed personnel. What steps can you take to improve the teamwork between civilian and uniformed personnel?
You supervise a group of employees, one employee complains that the office is too hot, another employee complains that the office is too cold. How will you handle this?
You work on a field crew using heavy equipment.   After lunch you notice the smell of alcohol on your co-worker's breath.  How will you handle this situation?
You’ve been asked to prepare a bill for services. What information should be included in the bill?
You’ve been given the assignment of evaluating a safety program. How will you go about your evaluation?
You’ve just appointed a new supervisor for your best section. The section has nearly perfect attendance and consistently produces the most work with the fewest mistakes. The supervisor states that work takes priority and that only essential conversations should take place. What will you do?
You’ve noticed that the quality and timeliness of work is beginning to slip in one of your sections. What actions, if any, will you take with the subordinate supervisor in charge of this section?
You’ve prepared a report for the county supervisors. All facts have been documented, checked, and double-checked. However, one of the supervisors states that the report is wrong and demands that the report be corrected. What is your response to the supervisor?
Your assignment is to assist the line organization to prepare the budget.  A number of the line supervisors are new.  What steps will you take to introduce the line supervisors to the process?
Your assignment is to make a process more efficient and cost effective. What methods might you use?
Your assignment is to present a technical presentation to lay people. What steps can you take to insure that your presentation is easily understood?
Your co-worker continually comes over to your desk to complain about management. Your supervisor seems to be paying particular attention to the two of you. How will you handle this situation?
Your co-worker is consistently unconcerned with issues at work. You and your co-worker have a joint assignment, but the co-worker just shrugs you off. What steps will you take?
Your employee complains that an employee from another group has been coming over and disrupting work. How will you handle this complaint?
Your employee operating a piece of heavy equipment appears to be under the influence. What action will you take?
Your expenditures for office supplies have increased by 50% over the past two years. What steps will you take to control and reduce expenditures?
Your expenditures for office supplies have increased by 50% over the past two years. What steps will you take to determine the reason for the increase?
Your last employer was
Your new assignment is to establish a working area for one professional and two clerical employees. What would you consider in laying out the work area?
Your organization does not have a dress code. However, one of your employees continues to come to work in inappropriate attire. How will you handle this situation?
Your section supervisor has given you a rush assignment. The assignment is in conflict with an assignment that was given to you by the section supervisor's boss. How will you handle these assignments?
Your steps should include listening to the customer, letting the customer vent, identifying the problem, trying to solve the problem, and following-up with the customer.
Your subordinate supervisor has implemented a policy that contradicts a policy that you issued for all your sections. How will you resolve this contradiction in policies?
Your supervisor is on the telephone. An outside organization calls and when you inform your supervisor, he simply says "Handle it". What will you do?
You've been told by a number of staff that one of your subordinate supervisors is documenting everything that you do.  What actions, if any, will you take?
You've initiated a major change in policy in your organization. One of your subordinate supervisors is resisting the change to the point where their resistance may influence other employees. What actions, if any, will you take?


Source :

Web site link:

Google key word : Job interview questions examples

Author : not indicated on the source document of the above text

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Job interview questions examples



Job Interview Questions


Job interviews are always stressful - even for job seekers who have gone on countless interviews. The best way to reduce the stress is to be prepared. Take the time to review the "standard" interview questions you will most likely be asked.


Then take the time to research the company. That way you'll be ready with knowledgeable answers for the job interview questions that specifically relate to the company you are interviewing with.


Interview Questions: Work History


    * Name of company, position title and description, dates of employment.

    * What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met?

    * What were your starting and final levels of compensation?

    * What were your responsibilities?

    * What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?

    * What did you like or dislike about your previous job?

    * Which was most / least rewarding?

    * What was the biggest accomplishment / failure in this position?

    * Questions about your supervisors and co-workers.

    * What was it like working for your supervisor?

    * What do you expect from a supervisor?

    * Who was your best boss and who was the worst?

    * Why are you leaving your job?

    * What have you been doing since your last job?

    * Why were you fired?


Job Interview Questions About You


    * What is your greatest weakness?

    * What is your greatest strength?

    * Describe a typical work week.

    * Do you take work home with you?

    * How many hours do you normally work?

    * How would you describe the pace at which you work?

    * How do you handle stress and pressure?

    * What motivates you?

    * What are your salary expectations?

    * What do you find are the most difficult decisions to make?

    * Tell me about yourself.

    * What has been the greatest disappointment in your life?

    * What are you passionate about? -

    * What are your pet peeves? -

    * What do people most often criticize about you?

    * When was the last time you were angry? What happened?

    * If you could relive the last 10 years of your life, what would you do differently?

    * If the people who know you were asked why you should be hired, what would they say?

    * Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?

    * Give some examples of teamwork.

    * What type of work environment do you prefer?

    * How do you evaluate success?

    * If you know your boss is 100% wrong about something how would you handle it?

    * Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it.

    * Describe a time when your workload was heavy and how you handled it.

    * More job interview questions about your abilities.

    * More job interview questions about you. 


Job Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company


    * What interests you about this job?

    * Why do you want this job?

    * What applicable attributes / experience do you have?

    * Are you overqualified for this job?

    * What can you do for this company?

    * Why should we hire you?

    * Why are you the best person for the job?

    * What do you know about this company?

    * Why do you want to work here?

    * What challenges are you looking for in a position?

    * What can you contribute to this company?

    * Are you willing to travel?

