How to say in polish and what it means




How to say in polish and what it means


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How to say in polish and what it means


potash in polish is potaż

potassium K in polish is potas

potassium nitrate in polish is azotan potasowy

potato beetle in polish is stonka ziemniaczana

potato masher, meat tenderiser in polish is tłuczek

potato pancakes in polish is placzki ziemniaczane

pothole in polish is wybój

pots and pans in polish is statki

pottery in polish is garnautostwo

poultry in polish is drób

poultry farm in polish is ferma

pound steaks, callops in polish is zrazy

pour in in polish is wlewać

pour oil on the flames in polish is dolewać oliwy do ognia

pour out, spill, fire s.o. in polish is wylewać /wylać

pour sth into sth in polish is wlewać /wlać

pour wine in polish is nalać wina do kieliszka

pour, beat, piss* in polish is lać

pouring (It's _)(rain) in polish is Leje.

pouring rain in polish is ulewny deszcz

pout in polish is wydymać /wydąć

poverty in polish is ubóstwo

powder in polish is proch

powder in polish is zasypka

powdered milk in polish is mleko w proszku

power in polish is zasilać

power base in polish is baza poparcia

power brake in polish is hamulec ze wspomaganiem

power consumption/input in polish is pobór mocy

power drill in polish is wietarka silnikowa

power keg in polish is beczka prochu

power steering in polish is wspomaganie (kierownica ze -m)

power supply in polish is zasilanie

power supply adapter in polish is zasilacz

power unit in polish is blok energetyczny

powerful and wealthy in polish is możny

practicable, feasible in polish is wykonalny

practical joke, play a joke in polish is figiel (spłatać figla)

practice in polish is wyprawa

praise in polish is rozsławiać

praise, boasting in polish is chwalba

praiseworthy in polish is chwalebny

pram in polish is wózek dziecięcy

pram, stroller, shopping trolleywheelchair in polish is wózek

prance in polish is brykać

prank in polish is psikus

prank in polish is psota

prankster, practical joker in polish is psotnik

prayer in polish is pacierz

prayers in polish is modły

praying mantis in polish is modliszka

preacher in polish is kaznodzieja

preamble in polish is wstęp

pre-arranged in polish is umówiony

pre-book, advance sale in polish is przedsprzedaż

precious stone in polish is szlachetny kamień

precipice, crag, cliff in polish is urwisko

precipitate in polish is wytrącaś się

precipitate, sediment in polish is osad

precipitation in polish is opad atmosferyczny

precipitation in polish is opady

precise, close in polish is ścisły

precision instrument in polish is przrząd precyzyjny

precondition in polish is warunek wstępny

predator, beast of prey in polish is drapieżnik

predatory in polish is drapieżny

predict, foretell in polish is wróżyć

predilection, fondness in polish is zamiłowanie

predominance, superiority in polish is przewaga

predominant, prevalent in polish is przemożny

pre-empt in polish is uprzedzać

preface in polish is przedmowa

prefer sth to sth in polish is przedkładać coś nad acc

prefix in polish is przedrostek

pregnancy test in polish is próba ciążowa

pregnant in polish is brzemienny

pregnant in polish is ciężarna

pregnant pause in polish is wymowne milczenie

prehensile in polish is chwytny

prejudiced against in polish is uprzedzony do+gen

preliminary ruling in polish is orzeczenie wstępne

preliminary, introductory in polish is wstępny

premature in polish is przedwczesny

premature baby in polish is wcześniak

premature ejaculation in polish is przedwczesny wytrysk

premature, outsized (clothes) in polish is wyrost (na -)

pre-meditated in polish is zaplanowany

premises in polish is pomieszczenia

premium in polish is ażio

premium, fee, collection in polish is składka

prepare (meal, surprise) in polish is szykować /przy-

prepare for sth in polish is szykować się

preposition in polish is przyimek

preposterous, absurd in polish is niedorzeczny

presbytery in polish is plebania

prescribe a drug in polish is zapisywać lek

presence of mind in polish is przytomność umysłu

present participle in polish is imięsłów współczesny

preserves in polish is przetwory

preside over a committee in polish is przewodniczyć komisji

preside over debates in polish is predwodniczyć obradom

press a button in polish is naciskać guzik

press coverage in polish is doniesienia prasowe

press forward, advance in polish is napierać

press tight, coil up in polish is stulić

press tycoon in polish is magnat prasowy

press, squeeze in polish is gnieść

pressure in polish is napór

pressure (water), thrust in polish is parcie

pressure cooker in polish is szybkowar

pressure drop in polish is spadek ciśnienia

pressure group in polish is nacisku (grupa -)

