Latin America Revolution and Reaction in the 20th Century summary




Latin America Revolution and Reaction in the 20th Century summary


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Latin America Revolution and Reaction in the 20th Century summary

Chapter 38 Latin America: Revolution and Reaction in the 20th Century

  1. Introduction

During the twentieth century, Latin America could be grouped with those nations referred to as the Third World. Having received their independence earlier than other Third World nations, Latin American countries tended to emulate Western social and political structures more closely.
Economic dependence continued in the twentieth century. Decolonization in Latin America frequently involved attempts to gain greater economic independence and to discover successful cultural and political forms. Industrialization, with larger labor groups, a growing middle class, and continued European immigration, did occur. Economic prosperity was often linked to political conservatism, while economic crisis produced political radicalism. Despite numerous revolutions, institutions and social patterns have proven resistant to change.

  1. The Mexican Revolution and the Great War
    1. Introduction

The Mexican Revolution was a response to authoritarian modernization. The revolution, along with the impact of World War I on Latin American markets and exports, caused a realignment of both political and economic structures. After World War I, the United States emerged as the most powerful external force in Latin America.

    1. Mexico's Upheaval

Porfirio Diaz had created economic prosperity for Mexico, but at the cost of turning much of Mexico's economy over to foreigners. The Diaz government ruthlessly suppressed political opposition. Peasants, Indians, and laborers failed to share in the economic prosperity. Opposed by Francisco Madero in 1910, Diaz felt sufficiently threatened to arrest his opponent and conduct a rigged election.
Various regions of Mexico rose in revolt. In the north, Pancho Villa organized resistance. In Morelos, Emiliano Zapata rallied Indians and peasants behind the banner of land reform. The rebels drove Diaz from power and replaced him with Madero. Madero's moderate program of reform proved inadequate. In 1913, a military coup removed Madero, who was assassinated. General Victoriano Huerta attempted to restore the dictatorship, but Villa and Zapata again rebelled. Huerta fell from power in 1914, but the remaining revolutionaries continued to fight among themselves over the nature of the new government. In the long run, General Alvaro Obregon emerged as the new ruler. Obregon was elected president in 1920 and attempted to resuscitate Mexico's economy.
The Mexican Constitution of 1917 promised land and educational reform, limited foreign ownership of Mexican industry and resources, guaranteed rights of workers, and limited the Church's ownership of land. Under President Lazaro Cardenas (1934-1940), the promised land reform did take place as did the beginning of a public education program.

    1. Culture and Politics in Postrevolutionary Mexico

One of the primary emphases in postrevolutionary culture was on Indian heritage. Diego Rivera and Jose Clemente Orozco decorated public buildings and painted murals that glorified the Indian past of Mexico. Popular literature and music celebrated the heroes of the revolution.
Some revolutionary results met with opposition. The Church opposed increasing secularism within Mexican society. The Cristero movement of the 1920s combined conservative peasants with politicians and the Church in an attempt to halt secularization. The United States intervened during the revolution in a minor fashion. More important to U.S. interests was President Cardenas's nationalization of oil companies in 1934. Despite tensions, agreements were worked out between the two nations. The political results of the revolution included a political monopoly for the Party of the Institutionalized Revolution (PRI). Although technically a democracy, the PRI dominated Mexican politics from the 1920s to the present. In the 1990s, many came to question the integrity and usefulness of PRI.

  1. Economic Change and New Political Actors
    1. Introduction

The Mexican Revolution had little impact outside of Mexico. World War I, by bringing an end to Latin American export prosperity, directly affected all Latin American governments. Although the absence of goods from Europe produced some minor industrialization and produced a short-term increase in exports, the postwar inflation led to declining standards of living in many Latin American nations and political unrest.

    1. Labor and the Middle Class

The growing importance of both labor and the urban middle class compelled the traditional landowning elite in Latin America to open up the political structure. In 1916, the middle-class Radical party won an election in Argentina, but soon created ties with traditional elites. In Brazil, the new middle class allied with traditional landed interests in the Republican party until the 1920s.
Industrial labor groups, often composed of European immigrants, also exerted some influence on politics in the early twentieth century. Strikes and other labor movements were often suppressed violently. Despite government opposition, strikes and labor unrest were common in Latin America between 1914 and 1930. Until governments discovered how to deal with the growing power of labor, class conflict was common.