    * Is there anything I haven't told you about the job or company that you would like to know?


Interview Questions: The Future


    * What are you looking for in your next job? What is important to you?

    * What are your goals for the next five years / ten years?

    * How do you plan to achieve those goals?

    * What are your salary requirements - both short-term and long-term?

    * Questions about your career goals.

    * What will you do if you don't get this position?


Source :

Web site link:

Google key word : Job interview questions examples

Author : not indicated on the source document of the above text

If you are the author of the text above and you not agree to share your knowledge for teaching, research, scholarship (for fair use as indicated in the United States copyrigh low) please send us an e-mail and we will remove your text quickly.


Interview questions and sample answers


Job interview questions examples




Give me an example of an accomplishment you are proud of?


Tell me about an accomplishment that took longer to complete than expected?


What is your greatest achievement and why?


Tell me about a major accomplishment.


Give me an example of a time when you delivered more than what was expected.


What accomplishment is your greatest source of pride?


If you were hired today, what would you accomplish first?


Tell me about a time when you saved money for an employer.


What situations do your colleagues rely on you to handle?


Tell me about something that you accomplished that required discipline.

Analytical Skills

Are you analytical? Give me one example of your analytical abilitiy. 

Analytical Skills

Tell me about your analytical skills. 

Analytical Skills

Tell me about a problem that you analyzed and your recommendation. 

Analytical Skills

What steps do you take when analyzing complex problems? 

Analytical Skills

How would you rate your analytical ability?  And why? 

Analytical Skills

How would your manager rate your analytical ability? 

Analytical Skills

Tell me about a time when your analysis was incorrect. What would you have done differently?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What matters most to you?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What is it that makes you feel happy and fulfilled?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

How would you define success?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What is it that piques your curiosity and triggers your enthusiasm?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What energizes you?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What do you enjoy doing most?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What do you do well?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What is it that makes you feel proud and satisfied with yourself?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What are your long-term objectives?

Basic Introductory Interviewing Questions

What do you want from your career?

Career Aspirations

Why did you choose your field of Study?

Career Aspirations

What do you plan to accomplish in your field?

Career Aspirations

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Career Aspirations

If you go back in time, knowing what you know today, what would you do different about your career?

Career Aspirations

What are your long-term career plans?

Career Aspirations

What new challenges do you enjoy?

Career Aspirations

What achievements have eluded you?

Career Goals

Where do you want to be 5 years from now? 

Career Goals

What are your long term career goals? 

Career Goals

What prompted you to take jobs in the past? 

Career Goals

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? 

Career Goals

Why did you make a career change? 

Career Goals

Five years ago, where did you see yourself today? 

Career Goals

What is your career goal?

Communications General 

How do you effectively communicate with others? 

Communications General 

How important is listening to effective communications? 

Communications General 

What are some of the characteristics of a good listener? 

Communications General 

Tell me about a situation where you demonstrated good communications skills. 

Communications General 

Tell me a situation where you demonstrated poor communications skills. 

Communications General 

How would you rate your communications skills? 

Communications General 

What are some rules to follow to insure effective communications with your coworkers? 

Communications General 

What are some effective means of communication in the workplace? 

Communications General 

How would your co-workers rate your communications skills? 

Communications General 

In what instances, is written communication better than verbal communication? 

Communications General 

What guidelines should you follow to communicate effectively with a supervisor? 

Communications General 

What are the reasons for communicating upwards to your superiors? 

Communications General 

How would your supervisor rate your communications skills?

Communications General 

Tell me a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence that you have in yourself. 

Communications General 

Tell me about a situation that would demonstrate the level of confidence your manager has in you. 

Communications General 

Tell me about a situation that would show the confidence your coworkers have in you. 


What are the most rewarding aspects of a job?


What aspects of a job do you feel most comfortable about?


What is your most productive work setting?


Do you prefer routine or frequent changes in your daily work?


Tell me about your relationship with previous bosses.


Give me an example of an issue that you had to address and your resolution of that issue.


Tell me about a time when your first solution did not resolve an issue.  What did you do?


Walk me through your process of solving an issue or problem.


Tell me about one of your most creative moments, personal or professional?


What books do you keep on your desk?


What is the most creative project that you have ever worked on?


Describe a time when you've creatively overcome an obstacle?


Why do you think some companies with good products fail?


How resourceful are you?


Describe your initiative.


Give me one example of your creativity. 


Describe a situation where you came up with a creative solution to a problem. 

Customer Service

What are the steps involved in successfully handling an irate customer? 

Customer Service

What does good customer service involve? 

Customer Service

Tell me how you handled a dissatisfied customer in the past. 

Customer Service

Tell me about your experience dealing with the public. 

Customer Service

A salesperson comes to talk to your boss without an appointment. How will you handle the salesperson? 

Customer Service

What do you think your customers would say about your work? 

Customer Service

Give me an example of a situation you handled that exemplified superior customer service. 

Customer Service

Tell me a situation in which you dealt with a customer and what you would have done differently. 

Customer Service

How would you handle a customer who used abusive language? 

Customer Service

Name some of the criteria essential to establishing effective service standards. 

Customer Service

What are some of the ways to measure customer or user satisfaction? 

Customer Service

What steps can you take to establish a "customer first" attitude in the organization? 

Customer Service

In what ways can an organization transfer a "customer first" attitude to the Internet? 

Customer Service

Tell me about the customer service training programs that you have implemented. 

Customer Service

In what manner can business processes reinforce customer service training?