pressure vessel in polish is naczynie ciśnieniowe

pressure, stress in polish is nacisk

pressure, stress,accent, paper-weight in polish is przycisk

prestressed concrete in polish is beton sprężony

presumption of innocence in polish is domniemanie niewinności

pretence in polish is pozory

pretend, imitate in polish is udawać

pretensioned prestressed concrete in polish is beton strunowy

pretensioned prestressed concrete in polish is strunobeton

pretty face in polish is ślicznotka

pretzel in polish is obwarzanek

prevailing price in polish is przeważająca (cena _)

preventive in polish is zapobiegawczy

previous speaker in polish is przedmówca

previously convicted in polish is karany

prey in polish is pastwa

price ex warehouse in polish is cena loco skład

price ex-works in polish is cena loco fabryka

price fixing in polish is zmowa cena

price fixing in polish is zmowa cenowa

price range, spread in polish is rozpiętość cen

price spread in polish is narzut

price support in polish is podtrzymanie cen

price tag in polish is metka na towarze

price-list in polish is cennik

prick in polish is nakłuwać

prick up one's ears in polish is nadstawiać uszu

prick up one's ears in polish is strzyc uszami

prick** in polish is kuśka**

prick** in polish is kutas**

prickly (plant), stabbing (pain) in polish is kłujący

pride o.s. on sth in polish is szczycić się czymś

priest in polish is duszpasterz

priest in polish is kapłan

priest in polish is ksiądz katolicki

priesthood in polish is kapłanstwo

primate in polish is naczelny

primer (paint), undercoat in polish is farba podkładowa

primeval in polish is pradawny

primrose in polish is pierwiosnek

primus inter pares in polish is pierwszy między (pośród) równych

principal and interest in polish is kapitał z odsetkami

principle of subsidiarity in polish is zasada pomocniczości

principle of subsidiarity in polish is zasada subsydiarności

principle, superior in polish is przełożony

printed circuit in polish is obwód drukowany

printing house in polish is drukarnia

prism in polish is graniatosłup

prism in polish is pryzmat

prisoner in polish is jeniec

prisoner of war in polish is jeniec wojenny

private (room) in polish is niekrępujący

private entrepreneur* in polish is prywaciarz

private parts in polish is przyrodzenie

prize, winnings, victory in polish is wygrana

prized, highly valued in polish is ceniony

prize-winning in polish is nagrodzony

probably, at least, I hope, very unlikely in polish is bodaj, bodajże

probate in polish is poświadczenie

probation, trial period in polish is okres próbny

processed food in polish is przetworzona (żywność _)

processing in polish is przetwórczy

processing of a film in polish is obróbka filmu

processing, treatment in polish is obróbka

procession in polish is pochód

proclaim s.o. king in polish is obwoływać kogoś królem

proclamation in polish is orędzie

proclamation, manifesto, address in polish is odezwa

procreation in polish is płodzenie

procure in polish is stręczyć

procurer in polish is strączyciel

product (multiplication) in polish is iloczyn

product of sb's imagination in polish is wytwór czyjejś wyobraźni

productive capacity in polish is zdolność produkcyjna

productive, efficient, fuel-efficient, highly productive in polish is wydajny

productivity gains in polish is przyrost wydajności

professional (sport) in polish is wyczynowiec

profit in polish is zysk

profit after tax in polish is zysk po opodqtkowaniu

profit and loss account in polish is rachunek zysków i strat

profit sharing in polish is udział w zyskach

profitable in polish is rentowny

profitable, lucrative in polish is dochodowy

profitable, lucrative in polish is popłatny

profitable, lucrative in polish is zyskow(a)ny

profiteer in polish is paskarz

profiteering in polish is paskarstwo

progeny, offspring in polish is potomstwo

progress report in polish is sprawozdanie wykonawcze

progressive in polish is postępowy

progressive (disease) in polish is postępujący

proliferation in polish is rozprzestrzenianie

promenade, pedestrian zone in polish is deptak

prominent in polish is poczesny

prominent, distinct, salient in polish is wydatny

prominent, eminent in polish is wybitny

promiscuity in polish is rozwiązłość

promiscuity in polish is wyuzdanie

promiscuous in polish is rozwiązły

promise in polish is obiecywać /obiecać

promise in polish is pryrzeczenie

promise in polish is przyrzekać/pryzrzec

promise (empty) in polish is obiecanka

promise wonders in polish is obiecywać gruszki na wierzbe

promises, promises! in polish is obiecanki cacanki!