    1. Ideology and Social Reform

In Latin America, liberalism seemed out of place, particularly when middle-class political movements so often allied with traditional landed elites. Disillusioned intellectuals began to attack the concepts of liberalism during the 1920s. Movements for social reform spread rapidly in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. Both socialism and communism appeared in Latin America. The Roman Catholic Church also contributed to the assault on liberalism.

    1. Populist Politics: The Case of Peru

Peru exemplified the failure of the liberal agenda and the search for social reform. Like other nations, Peru's economy depended on exports and an infrastructure built on foreign investment. Socialist critiques of the government began after the War of the Pacific. In 1924, Victor Raul Haya de la Torre founded the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance as a political alternative.
Despite amassing considerable influence and support, APRA failed to win power in Peru until 1985. APRA was typical of populist parties that combined appeals to workers, small farmers, and city-dwellers. Populist parties were often nationalist and strongly opposed to traditional elites. Rulers, such as Argentina's Juan Peron, emphasized personal charisma.

    1. The Great Crash and Latin American Responses

Both the demand for Latin American exports and foreign investment in Latin American infrastructure collapsed in the aftermath of the Great Depression. Their failure led to the complete bankruptcy of the liberal agenda. Military coups removed liberal governments in twelve countries. Various manifestations of socialism and corporatism replaced the liberal regimes.
Aspects of German and Italian fascism also proved popular in the search for new political solutions to Latin American difficulties. Most governments wished to bring an end to unlimited capitalism and to appeal to a broader segment of the population for support.

  1. Promises of Social Reform
    1. Introduction

New regimes intent on social reform and based on mobilizing mass support appeared in many nations of Latin America during the 1930s. One of the most successful reform governments was the administration of President Cardenas in Mexico, where land reform and state control of the petroleum industry were hallmarks of change. In Cuba, Brazil, and Argentina, similar attempts at reform were launched.

    1. The Vargas Regime in Brazil

Getulio Vargas became president of Brazil after a disputed election in 1929. Vargas gained power on the basis of promises to resolve economic problems after the 1929 crash, but instead began to construct a strongly centralized government. After defeating both communist and fascist insurrections, Vargas, with the support of the military, imposed a new constitution in 1937 based on Mussolini's Italy and the corporatist state. Vargas chose to ally himself with the United States during World War II, in return for which his government received arms and economic aid.
As opposition to the strongly centralized state grew toward the end of the war, Vargas turned to labor groups and communists for support. Deposed by a military coup in 1945, Vargas returned to power five years later with the support of urban labor. Vargas nationalized the petroleum industry as a means of limiting foreign capital in Brazil. Under increasing political pressure, he committed suicide in 1954. After his death, Vargas became a popular national hero in Brazil.

    1. Argentina: Populism, Peron and the Military

After the failure of a first military coup in 1929, a second military insurrection brought the Nationalists to power in 1943. Seeking to industrialize and strengthen Argentina relative to neighboring states, the leader of the Nationalists, Juan D. Peron, sought to create a broad base of support among workers and the lower classes. His wife, Eva, became a popular figure and spokesperson for Peron. Using a coalition of workers, industrialists, and the military, Peron pursued a populist program including nationalization of resources and industries, exclusion of foreign capital, and political repression of opponents. When the economy weakened after 1949, Peron's grip on the government weakened. As the opposition strengthened, the military unseated Peron in 1955. A succession of military-backed civilian governments were unable to establish credibility. In 1973, Peron won the presidential election, but died within a year. The military once again took over the government.

  1. Radical Options in the 1950s
    1. Introduction

By the 1940s, there was substantial political demand for reform in much of Latin America. Democratic governments successfully carried out reforms in Venezuela and Costa Rica. Others turned to models of Marxist revolution. As political democratization, economic development, and social reforms began to fail in most parts of Latin America, more radical solutions to ongoing problems were sought. Governments that attempted to move too swiftly were often met by resistance from the military.