Decision Making

What kind of decisions do you make in your current position? 

Decision Making

What decisions are the easiest for you to make and which ones are the most difficult?

Decision Making

What steps are involved in making a decision? 

Decision Making

What items of information do you typically need before you make a decision? 

Decision Making

Give me an example of your ability to make decisions under pressure. 

Decision Making

Tell me about the worst decision you've made on the job. 

Decision Making

Tell me about the best decision you've made on the job. 

Decision Making

How would you rate a job that would constantly require you to make decisions?

Diligence and Professionalism

Give me an example of a time when the situation became very difficult, and how did you handle it?

Diligence and Professionalism

Tell me about a time you became angry with someone or a situation.  How did you express your anger?

Diligence and Professionalism

If someone informed you, that you were not acting very professional, what would that mean to you?

Diligence and Professionalism

Describe what Professionalism means to you.

Diligence and Professionalism

Give an example of how you saw a project through, despite obstacles.

Diligence and Professionalism

Give an example of your determination.

Diligence and Professionalism

Give an example of your diligence or perseverance.

Diligence and Professionalism

Describe a time when you tackled a tough or unpopular assignment.

Diligence and Professionalism

Give an example of how you went the extra mile.

Diligence and Professionalism

Are you concept oriented or task oriented?

Diligence and Professionalism

How do you manage stress in your daily work?

Diligence and Professionalism

How do you regroup when things haven’t gone as planned?

Diligence and Professionalism

How do you prioritize your workload?

Diligence and Professionalism

Describe a professional skill that you have developed in your most recent job?

Diligence and Professionalism

Why is service such an important issue?

Diligence and Professionalism

How would you handle an irate customer?

Diligence and Professionalism

When have your skills of diplomacy been put to the test?

Diligence and Professionalism

How do you manage your work week and make realistic deadlines?


What steps can you take to establish a customer-first attitude in an organization?


How does your education qualify you for your ideal job? 


Why did you choose the college that you are attending? 


What aspect of your education applies to your ideal position? 


What training have you received that qualifies you for your ideal job? 


What have you done outside of formal education to improve yourself? 


What training opportunities have you taken advantage of and why?

General Industry

Why do you want to work in your industry?

General Industry

Why would you be good at this particular business?

General Industry

How do you stay current with your interests?

General Industry

Why do you think you will be interested in your industry for a long time?

General Industry

Where do you want to be in five years?

Graduate & Professional Studies

Tell me about yourself.

Graduate & Professional Studies

What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

What are your plans if you’re not accepted to graduate school? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

What do you think your greatest challenges will be if you are accepted to this program? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

In what ways do you think your previous experiences and coursework has prepared you for succeeding in our program?

Graduate & Professional Studies

What courses have you enjoyed the most? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

How would your professors describe you? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

Why have you chosen to apply to our program? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

Explain a situation in which you had a conflict and how did you resolved it?

Graduate & Professional Studies

Describe a group project you’ve worked on and what role in it?

Graduate & Professional Studies

What are your career goals? And how will our program help you with them?

Graduate & Professional Studies

How will you manage your time if you are accepted into the program?

Graduate & Professional Studies

What can you offer our program that other applicants cannot? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

How do you motivate yourself? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

Tell me about your last job experience.  What was a challenge? And what was a contribution that you made? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

Do you consider yourself well-rounded and why?

Graduate & Professional Studies

What was your most rewarding college experience?

Graduate & Professional Studies

How do you deal with stress? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

Give me an example of a time you went above and beyond to get a job done. 

Graduate & Professional Studies

Give me examples of tasks and projects you started on your own.

Graduate & Professional Studies

How would you define "success" for someone in your chosen field? 

Graduate & Professional Studies

Describe a situation where you were able to have a positive influence on others.

Graduate & Professional Studies

Give an example of your ability to motivate your co-workers or classmates. 

Graduate & Professional Studies

What kind of decisions do you make rapidly? And give examples. 

Graduate & Professional Studies

What was your most difficult decision in the last six months? What made it difficult?

Graduate & Professional Studies

Describe the most significant written document, report or presentation that you have completed. 

Graduate & Professional Studies

Tell me about a situation where you had to speak up or be assertive in order to get a point across.

Graduate & Professional Studies

Describe a recent unpopular decision you made and the result of it


Provide me with an example of your ability to work independently. 

Interpersonal Skills

What do you think your supervisor would say about your work? 

Interpersonal Skills

What do you think your coworkers would say about your work? 

Interpersonal Skills

What would your boss say about you - both positive and negative? 

Interpersonal Skills

What would your co-workers say about you - both positive and negative? 

Interpersonal Skills

What three words would your peers use to describe you? 

Interpersonal Skills

What one thing would your boss say is your greatest problem? 

Interpersonal Skills

Describe a situation in which your work was criticized? 

Interpersonal Skills

How would your subordinates describe you? 

Interpersonal Skills

Tell me about the last time you lost your temper? 

Interpersonal Skills

What situations make you lose your temper? 

Interpersonal Skills

Tell me about the worst supervisor you’ve worked under. 

Interpersonal Skills

Tell me about the best supervisor you’ve worked under. 

Interpersonal Skills

Tell me about a confrontation you've had with a coworker. 

Interpersonal Skills

How do you maintain an effective working relationship with your coworkers? 

Interpersonal Skills

How would your best friend describe you? 

Interpersonal Skills

How would your worst enemy describe you?

Interview Closing

Is there anything else? 