promontory in polish is przylądek

promote in polish is krzewić

promotion in polish is awans (dostać _)

prompt, immediate in polish is niezwłoczny

prompter (stage) in polish is sufler

pronoun in polish is zaimek

pronounce, utter in polish is wymawiać /wymówić

propagation, diffusion in polish is rozpowszechnienie

propane/butane cylinder in polish is butla na propan-butan

propeller in polish is pędnik

propeller in polish is śmigło

propeller in polish is śruba napędowa

property in polish is mienie

prophecy in polish is przepowiednie

prophecy, prediction in polish is proroctwo

prophet in polish is prorok

prophet of doom in polish is czarnowidz

prophetical in polish is proroczy

proportionality in polish is współmierność

propose to sb in polish is oświadczyć się

proprietary brand in polish is marka zastrzeżona

proprietary drug in polish is lek firmowy

pros and cons in polish is blaski i cienie

prosecution in polish is ściganie

prosecutor in polish is oskarżyciel sądowy

prosecutor in polish is prokurator

prosperity in polish is pomyślność

prosperous in polish is dostatni

prostitution in polish is nierząd

protect from in polish is ochraniać/ochronić przed czymś

protect s.o. from sth in polish is strzec kogoś od czegoś

protective clothing in polish is odzież ochronna

protective coatings in polish is powłoki ochronne

protective spark gap in polish is iskiernik ochronny

protective suit in polish is ubiór uchronny

protein in polish is białko

prototype in polish is prawzór

prototype, archetype, original in polish is pierwowzór

protozoan in polish is pierwotniak

protruding in polish is wystajacy

protruding ears in polish is odstające uszy

protuberance, swelling in polish is wypukłość

proud, delicious in polish is pyszny

proud, puffed up, bombastic in polish is napuszony

prove in polish is dowodzić

prove (a theorem) in polish is przeprowadzać dowód

proverb in polish is przysłowie

provide for in polish is łożyć na + acc

provide for one's family in polish is utrzymać rodzinę

provide for s.o. in polish is utrzymyczać kogoś

provided for in polish is zaopatrzony

provided you don't forget in polish is byle nie zapomnieć

Providence in polish is opatrzność

providential in polish is opatrznościowy

provider in polish is dostawca usług

province in polish is województwo

provisional in polish is prowizoryczny

provisions in polish is przepisy

provisions (of a bill) in polish is zastrzeżenia (projektu ustawy)

provisions (stipulations) of a contract in polish is postanowienie umowy

provisions, wrestling (sport) in polish is zapasy

provocative in polish is wyzywający

prowl in polish is grasować

proxy vote in polish is głos przez pełnomocnika

proxy, power (of attorney) in polish is pełnomoctnictwo

prudent in polish is rozważny

prudent, discreet in polish is roztropny

prudent, far-sighted in polish is przezorny

prune in polish is przycinać drzewka

pruritis, itching in polish is świąd

Prussian in polish is Prusak

prussic acid in polish is cyjanowdór

pry, poke in polish is gmerać

public defender, court-appointed lawyer in polish is obrońca z urzędu

public invitation to tender in polish is wezwanie do składaniu oferta w przetargu publicznym

public opinion poll in polish is badanie opinii publicznej

public order in polish is porządek publiczny

Public Prosecutor, district attorney (US) in polish is oskarżyciel publiczny

public toilet in polish is szalet

puck in polish is krążek hokejowy

puddle in polish is bajoro

puddle in polish is kałuża

puff away at cigarettes in polish is ćmić papierosy

puff up, inflate in polish is nadymać/nadąć

puff, breath, breeze in polish is powiew

puffed up, inflated, conceited in polish is nadęty

puffy in polish is bufiasty

puke, throwup in polish is rzygać /rzygnąć

pull in polish is ciągnąć/po-

pull apart, unroll, stir (fire) in polish is rozgarniać

pull at, tear (at) in polish is szarpać /pnąć

pull down, tighten in polish is obciągać

pull in one's stomach in polish is wciągać brzuch

pull out, stretch, drag out in polish is wyciągać /nąć

pull sb's leg in polish is nabierać kogoś

pull strings for s.o. in polish is protegować kogoś

pull the wool over s.o.'s eyes in polish is mydlić komuś oczy

pull through an illness in polish is wylizać się perf.