    1. Guatemala: Reform and United States Intervention

The first nation to attempt more radical reforms was Guatemala. In 1944, President Juan Jose Arevalo instituted a new constitution, initiated land reform, and instituted civil rights for laborers. To fund internal reforms and an education system, Arevalo's government imposed an income tax. Attempts to nationalize economic resources brought Arevalo's government into conflict with the United Fruit Company of the United States. The program of economic nationalization advanced under President Jacobo Arbenz, elected in 1951. As Arbenz's program became more aggressive, the United States imposed economic and diplomatic sanctions. In 1954, a CIA- assisted military coup unseated Arbenz. The pro-American military government that followed revoked many of the reforms previously made. When no further reforms occurred, a guerrilla movement emerged in Guatemala.

    1. The Cuban Revolution: Socialism in the Caribbean

Cuba was economically more advanced than Guatemala, but remained dependent on an export economy closely tied to the markets of the United States. Growing differences between a relatively wealthy urban sector and an impoverished rural economy provoked political dissent. Fulgencio Batista had ruled Cuba between 1934 and 1944. He had proposed reforms, including a democratic constitution. When he returned to power in 1952, he was less interested in reform than in maintaining power. In 1953, a rebellion under Fidel Castro failed. When released from prison, Castro fled to Mexico, where he reorganized the resistance to Batista with the help of an Argentinean revolutionary, Ernesto "Che" Guevara. In 1956, Castro and Guevara invaded Cuba.
After two years of guerrilla resistance, they successfully ousted the Batista government. Instead of reestablishing the democratic constitution of 1940, Castro proclaimed a Marxist state complete with centralized economic planning. All economic resources were nationalized. When relations with the U.S. were severed in 1961, Castro's government became increasingly dependent on support from the Soviet Union. Social reforms under Castro were extensive, but often at the expense of individual liberties. Attempts to move beyond an export economy dependent on sugar have fundamentally failed. Some other Latin American nations chose to model revolutions on the Cuban example.


  1. The Search for Reform and the Military Option
    1. Introduction

Although revolutions occurred, most often they left the underlying social and economic problems unchanged. In the decades of the 1950s and 1960s, military governments became prevalent in Latin America. The search for political stability led to single-party rule (Mexico), and increasing roles for the Roman Catholic Church and Christian Democratic parties (Chile and Venezuela), or the active intervention of the Church in search of social justice through liberation theology.

    1. Out of the Barracks: Soldiers Take Power

By the 1960s, Latin-American military leaders believed that they were professionals best equipped to resolve problems of political instability. Concerned about the success of the Cuban revolution, the military began to seize direct control of governments. Military coups, often with the compliance of the United States, overthrew governments in Brazil (1964), Argentina (1966), Chile (1973), Uruguay (1973), and Peru (1968). Military governments were supposed to be above political partisanship and produce economic stability. Military governments most often consisted of presidencies assisted by organized bureaucracies. Such governments were often brutally repressive. Military economic policies sought to crush labor movements, develop new industrial strength, and promote building of the infrastructure. In most cases, social problems were scarcely addressed. All military regimes were nationalistic. The nationalism of the Argentinian government led to a confrontation with Britain over control of the Falkland Islands in 1982.

    1. The New Democratic Trend

In many parts of Latin America, the military began to restore civilian governments in the 1980s. In some areas, such as Peru, guerrilla movements continued to oppose democratization. In Nicaragua, the elections of 1990 produced a democratic government under Violeta Chamorro, but the revolutionary Sandinista party continued to exist. The United States intervened to end the military rule of Manuel Noriega in Panama. Economic stability in Latin America continued to be threatened by mountains of foreign debt, high inflation, low standards of living, and increasing levels of criminal activity. Despite problems, democratization of political systems continued in the 1990s.

    1. The United States and Latin America: Continuing Presence

In terms of economic presence and diplomatic pressure, the United States remained the greatest external force in Latin America. Puerto Rico became a protectorate of the United States.
Elsewhere in the Caribbean, the United States intervened directly whenever it believed its interests to be threatened. There were more than thirty interventions before 1933. In Central America, the level of investment by U.S. corporations was so high that the region also experienced a high level of military intervention. Those who opposed U.S. intervention or who attempted to nationalize resources were branded communists or bandits. In Nicaragua, Augusto Sandino led resistance to U.S. influence until his assassination in 1934. Intervention in Latin America was often followed by the establishment of puppet governments derisively referred to as Banana Republics friendly to the U.S. Intervention helped to spread nationalist movements in Central America.
After 1933, the U.S. introduced the Good Neighbor Policy, but intervention was renewed after World War II on the pretext of containing communism. U.S. programs, such as the Alliance for Progress, attempted to provide economic aid as a means of raising standards of living and reducing radical movements. Little significant development occurred as a result. In the 1970s and 1980s, U.S. intervention was somewhat less flagrant. President Jimmy Carter signed a treaty returning the Panama Canal zone to Panama. Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush pursued more aggressive policies in Latin America, including the overthrow of Manuel Noriega in Panama.