Interview Closing

Is there anything you would like to add? 

Interview Closing

Do you have any closing comments?


In instances where you are required to assert yourself, what do you do to assert yourself effectively? 


Tell me about your morals and integrity. 


Describe for me your ethics. 


Relate to me a confrontation you had with your supervisor.  Who was wrong and why? 


Relate to me the last time you dealt with an unethical question on the job and how you handled the situation. 


What did you do the last time you were asked to submit a report that due to time and resource constraints, compromised quality? 


Tell me about a time that would exemplify your integrity. 


Tell me about a sensitive political situation that you were in and how you handled the situation. 


Tell me a situation where you made a mistake. How did you handle that mistake and what was the resolution? 


Under what circumstances should you bypass your supervisor and go to your supervisor’s supervisor? 


Give me a situation that demonstrates your ability to exercise good judgment.


Are Leaders born or made?  And why?


In your opinion, what are the characteristics of a strong leader?


Tell me about a time when you were in a leadership position?


Think about someone you know who is a good leader, what did they do to demonstrate their leadership abilities?


Describe the characteristics of someone who is not a good leader?


Describe the difference between Leaders and Managers?


Describe a time when you had to alter your leadership style?


Tell me about a good process that you have made even better.


Tell me about a time when you have persuaded others to adopt your ideas.


How would you describe your leadership style?


Describe the situations in which you are most comfortable as a leader.


Describe your comfort level while working with people of higher rank.


Define leadership? 


What personal qualities should a leader have? 


What is your strongest leadership skill and how will it assist you for this job? 


Provide us with an example of your leadership ability. 


Discuss the different styles of leadership. 


Name some of the circumstances under which a leader will fail. 


What is the importance of leadership in the organization? 


What role does leadership play for a supervisor or manager? 


What have you done to develop your leadership skills? 


What is the difference between a leader and a manager? 


Tell us about a situation in which you've demonstrated your leadership ability.

Management Style

What type of management style do you think is effective?

Management Style

Describe your personal management style.

Management Style

How do you organize and plan for major projects?

Management Style

Describe a time when you have worked under intense pressure.

Management Style

How do you manage your time on a typical day?

Management Style

How do you manage your time on a typical day?

Management Style

Describe a time when you acted on someone’s suggestion.

Management Style

What aspect of your management style would you like to change?

Management Style

Tell me about a learning experience that affected your management style.

Management Style

Who is your role model and why?

Management Style

What personal characteristics add to your effectiveness?

Management Style

Describe your management style.

Management Style

Think of someone you enjoyed working for.  Describe that person’s management style?

Management Style

What characteristics do good managers possess?

Management Style

What management style do you enjoy working for?  And why?

Management Style

How do you manage your day so that you accomplish the important, or the have-to items?

Management Style

Tell me how you managed your day Yesterday?

Medical School Interview Questions

Why do you want to be a doctor? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What do you do in your spare time? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What are your specific goals in medicine? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What initially stimulated your interest in medicine? 

Medical School Interview Questions

How do you feel about HMO’s and the changes that are taking place in medicine? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What medical schools have you applied to? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What do you intend to gain from a medical education? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What do you think about euthanasia? 

Medical School Interview Questions

Why do you think so many people want to be doctors? 

Medical School Interview Questions

Do you think a physician should tell someone that he/she has eight months to live? 

Medical School Interview Questions

There are a thousand applicants that are as qualified as you. Why should we choose you? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What steps have you taken to acquaint yourself with what a physician does? 

Medical School Interview Questions

How would your plans differ if you knew that all physicians were going to be working in HMO’s in the future? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What do you think is the most pressing issue in health care today? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What will you do if you don’t get accepted to medical school? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What is your relationship with your family? 

Medical School Interview Questions

How do you think your role as a physician fits in with your role as a member of the community? 

Medical School Interview Questions

Describe your personality. 

Medical School Interview Questions

What do you have to offer our school? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What do you see yourself doing in health care 10 to15 years from now? 

Medical School Interview Questions

Would you practice in the inner city? 

Medical School Interview Questions

How do you think your experience would differ from working in the inner city as opposed to working in the suburbs?

Medical School Interview Questions

What aspects of your life make you a good candidate for medical school? 

Medical School Interview Questions

How would your best friend describe you?

Medical School Interview Questions

How do you plan to finance your medical school education? 

Medical School Interview Questions

What is the last book you read for pleasure?  And tell me a little bit about it.


What motivates you?


What was your last job and why did you take it?


Tell me about a time you did not succeed and how you over came it.


Why do you want work for us?


Tell me something about yourself that I wouldn’t know from reading your resume?


What particular aspects of a company interest you the most?


What do you want out of your next job?


What is your dream job?


What new skills or ideas do you bring to a job that another candidate may not be able to offer?


What would you like to accomplish that you were not able to accomplish in your last job?


Why should a company hire you over other qualified applicants?


How have your career motivations changed over the last couple years?


Give me an example of your ability to be a self-starter. 


How do you motivate yourself to complete unpleasant assignments?

Personal Interests

What was the last book or article you read for pleasure?

Personal Interests

If you had unlimited leisure time, how would you spend it?

Personal Interests

If you were financially independent what would you do with your life?

Personal Interests

Tell me about an interest you outgrew?  What was it?  And why do you think you outgrew it?

Personal Interests

Describe your ideal career?

Personal Interests

How is your personality reflected in the kinds of activities you enjoy?