pull, draw in polish is ciągnąć /po-

pull-down menu in polish is rozwijane menu

pull-ups in polish is podciąganie

pulp in polish is miąższ

pulp (reduce sth to a -) in polish is miazga (zetrzeć coś na -ę)

pulp wood in polish is papierówka

pulpit in polish is ambona

pulsate in polish is tętnić

pulsation in polish is tętnienie

pulse (to take s.o.'s -) in polish is tętno (mierzyć komuś -)

pulse strobing in polish is bramkowanie impulsów

pulverise in polish is sproszkować

pumice in polish is pumeks

pump up the volume! in polish is czad (więciej -u!)

pumpkin in polish is dynia

pumpkin in polish is tywka

punch in polish is dziurkacz

punchline in polish is puenta

punctuation mark in polish is przestankowy (znak -)

puncture, flat tire in polish is przebicie

punish in polish is karać /u-

punishable in polish is karalny

punishable offence in polish is czyn karalny

pupil in polish is źrenica

puppet in polish is kukiełka

puppet theater, crib, Nativity scene in polish is szopka

puppy love in polish is szczenięca miłość

puppy, whippersnapper in polish is szczeniak, szczenię

purchase, pl. shopping in polish is sprawunek

purchasing power in polish is nabywcza (siła -)

purchasing power in polish is siła nabywcza

purchasing power in polish is zdolność nabywcza

pure nonsense in polish is niedorzeczność

purée in polish is przecier

purgatory in polish is czyściec

purge in polish is czystka

purple in polish is fioletowy

purrs (a cat _) in polish is mruczy (kot _)

pursue in polish is ścigać

push in polish is popychać

push away in polish is odepchnąć

push button in polish is przycisk 2

push down, drive away in polish is spychać

push for change in polish is domagać się zmian

push in, force in in polish is wpychać

push one's way in polish is pchać się

push one's way through a crowd in polish is przepchać/przepchnąć

pushboat in polish is pchacz

push-button in polish is guzik przyciskowy

push-button in polish is przełącznik przyciskowy

push-button switch in polish is łącznik przyciskowy

pushchair, stroller in polish is wózek spacerowy

push-up in polish is pompka

push-ups, press-ups in polish is pompki

pushy in polish is nachalny

Puss in Boots in polish is Kot w Butach

put a good face on sth, grin and bear it in polish is nadrabiać miną

put all of one's eggs in one basket in polish is stawiać wszystkiego na jedną kartę

put an item on the agenda in polish is wprowadzać punkt do dyskusji

put and call in polish is premiowa transakcja z opcją podwójną

put and call price in polish is kurs stelażowy

put away, discontinue in polish is odstawiać /wić

put away, postpone, put aside (money) in polish is odkładać/odłożyć

put down new roots in polish is zapuścić korzenie

put down roots in polish is korzenie (zapuścić -)

put forward (argument) in polish is przedkładać /przedłożyć

put ideas in one's head in polish is mącić komuś w głowie

put in a tender in polish is złożyć ofertę

put in alphabetical order in polish is układać według alfabetu

put in, put on (shoes), clothe in polish is włożyć

put in, stick in in polish is wścibać

put into circulation in polish is puścić w obieg

put into circulation in polish is puszczać w obieg

put o.s. in s.o.'s shoes in polish is stawiać się w czymś połeżeniu

put on (clothes) in polish is przydziewać

put on (coffee, radio) in polish is nastawiać

put on (shoe) in polish is wzuć

put on weight in polish is pryzbierać na wadze

put on weight in polish is przybrać na wadze

put on weight in polish is przytyć

put one's cards on the table in polish is odkryć karty

put one's heart into sth in polish is wkładać w coś serce

put one's hopes in s.o. in polish is pokładać w kimś nadzieję

put out (light), extinguish in polish is wygaszać /wygasić

put s.o. in a good mood in polish is wprowadzić kogoś w dobry nastrój

put s.o. off sth in polish is obrzydzać -dzić komuś coś

put s.o. to bed in polish is układać kogoś do snu

put s.o. up in polish is udzielić komuś noclegu

put s.o. up for the night in polish is nocleg (dać komuś -)