  1. Societies in Search of Change
    1. Introduction

Social conditions in Latin America changed only slowly, but some reforms did occur. Population distribution and growing urbanization was a major factor. Major problems related to ethnicity and gender continue to exist.

    1. Slow Change in Women's Roles

Gender equality was a goal more than a reality in Latin America. In most nations, women did not receive the right to vote until the 1940s and 1950s. Males excluded women from political life out of fear that their traditional associations with organized religion would make them conservative.
In response, women formed organizations and suffrage associations that slowly resulted in enfranchisement. Once admitted to political parties, women found that they were excluded from real influence. Only in some few cases such as the election of Peron in Argentina and Eduardo Frei in Chile did women play critical roles. Just before World War I, women began to enter the industrial labor force, where they worked for lower wages than their male counterparts. Women tended to join anarchist, socialist, and other labor groups as part of the unskilled labor force. In service sectors and some market economies, women have risen to positions of prominence in Latin America, but more significant economic roles did not imply greater social status. By the 1990s, the position of women in Latin America was closer to the West than other areas of the world.

    1. The Movement of People

After 1950, the population of Latin America rapidly outstripped that of North America. Internal migration caused by low employment rates and political flight has always been a factor for population mobility. Migration from Latin America to the U.S., often illegal, was similar to the movement of workers from southern Europe and Africa to the industrialized nations of Western Europe. Many immigrants fled from political repression. Movement from rural areas to the cities is also an aspect of population mobility in Latin America. By the 1980s, about one half of the population was urbanized. Urban economies have not been able to absorb the influx, so that massive slums are characteristic of Latin American cities. Lack of employment has prevented recent immigrants from identifying with urban workers.

    1. Cultural Reflections of Despair and Hope

Latin America remains predominantly Catholic and Hispanic with admixtures of African and Indian cultures. Latin America has produced many world-famous authors, poets, and artists. Indigenous cultures and the plight of the poor are common themes in Latin American art and literature. Repelled by the failure of reform and the continuation of social and economic problems, authors of the 1960s turned away from reality to the fantastic and the absurd.

  1. Conclusion: Struggling Toward the Future

In many ways, Latin American nations of the twentieth century have been unable to bring about the fundamental political, social, and economic changes that would have resulted in prosperity and stability. The Mexican and Cuban revolutions provided models that were either followed or avoided elsewhere in Latin America, resulting in new political forms and social ideas. Despite change, however, enormous problems continue to exist.


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Latin America Revolution and Reaction in the 20th Century summary

                      CHAPTER 32: LATIN AMERICA –
                               IN THE 20TH CENTURY
                                      Pages 772 – 799



The Mexican Revolution and The Great War

The Mexican Revolution (1910 – 1920) was a violent reaction to authoritarian modernization. It produced a new sense of nationalism, reforms, and an institutionalized party that took over the presidency and remained in power through the mid-1990s.

Economic Change and New Political Actors

During and after World War I, Latin American economies expanded and the population continued to increase, especially in the cities. The growth of middle class and working class populations challenged traditional oligarchies and resulted in new political parties, often populist and nationalist. These new parties and the traditional elites attacked liberalism and laissez-faire capitalism, which were clearly in crisis by the time of the Great Depression.

Promises of Social Reform

The regimes of the 1930s enacted broad reforms and mobilized the mass of the population in populist politics as never before in the region. Most leaders of this era drew ideas from socialist and fascist models and instituted broad reforms.

Radical Options in the 1950s

Frustration with the failures of social, political, and economic reforms led to radical solutions that were often influenced by socialist or communist ideas. In Bolivia, Guatemala, and Cuba, revolutionaries tried to change the nature of government and society, and eliminate foreign economic controls, but such changes also had to accommodate the reality of the Cold War and the interests of the United States.