Personal Interests

Describe how a sport or hobby taught you a lesson in discipline.

Personal Interests

Describe a movie you’ve seen that really inspired you.


What would your friends tell me about you?


Describe your personality behind the professional image.


What situations excite and motivate you?


How would you describe your work habits and ethics?


Tell me what you learned from a recent book?


Tell me about a work group you really enjoyed.


Are you most productive working alone or in a group?


Tell me about a situation where it was difficult to remain objective.

Planning and Strategy

How do you plan your work? 

Planning and Strategy

What is the importance of planning your work? 

Planning and Strategy

What are the elements included in strategic planning? 

Planning and Strategy

What are the steps involved in developing goals and objectives? 

Planning and Strategy

What is the relationship between goals and planning?


What experience have you had in pressure situations? 


Tell mr about a pressure situation you were in that would demonstrate your ability to work under pressure. 


Provide me with an example of how you asserted yourself in an emergency situation? 


What does it take to get under your skin? 


What are some constructive methods of dealing with stress? 


Why are manhole covers round? 

Problem Solving

Tell me about a recent problem you encountered and how you came to the solution.

Problem Solving

Give me with an example of an unpleasant situation and tell me the issue that caused that unpleasant situation.

Problem Solving

Give me example of a situation that was brought to your attention.  What did you do?

Problem Solving

Walk me through your information and fact gathering methodology.

Problem Solving

How have your technical skills been an asset?

Problem Solving

How do you usually go about solving a problem?

Problem Solving

How do you measure the success of your work?

Problem Solving

How do you balance your reliance on facts versus intuition?

Problem Solving

Describe a time when you found it necessary to make an unpopular decision.

Problem Solving

When do you have difficulty making decisions?

Problem Solving

Provide mr with an example of your problem-solving ability. 

Problem Solving

What are the essential elements of effective problem solving? 

Problem Solving

Tell me about a situation in which you were required to analyze and solve a complex problem. 

Problem Solving

What are the benefits of collaborative problem solving?


Briefly describe the most significant responsibility you have had in your career and what it taught you? 


How do you handle responsibility? 


How do you deal with risk on the job? 


Name the greatest risk you've taken? 


Name the greatest risk you've taken which resulted in failure.

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

Tell me about yourself.

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What or who influenced you to become a teacher? 

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How have your past experiences prepared you for teaching?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

Why do you want to teach?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What do you like most about working with young people?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What do you enjoy least about working with young people?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

Tell me about your student teaching/internship experiences.

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What kind of problems did you have and how did you resolve them?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What classroom management techniques do you use?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you handle discipline problems?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How would you handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you keep a student on task?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What do you feel are the most important things students learn in your classroom?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

Describe an ideal classroom.

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

Describe how you conduct a lesson.

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

Define cooperative learning and give an example of how you have used it.

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you individualize your teaching?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you handle the different ability levels of students?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you work with students who perform below grade level?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you personally feel students learn?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you reinforce major ideas or concepts that you want students to learn?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you involve parents in the learning process?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What is your philosophy on teaching?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What attributes are common to good teaching?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you think your students would describe you?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What kind of learning environment do you try to create?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you reinforce self-esteem in students?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

Describe your ability to listen and be responsive. 

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you make students feel at ease around you, while still respecting you?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

How do you show your students that you understand them and their frustrations?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What is the toughest aspect of teaching today?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What is the most exciting initiative happening in your area of teaching today?

Sample Interview Questions for Teachers

What do you want to accomplish in your profession?

Skills and Experience

What are your key skills?

Skills and Experience

What are your strengths?

Skills and Experience

What skills would you like to further develop in the future?

Skills and Experience

How do you explain your job success?

Skills and Experience

Compared with others with a similar background in your field, how would you rate yourself?

Skills and Experience

How good are your writing abilities?

Skills and Experience

What computer systems and software do you know?

Strengths and Weaknesses

Why should we hire you? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What are your three greatest strengths? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What can you contribute to our organization? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

Assume you are a candidate in the upcoming general election.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Tell me why you are the best candidate in the field. 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What is your greatest strength? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What sets you apart from the others? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What are your strengths? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What are your strong points and how have they helped you to succeed? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What is your greatest weakness? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What are your weaknesses? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What are your weak points and how have you overcome them? 

Strengths and Weaknesses

What about yourself would you want to improve 

Strengths and Weaknesses

In which area do you need to make the improvement?


Tell me about a team project you worked on.  And hat was your role?


If I were to ask your team members to give me feedback about your deliverables what would they say?


While working on a team project, what did you learn about teamwork?


Tell me about a team project that didn't go well.  What happened?  And tell me why it didn't go well?


What are the characteristics of a successful team? 


Tell me about a successful team of which you were a member.


What are the important qualities a person should have in order to become an effective team member? 


What qualities do you have that make you an effective team player? 


Do you work better by yourself or as part of a team? 


What can you contribute to establish a positive work environment for a team? 


What type of people do you work best with?

Working Effectively With Others

Tell me about your inter-personal skills. 

Working Effectively With Others

How do you deal with conflict? 

Working Effectively With Others

In what kinds of situations do you find it difficult to deal with people? 

Working Effectively With Others

What has been your experience in working with community organizations? 

Working Effectively With Others

Tell me about your experience in working with volunteers. 

Working Effectively With Others

Tell me about your experience in dealing with a variety of different people. 

Working Effectively With Others

How do you handle difficult people?