put s.o./sth on the list in polish is wciągać kogoś/coś na listę

put sb straight, right in polish is wyprowadzić kogoś z błędu

put sb up in polish is udzelić komuś noclegu

put sth on the market in polish is wypuszczać coś na rynek

put sth out of one's head in polish is wybić sobie coś z głowy

put sth to the vote in polish is głosować nad czymś

put the cart before the horse in polish is odwracać kota ogonem

put the clock forward/backward in polish is przesuwać zegarek do przodu/tylu

put the finishing touches to in polish is wykańczać /wykończyć

put the question to the vote in polish is poddawać sprawę pod głosowanie

put the words into action in polish is czynów (przejść od słów do -)

put to sleep in polish is usypiać

put to sleep, anesthesize in polish is uśpić

put together in polish is złożyć

put up a tent in polish is rozbijać namiot

put up at a hotel in polish is zatrzymać się w hotel

putrid, of rot in polish is gnilny

putty, cement in polish is kit

putty, filler in polish is szpachlówka

puzzle in polish is łamigłówka

puzzling in polish is zastanawiający

PVC in polish is polichlorek winylu

pyramid in polish is ostrosłup

quadrangle in polish is czworokąt

quadruple in polish is poczwórny

quadruplets in polish is czworaczki

quail in polish is przepiórka

qualification(s) in polish is cenzus

qualified majority vote in polish is większoć (głosów) kwalifikowana

qualified success in polish is połowiczny sukces

quality circle in polish is krąg jakości

quality control inspector, sorter in polish is brakarz

quality, attribute in polish is przymiot

quarrel in polish is kłocić się /po-

quarrel in polish is kłótnia

quarrel in polish is swar

quarrel in polish is waśnić się

quarrel about sth in polish is sprzeczać się o coś

quarrel with sb in polish is drzeć z kimś koty

quarrel, bicker in polish is czubić się

quarrelsome in polish is kłótliwy

quarrelsome in polish is swarliwy

quarrelsome, defiant in polish is zadziorny

quarry in polish is kamieniołom

quarry in polish is kamienołom

quarryman in polish is skalnik

quay, wharf, jetty in polish is nabrzeże

queen (chess) in polish is dama

Queen Mother in polish is Królowa Matka

quell in polish is zdusić

quench one's thirst in polish is ugasić pragnienie

quench one's thirst in polish is ugasić się pragnienie

query field (comp) in polish is pole zapytań

question mark in polish is pytajnik

question mark in polish is znak zapytania

question on topical issues in polish is pytanie w sprawach bieżących

question s.o. about sth in polish is wypytywać kogoś o+acc

Question Time in polish is czas na interpelacje

queue up, make a line in polish is ustawiać się w kolejce

queue, line in polish is ogonek

quickly, soon after in polish is rychło

quicksand in polish is kurczawka

quicksand in polish is kurzawka

quicksand in polish is piasek lotny

quick-setting cement in polish is cement szybkowiążący

quick-tempered in polish is nieopanowany

quid pro quo, trade-off in polish is coś za coś

quilt cover in polish is poszwa

quince in polish is pigwa

quintuplets in polish is pięcioraczki

quit smoking in polish is zrywać z paleniem

quotation in polish is przytoczenie

quotation marks in polish is cudzysłów

quotation on the Stock Exchange in polish is notowanie giełdowe

quoted in polish is prytoczony

quotient (division) in polish is iloraz

rabbit in polish is królik

rabble in polish is gawiedź

rabies in polish is wścieklizna

racial prejudice in polish is uprzedzenie rasowe

racial prejudice in polish is uprzedzenie rasowe

racial prejudice in polish is uprzedzenie rasowe

racing bike in polish is rower wyścigowy

racing bike in polish is wyścigówka

rack one's brains about sth in polish is łamać sobie głowę nad czymś

racket in polish is geszeft

racoon in polish is szop (pracz)