The Search for Reform and the Military Option

Programs based upon Catholic, Marxist, and capitalist doctrines were used to seek solutions for Latin American problems. Military governments based on nationalism and advocating economic development created a “bureaucratic authoritarianism,” which served the Cold War interests of the United States. By the 1980s, a new wave of democratic regimes was emerging.
Societies in Search of Change

Social relations changed slowly in Latin America. Inequalities based on ethnicity continued in many places. Women had entered the labor force in great numbers but only began to gain the right to vote after 1929. Population growth, urbanization, and migration continued to challenge the region.

Conclusion: Struggling Toward the Future

Latin America continues to search for economic growth, social justice, and political stability. In many ways, Latin American societies remained unrevolutionary, unable to bring about needed changes because of deeply entrenched traditions. However, the struggle for change produced important results.



What caused the Mexican Revolution? Cuban Revolution?

How did the revolution become a civil war? With what results for Mexico?

What motivated the post-revolutionary culture and politics in Mexico?

How did revolution change Mexican society? Cuba?

What unresolved challenges has Mexico faced during the last decade?

How did international economics lead to change in Latin America after 1914?

How did labor, middle class, and ideology influence society in the 20th century?

How did the Great Depression affect Brazil and Argentina?

What pressures led to radical changes during the 1950s?

What ideologies were common in the 1960s and 1970s? What did they advocate?

How did the military affect Latin American politics in the 20th century?

Since the 1980s, what successes has democracy had?

What role has the United States played in the 20th century?

What social developments has Latin America experienced this century?

What demographic shifts and movements has the region experienced since 1980?


Third World

Mexican Revolution (1910)

Mexican Constitution of 1917



Party of the Institutionalized Revolution (PRI)

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


Import Substitution Industrialization




Peronism (Argentina)


United Fruit Company; Arbenz

Cuban Revolution

Liberation Theology

Salvador Allende and Chile, 1973

Banana Republics

Good Neighbor Policy

Alliance for Progress

Sandanistas (Nicaragua)

PHOTO ESSAY: Change! (Pages 772, 776, 777, 778, 780, 783, 786, 788, and 795)

Categorize the types of and forces for change in Latin America. Which ones would be most likely to succeed? Why?

Note: Find any mural by Diego Rivera. Anyone of his murals can teach the history of Mexico in a visual format. They are excellent Document Based Questions. See the following websites:




DOCUMENT ANALYSIS: The People Speak (Pages 790 – 791)

Document Analysis
Who wrote each? (Attribution includes biographical references)

What were the authors’ points of view?

How reliable are the documents? Why?

What were the intents or purposes behind the documents?

Who were the intended audiences?

What are the documents’ tones?

What barriers must each woman overcome?

Which women would have an easier time of changing society? Why?

How might Latin Americans of African descent see these issues?


TIMELINE: Latin America and the World (Page 774)

What role have revolutions, wars, and the United States played in Latin American diplomatic history?
READING GRAPHS: Chart 32.3 – Participation in the Mexican P.R.I. (Page 778)

Which social group dominated the PRI in:



What does the occupation category “people in general” represent?

What does your above answer say about change in Mexican society?

How revolutionary do you think the PRI was in 1988?


MAP EXERCISES – U.S. Intervention in Central America (Page 792)

Reading the Map
What territories in Central America and the Caribbean does the U.S. own?
In what countries did the United States intervene?

How might communists in Cuba and Nicaragua threaten the US?

What other American interventions are not listed on the map? (See timeline)

How might the Latin Americans perceive the United States? Why might the U.S. look upon the area as its empire?



All of these were 20th century Latin American revolutionary movements or revolutions EXCEPT:
Liberation Theology.
Nicaraguan Revolution.
Cuban Revolution.
Mexican Revolution.
Haitian Revolution.

The greatest international political and economic influence on the Latin America in the 20th century has been
Great Britain’s capital investments.
the United States and its larger corporations.
communism and the Soviet Union.
populism and the politics of nationalizations.
syndicalism, anarchism, and the elimination of private property.
All of these were causes of the Mexico Revolution (and other 20th century revolutions such as the 1911 Chinese and 1978 Iranian revolutions) EXCEPT:
rapid modernization.
revolts by ethnic minorities against an oppressive majority.
increasing dependence on foreign investments.
large percent of the national wealth owned by foreigners.
a growing national resentment of foreigners.