Tell me about the passion in your life as it relates to your work. 


What aspects of your work do you get the most excited about? 


What are your most outstanding qualities? 


If you were to start your own company, what would that company do? 


Tell me about the last book that you read. 


If you were a cucumber in a salad and someone was about to eat you, what would you do? 


What are your worst qualities? 


What is your favorite color and what does it reflect in your personality? 


Rate yourself from one to ten on your work ethic with ten being best. 


Describe yourself.


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Interview questions and sample answers


Job interview questions examples





Tell me about yourself.


Why did you pick your college?


Why did you pick your major?


Why do you want to work in this industry?


Why do you want to work at this company?



How did you hear about this job?


Whom in this company do you know?


To whom in our firm have you spoken?


What do you know about our firm?


What is your impression of this company?


Are we your top choice?


Why do you want to work for us and not for our competitor?


What do you tell our competitors in interviews?  Why do you want to work for them?


What type of research did you do for this interview?


Qualifications / Interest

Why should we hire you?


What contribution can you make to our company?


What can you do for us that someone else cannot? 


If you were tested on your overall abilities, what letter grade would you receive?


Do you believe we can pay you what you are worth?


Are you analytical?


Are you creative?


Why are you special?


Would you rather write a report or give a verbal report? Why?


What might make you leave this job?


Highlight the one thing on your resume that separates you from everyone else on campus.


Discuss one thing about yourself that isn’t on your resume.


What can you tell us about yourself that will help us market you to our customers?


You have answered everything perfectly.  What is wrong with you?


How can you prove you can work 120 hours a week?


Let's pretend that the first 25 minutes of the interview have passed. What were you planning to tell me in the last 5 minutes?


Do you really believe we are going to hire you?


Why should we hire an outsider when we could fill the job with someone inside our firm?


Where do you see growth in our industry?


How does our firm compare to our competitors?


Where else have you applied?  Interviewed?  Offers?





What was the best part of your college experience? What was the worst part of your college experience?


What college subject did you like best? Least?


If you could relieve your college experience, what would you do differently?


Do you want to go to grad school?


Do you think that your grades are a good indication of your academic achievement?  


Do you think that your grades are a good indication of your abilities?  


What is your grade point average (GPA)? How do you feel about this?


What is your SAT score? GMAT? Is this reflective of your intelligence?


Why don’t you have a 4.0 GPA?  Why shouldn’t we hire someone with a better GPA?


Which classes did you like the most? Least?


What course gave you the most difficulty?


Discuss a project or assignment that represented a significant challenge.


What is one thing that you would change about your school?  How would you change it?


How much of your education did you earn?




Career Objectives

Where do you see yourself in five years?  Ten years?


Where do you think employment with this company will take you five years from now?


What is your long-term employment or career objective?


Do you want your boss’ job?


What two or three things are most important to you in your job? 


If you couldn’t pursue a job in ___ industry, what would you be doing?


If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?


Who or what in your life influenced you most with your career objectives?


What will your obituary say?


Who would you rather be: The President of the United States, the CEO of a Fortune 500 company or an Internet entrepreneur?



What do you think is the most important/difficult ethical dilemma facing corporations today?


Discuss a situation where you were faced with an ethical dilemma.


Discuss a professional situation in the past six month where you were faced with an ethical dilemma.





What is your greatest strength?  


What is your biggest weakness?  Name another one.


How would you describe yourself?


How have you changed since starting college?


How would a friend or co-worker describe you?


What would your arch nemesis say about you?


Describe yourself in 3 adjectives.


What are three words your friends would use to describe you?


What are three negative words your friends and co-workers would use to describe you?


What is the biggest misperception people have about you?


What makes you tick?


Who in the world do you most admire?


Name someone other than a relative who is your hero.


What motivates you to get up in the morning?


How do you define success?


How would the world be different if you were never born?


Which one of the following mutually exclusive ideals would you prefer to have: peace on earth; infinite personal wealth; or complete contentedness.



If you had to be one of the following, which would you be: a lemming, a sloth or an earthworm?


Interests / Hobbies

What types of books/magazines/newspapers do you read?


What was the last good book you read?


What is your favorite book?


If you were stuck on a desert island and only had three books (magazines, albums, etc.), which ones would you take?


If you could hold a dinner with any three people, alive or dead, whom would you invite?



Describe the extra-curricular activities in which you participate and why you joined.


What have you learned from extra-curricular activities?


What do you like to do in your spare time?


Are you a leader?


How do you get people to do things they don't like to do?


“The Dating Game”

What is your favorite activity outside of work?


What are your favorite hobbies/interests?


What is your favorite book? Movie? Television show?


What is your favorite restaurant? Bar?


If you could be a fruit, what type of fruit would you be?


If you were a car, what type of car would you be?




Leadership / Initiative

What is your biggest accomplishment?


What was the biggest disappointment in your life?


Describe your most significant success & failure in the last two years.


What is the biggest risk that you ever taken?


Discuss a significant leadership role you played.


Who is your role model? (Not someone from your family)


Do you prefer a structured or unstructured enviornment?


When you have been told, or discovered for yourself, a problem in your job performance, what have you typically done?


What was the last presentation you made before a small group?  Large group?


What was the most difficult decision you ever made?


What was your most difficult decision in the last six months?


The last time you did not know what decision to make, what did you do?


What have you learned from your mistakes?


Talk about a project that you worked on from start to finish.


Discuss a poor decision you made and how your corrected it.