rad (radium-absorbed dose) in polish is rad 2

radiant in polish is promienisty

radiation in polish is promienowanie

radiation energy in polish is promienista (energia _)

radiation sickness in polish is popromienna (choroba _)

radiation therapy in polish is leczenie promieniowaniem

radiator in polish is chłodnica

radical in polish is rodnik

radio bearing in polish is namiar radiowy

radio drama in polish is słuchowisko

radioactive in polish is promieniotwórczy

radioactive cemetery in polish is składowisko odpadów promieniotwórczych

radioactive fall-out in polish is opad promieniotwórczy

radioactive graveyard in polish is mogilnik

radioactive waste in polish is odpady promienotwórcze

radioactivity in polish is promieniotwórczość

radish in polish is rzodkiewka

radium in polish is rad

raffle, dregs in polish is męty pl.

raft in polish is tratwa

rag in polish is łach

rag in polish is śmieć

rag in polish is szmata

rag doll in polish is lalka szmaciana

rag doll in polish is szmaciana lalka

rage (fly into a -) in polish is gniew (wpaść w -)

rage, torment in polish is srożyć

ragged, tattered in polish is obdarty

ragged, tattered in polish is obszarpany

raid, roundup in polish is łapanka

raid, roundup in polish is obława

rail spike, track spike in polish is hak szynowy

rails in polish is szyny

railwayman in polish is kolejarz

rain forest in polish is równikowy (las -)

rainbow in polish is tęcza

raincoat in polish is deszczowiec

raining cats and dogs (it's _) in polish is cebra (leje jak z _)

rainpipe, gutterpipe in polish is rynna

rainstorm in polish is lewa

rainwater in polish is deszczówka

rainy day (for a _) in polish is czarne godzinę (na _)

raise an objection in polish is zgłosić sprzeciw

raise dust, scatter dust in polish is pylić

raise objections in polish is zgłaszać zastrzeżenia

raise one's hat in polish is uchylać kapelusza

raisin in polish is rodzynek

raisins, nuts, figs in polish is bakalie

rake in polish is grabie (pl.)

rake in polish is zgrabiać /zgrabić

rake, plunder, loot in polish is grabić

rally in polish is rajd

rally in polish is wiec

rally in polish is zlot

rally, mass production in polish is masówka

rallying point in polish is zborny (punkt -)

ram in polish is tryk

ram, idiot in polish is baran

ramification in polish is rozgałęzienie

ramp in polish is pochylnia

rampart, dike, embankment in polish is wał

rancid in polish is zjełczały

random in polish is losowy

random access memory RAM in polish is pamięć o dostępie swobodnym

random check in polish is kontrola losowa

random sample in polish is próbka (losowa)

random test in polish is próba wyrywkowa

range in polish is dorośność

range finder, telemeter in polish is odległościomierz

range, scope in polish is zakres

rangefinder in polish is dalmerz

ranger in polish is strażnik leśny

rank-and-file in polish is oddolny

rank-and-file, grass roots in polish is szeregowi członkowie

ransom in polish is okup

ransom in polish is wykup 2

rant in polish is drętwo przemawieć

rape-seed in polish is rzepak

rapid (river) in polish is rwący

rapids in polish is bystrze

rapids in polish is progi

rapporteur in polish is sprawodawca

rapprochement in polish is zbliżenie

rapture, ecstasy, inebriation in polish is upojenie

rare, underdone in polish is krwisty

rarity in polish is biały kruk

rascal in polish is ancymonek

rascal, rogue in polish is szubrawiec

rascal, scoundrel in polish is łajdak

rasp in polish is raszpla

rat poison in polish is trutka na szczury

rate (current _) in polish is stawka (_ bieżąca)