The Mexican Revolution can be BEST described as a(n)
reaction against an American invasion.
attempt to overthrow an oppressive, bankrupt monarchy.
civil war between social and regional groups, each with their own ideologies and agenda.
slave rebellion against masters, plantations, and extreme cruelty.
revolution for national independence from a colonial power.

Which of these statements about post-Revolutionary Mexico is a FACT?
Mexican revolutionaries attempted to assimilate Indians into national society.
The revolution disapproved of land redistributions to peasants.
The Roman Catholic Church was unaffected by the Revolution.
The U.S. accepted the revolution and its changes largely without comment.
Mexico nationalized foreign economic holdings throughout the country.

World War I’s greatest impact on Latin America was the
United States’ invasion of Mexico in 1917.
European demand for goods stimulated the Latin American economy.
communist revolution in Russia influenced the Mexican Revolution.
need to develop industries to replace European imports lost due to the war.
population growth in Latin America due to European immigration.

The major Latin American social or cultural change between 1914 and 1945 was the
rise of a political influential middle class and activist worker movements.
increasing “Indianization” of Latin American countries and cultures.
enfranchisement of minorities and women.
immigration to Latin American millions of Africans.
spread of the Pentecostal Christians throughout Latin America.

All of these are traditional Latin American populist political practices or ideas EXCEPT:
anti-imperialism especially anti-American and anti-European.
acceptance of communism.
nationalization of foreign assets.
anti-establishment (supported by urban workers and rural peasants).
In 20th century Latin America, the military was typically
small and usually ineffective.
liberal and reform-minded.
anti-Catholic and in favor of a secular society.
democratic but involved in politics.
socially conservative, elitist, and authoritarian.

Argentina’s Peron and Brazil’s Vargas regime were
pro-European or Western.
favorable to foreign investments in national industries.
often simultaneously fascist, nationalistic, socialist, and populist.
supportive of the communists.
anti-union and anti-worker.

The largest impediment to radical reforms and leftist regimes in Latin America during the 1950s and 1970s was
a working class unwilling to support radicalism.
reactionary local militaries backed by American money and support.
a small, ineffective working class.
reforms carried out by the elites to democratize the society.
opposition by the Roman Catholic Church.

Throughout 20th Latin America, the group most often excluded from influence or marginalized in society was the
intellectuals, especially writers and artists.
clergy, especially Roman Catholic priests and nuns.
indigenous peoples and descendants of African slaves.
peasants and rural landowners.
workers and miners.

The Latin American country and rulers who most directly challenged American regional hegemony during the Cold War was
Mexico’s Cardenas.
Chile’s Allende.
Argentina’s Peron.
Brazil’s Vargas.
Cuba’s Castro.

All of these Latin American nations experienced military dictatorships and repression during the 20th century EXCEPT:

Which statement about Latin America since the 1980s is a FACT?
Economic development came at the expense of enormous foreign debts.
Democracy and democratic rule was threatened by military takeovers.
Conservative groups and elite parties still dominate Latin America.
The U.S. has abandoned its long time role of intervention in the region.
Latin America has been able to exterminate the Drug Trade and cartels.

The American policy most favored by the majority of Latin Americans in the 20th century has been
Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress.
Franklin Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor Policy.
Jimmy Carter’s return of the Panama Canal to Panama.
Jimmy Carter’s human rights campaign.
the periodic occupation of many nations by United States’ troops.

All of these are demographic trends and problems in 20th century Latin America EXCEPT:
rapid urbanization.
migration of unskilled laborers, the poor and politically repressed to richer countries.
millions of refugees due to wars and famines.
excessively large population growth rates.
staggering growth of metropolitan primate (capital) cities.



Compare and contrast gender relations in 20th century Latin America with any one of these regions: Western, African, or Asian equivalents.

 How have trade and industry in Latin America changed from 1800 – 2000?

Compare and contrast American relations with Latin America and Britain’s relations with its 19th and 20th century colonial empire.

Compare and contrast the Mexican Revolution with any one of these: 1917 Russian Revolution, 1911 Chinese Revolution, 1959 Cuban Revolution, and the 1980 Iranian Revolution.

Compare and contrast Latin American populism, fascism and corporatism to Italian Fascism or German Nazism.

Compare and contrast the effects of World War I and the Great Depression on Latin American and Asia.

Compare and contrast demographic and environmental changes in Latin America with Western lands or Asia.


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