What in your last review did your supervisor suggest needed improvement?


What tricks have you learned to make school and/or work easier?  How did you learn them?


Give an example of an important goal that you set for yourself in the past and your success in reaching it.


Do you consider yourself to be thoughtful, analytical or do you usually make up your mind fast?


Discuss a project you initiated, the challenges you faced, and how you overcame them.


Describe a time when you best demonstrated your analytical thinking skills.


Discuss a problem you’ve had and how you dealt with it creatively.


Describe an instance in which you had to think quickly to extricate yourself from a difficult situation.


Describe a specific instance where you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree.


Which shoe do you put on first?


Time Management

How do you work under pressure?


How do you manage your time when you have multiple projects due?


When meeting your friends, are you usually early, prompt or late?


Describe a situation when you were faced with a dead line that you couldn't meet. How did you handle it?


If you are given multiple projects and expect to be unable to complete all of them by their respective deadlines, what do you do?


Describe a situation when you had to learn a large amount of material quickly.


How can you avoid a small problem before it becomes a big one?


Teamwork / Compatibility

Do you prefer working alone or in groups?


What role do you usually take in a team?


Discuss one bad experience you had working on a group project.


Who was the most difficult person you’ve ever dealt with?  How did you handle working with him/her?


Discuss a time when your work was criticized.  Was it a fair criticism?


How do you feel you work without direct supervision? Are you prepared to work without supervision?


What are some things you would like to avoid in a job? Why?


What were some of the things about your last job that you found most difficult to do?


Describe a good boss with whom you’ve worked.  Describe a poor boss.  


What do you think about business travel?


How much traveling would be ideal in a job?



Case Interviews

Brain Teaser

What is the most complicated thing in the world?


How would you find a book in a library that has been incorrectly shelved?


Why is a manhole cover round?


Use 12 equal sided sticks to construct 6 equal size squares? 


Why are tennis balls fuzzy?


How many ways can you measure the height of a building with a ruler?


You have eight balls, one of which is heavier than the others. All the balls appear identical. You have a balance-type scale, and you can perform trials on the balls. What is the minimum number


of trials required to determine which is the heaviest ball?


You are a branch manager for a commercial bank.  You have four tellers working each shift.  Would you have a line for each teller or would you have one line for all four tellers?  Why?



Tell me a story.


Market Size

How many ATMs are there in Manhattan?


How much paint does it take to paint United Airlines' fleet?


What is the annual demand for plastic sporks in the world?


How much money does the Waldorf Astoria Hotel make each year?


How many green automobiles are there in the United States?


How many times would the population of India circle the globe if they held hands?


Estimate the size of the _____ industry.


How many [product] will be sold in the U.S. this year?


What is the market size for [product] in the U.S.?


Discuss the economics of [industry].


Estimate the total value of all the personal items on a shuttle flight that arrived at Laguardia airport at 8:30 am this morning from Boston given that the plane was approximately 2/3 full.



Where would you put a gas station if there were none in New Jersey?



Subject Matter


What is the difference between an asset and a liability?


What is the difference between paid-in capital and retained earnings?


How does depreciation effect cash flow?  EPS?


Name any five ways to manipulate EPS through accounting


If it was possible to have a company with all debt or all equity on the right side of the balance sheet, which would you choose and why?



If you could only choose one financial statement, which one would provide the most descriptive and relevant information of a business? 



Describe the effect on all aspects of financial statements of an error in a model that makes depreciation too high/too low.


Flow depreciation through all accounting statements.


What is pushdown accounting?


What is the difference between purchase and pooling?


What is deferred tax?


Current Events

What is the most important story in the news today?


Which news event of the past six months will have the biggest impact on [industry]?


Discuss one story on the cover of today’s Wall Street Journal.


What is your feeling about [current event]?



Who has the most influence over the economy – The President of the United States, Congress or the Federal Reserve?  


How does the Federal Reserve manage the economy?  


What is the difference between the Fed funds rate and thediscount rate?


What is the FDIC?


How does a bank make money?


Which is more Fed power is more important – control the overnight bank rate or restriction of the money supply?


What will be the impact of the recent interest rate cut/raise by the Federal Reserve on the _____ industry?


What is the relationship between the forward and spot interest rate?


Can interest rates ever be negative?


What is the size of the U.S. GDP?  Trade deficit?  Budget deficit?


Discuss the yield curve.  When does it slope upward?  Downward?


What is a credit crunch?



What is equity?


How do you calculate a weighted average cost of capital (WACC)?


What is beta?


What is the maximum risk in shorting a stock?


How do you stay on top of the market?


Do you personally invest in the stock market?  Which stocks do you own?


What is your favorite stock to own?  


Which stocks should I buy?  Which should I short?


How/where would you invest $100,000? $1 million? $10 million?


Who monitors the stock markets?


What is the level of the Dow/S&P/NASDAQ as of yesterday’s close?


What would cause a stock to be volatile in the short term?


What is the risk of investing in bonds?


What is the difference between subordinated debt and senior debt?


What does zero-coupon mean?  PIK?


What is a junk bond?


Which is the most liquid debt market in the world?


What is the current yield on a 5-year treasury?  30-year?


What is a flight to quality?  Where do such investors go?  Why does it happen?


What is Black-Scholes?  When would you use it?


What is an option?  Describe how an option works.


When would you use derivatives?


How many basis points do corporate bonds trade off of treasuries?


If the duration on a bond is 7.5 and the change in the yield is 1% what is the change in price?


