Meaning of ghaznavids (962-1187 a.d.) 



Ghaznavids (962-1187 A.D.) 


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Art and architecture

Glossary of terms history of Islamic art and architecture


Meaning and definition of ghaznavids (962-1187 a.d.)  :


A Turkish dynasty that ruled Khurasan, Afghanistan and northern India from its base in Ghazna. Their founder Nasir al-Dawla Sebuktigin ruled this area on behalf of the Samanid court and eventually ruled the province for himself. It was his son Mahmud of Ghazna (r. 998-1030 A.D.) who became fully independent and became known as the 'hammer of the infidels' because of his victories in the Indian subcontinent. Towards the end of his life he overruled the Buwayhids and occupied Ray and Hamadan. As a dynasty that proclaimed affinity to Persianate culture through claiming Persian rather than Turkish lineage, Mahmud insisted on maintaining a Persian administration and cultural legacy. Under his son Mas‘ud the empire disintegrated in the west and Khurasan and Khawarizm were lost to the Saljuks. With the rise of the Ghurids in central Afghanistan the power of the Ghaznavids was reduced dramatically. Architecture flourished during their rule in the cities of Bust, Balkh, Herat and Nishapur. Unfortunately most of the sites of the Ghaznavid capitals are now in ruins. In Bust, remains of the palace of Lashkhari Bazaar in the suburbs, the arch of Bust, and the Giyath al-Din Mausoleum exist, while in Ghazni, the Palace of Mas'ud III, and the Bahram Shah minaret have survived. 


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Meaning and definition of ghaznavids (962-1187 a.d.)