What is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM)?


What is the purpose of a discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis?  How can you manipulate a DCF?


How do capital expenditures effect a DCF valuation?


Are NOL's important in valuing a company?  


Describe how you would value a public/private company in ______ industry.


Why might a technology company be more highly valued in the market than a steel company?


Calculate enterprise value and discuss how minority interest is included in enterprise value.


What will be the effect of the merger of [company 1 and company 2] on [industry]?


You are advising a CFO in the ______ industry.  How would you determine whether his/her company has the best capital structure?



Would you prefer $1 million today or one penny today, two pennies tomorrow and a continued


doubling of pennies from the day prior for thirty days?


Discuss compound interest.  Which is better: 10% annually or semiannually?  Is 8% semiannually better than 10% annually?


Which is a better investment:  a U.S. treasury bond with a 5% return, a share of common stock in IBM with a predicted 10% return, or a share of common stock in Telefonica (the mexican equivalent to AT&T) with a predicted return of 15%?



Discuss a recent Investment Banking transaction in the papers recently.  What was the strategic rationale of the transaction?


Information Technology

Define client/server.


How would you implement controls into a process?


What type of information should be on a report to monitor a process?


Discuss the types of programming you have done for work.  For school.  For fun.


Discuss your experience in:  Back-end programming;  Database administration; Webpage design.



What is the square root of two times the square root of two?


What is three and a third minus two and a half?


What is thirty seven percent of four hundred sixty two? How did you figure that out?


Convert five sixteenths into a decimal.


You have 1024 elements and you are using a binary search algorithm. What is the maximum number of tries it will take to find an element using the algorithm stated?



What is the probability of getting 3 heads if you toss a coin 4 times?



What are the four P’s?


What are the three C’s?


Sell me my pen.


Sell me a [product].


How would you market [product] in [city/country]?


How would you sell ice cubes to an Eskimo?


If you were to introduce a new product into a new market, what are some of the factors you would first study?


You need more shelf space in a store, how do you convince the store manager to give it to you?


In one sentence, pitch yourself and the reasons we should hire you.


Think of your favorite product.  What are five better names for it?


What would you name a website about yourself?   What


Rank order the characteristics for brand management.


Discuss a good and a bad ad campaign.


If you were a package on a shelf, what would you be like?


If you were a product, what would you be like?


Which is more effective: A coupon for $1 off or a rebate for $2 back?  


What was a good/successful product introduction?


What is the difference between a collection of advertisements and an advertising campaign?


If you were a hair product on the shelf in an isle filled with competitors, how would your copy read?



End of the Interview


What else would you like us to know?


What question do you wish we had asked?


Do you have any questions?


Source :

Web site link:

Google key word : Job interview questions examples

Author : not indicated on the source document of the above text

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Interview questions and sample answers


Job interview questions examples

Typical interview questions in English


Could you please introduce yourself by going through your CV?

Could you please tell me something about your studies/work experience?

How long have you been learning English?

What do you know about our company?

Why did you apply for this position?

I can see from your CV that you have not done this kind of work before. What did you like about our job advertisement what made you apply?

Why did you choose this profession?

Why did you have that many workplaces?

Why did you leave your last workplace?

Why do you think that you’d be a good fit in our team?

Why would you like to work for us?

What’s your salary expectation for this position?

When could you start?

Could you please provide me a couple of references from your previous employers whom I could talk to?

What kind of position are you looking for?

What’re your long-term goals?

What’s your hobby?

What do you like doing outside of work?

What’s the last book you read?

What’re your strengths/weaknesses?

How long have you been looking for a job?

Are you actively looking for a job?

Where can you see yourself in 2-3-5 years time?

Do you like to work alone or in a group?

Please describe a situation in which you had to work with a difficult person. How did you handle the situation? Is there anything you’d have done differently?

What motivates you?

Please tell us why should we hire you?

In what area would you like to develop further?

What do you like about our product/service the most?

Why did you select the college/university you have graduated from?

What college/university subjects did you like the most/least and why?

Do you think that your grades are a good indication of your academic achievement?

What’s the ideal workplace/job for you?

Are you willing to travel?

Would you relocate to Hungary/Germany/USA..?

How do you work under pressure?

Starting with your last job, tell me about any of your achievements that were recognized by your supervisors.

What part of your job do you like the most/least and why?

What are those things you liked the most about your last/current job?

What special aspects of your education or training have prepared you for this job?

How does this job fit in with your overall career goals?

How would you describe yourself as a person?

What do you think are the most important characteristics & abilities a person must possess to become a successful (engineer/accountant etc.)? How do you rate yourself in these areas?

What things give you the greatest satisfaction at work?

What things frustrate you the most? How do you usually cope with them?

What was your most difficult decision in the last 3 months? What made it difficult?

The last time you did not know what decision to make, what did you do?

How do you keep up with what’s going on in your company/industry/profession?

Describe a situation in your last job where you were rightly criticized and how you responded to this?


Questions what we can ask from the interviewer


What will be my responsibilities?

When could I start?

Who will I report to?

Who are your costumers?

When do you start/finish working?

Where should I physically work?

What are the chances of promotion in this position? When?

What other benefits/bonuses do you give besides the salary?

Will travelling be required in this position?

Will relocation be required now or in the future?

Do you provide any training?

What is the next step?

How will you notice me about the result?


Source :

Web site link:

Google key word : Job interview questions examples

Author : not indicated on the source document of the above text

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