rated voltage in polish is napięcie znamionowe

rather chilly in polish is chłodnawy

ratings (TV) in polish is notowanie

rational in polish is rozumowy

rationalise, improve in polish is usprawniać /nić

rattle, chatter (away) in polish is terkotać

rattle, tingle in polish is brzęk

rattlesnake in polish is grzechotnik

raven, crow in polish is kruk

ravine in polish is parów

ravine in polish is wąwóz

ravine, canyon, gorge in polish is jar

ravioli in polish is uszko

ravishment, abduction in polish is uprowadzenie

raw product in polish is surowiec

ray of hope in polish is promyk nadziei

raze sth to the ground in polish is równać /zrównać coś z ziemią

razor in polish is brzytwa

reach out for s.o. in polish is wyciągać rękę do kogoś

reactionary, backward in polish is wsteczny

reactor unit in polish is blok reaktora

read occasionally in polish is czytywać

read out in polish is wycztzwać /wycztać

read over in polish is odczytać

readjustment in polish is aklimatyzacja

read-only memory ROM in polish is pamięć stała

ready-to-serve in polish is gotowy do spożycia

reagent in polish is odczynnik

realisation in polish is urzeczywistnienie

reaping machine in polish is żniwiarka

rearmament in polish is dozbrojenie

reason, reflection in polish is opamiętanie

reasonable, adequate, efficient in polish is dorzeczny

reasoned in polish is umotywowany

reasoned opinion in polish is uzasadniona opinia

reasoning in polish is rozumowanie

rebel in polish is buntownik

rebound in polish is odskok

rebuke in polish is skarcić

rebut, disprove in polish is odeprzeć

rebuttal, repulse of attack in polish is odparcie

recall in polish is odwoływać

recall an ambassador in polish is odwoływać ambasadora

recede into the background in polish is schodzić na dalszy plan

receding hairline in polish is zakola

receipt in polish is pokwitowanie

receipt side of budget in polish is strona przychodowa budżetu

receipt, sales slip in polish is paragon

receipts, takings, daily sales in polish is utarg

receive in polish is pobierać

receiving stolen goods in polish is paserstwo

receptacle in polish is odbieralnik

receptive (umysłu) in polish is chłonność

recess in polish is wstrzymywać obrady

recipe in polish is przepis

reciprocate in polish is odwzajemniać się

reciprocate a feeling in polish is odwzajemniać uczucie

reciprocity in polish is wyszczególnienie

reciprocity in polish is wzajemność

reckless driver in polish is lekkomyślny kierowca

reckless driving in polish is nieostrożna jazda

recklessness in polish is brawura

recluse, misanthropist in polish is odludek

recognised in polish is uznany

recognize in polish is poznawać /poznać

recognize sb's voice. in polish is Poznać kogoś po głosie.

recommendation in polish is zalecenie

reconcile, hire in polish is godzić

reconciliation in polish is pogodzenie

reconciliation in polish is pojednanie

reconciliation in polish is uzgodnienie

reconciliation in polish is uzgodnienie

reconnaissance in polish is zwiady

reconsider in polish is przemyśleć

record company in polish is wytwórnia płytowa

record in the minutes in polish is wciągnąć do protokołu

record player in polish is adapter

recorded vote in polish is głosowanie jasne

recover in polish is odzyskać zdrowie

recover one's senses in polish is odzyskać przytomność

recovery in polish is ożywienie

recovery, debt collection in polish is windykacja

recreate, regenerate, reproduce in polish is odtwarzać /odtworzyć

recreation, leisure in polish is wypoczynek

recruit, draft, conscript in polish is poborowy

recruitment in polish is nabór

recruitment in polish is werbunek

recruitment ? in polish is werbownik

recruitment, draft in polish is zaciąg

rectangle in polish is prostokąt

rectifier, battery charger in polish is prostownik

rectify, correct in polish is sprostować

rectilinear in polish is prostlinijny

rectum in polish is odbytnica

recurrence in polish is nawracanie

recurrence, relapse in polish is nawrót

recyclable in polish is odzyskiwalny

recyclable materials in polish is wtórne (surowce -)

recycle in polish is odzyskiwanie surowce

recycling in polish is odzysk

red in polish is czerwień

red beet salad with horseradish in polish is ćwikła

redbeet, beetroot in polish is ćwikłowy (burak -)

redemption in polish is odzyskanie

redemption in polish is wykup

redeployment (soldier), metastasis (med) in polish is przerzut

redfish in polish is karmazyn pospolity

red-haired in polish is ryży

redness, erythema in polish is rumień

reduce to a common denominator in polish is sprowadzać do wspólny mianownika

reduce, deplete in polish is uszczuplać /ić

reduction of a fraction in polish is skrócenie ułamka

redundancy in polish is nadmierność

redundancy in polish is rozwlekłość

reed (music) in polish is stroik

reef in polish is rafa

reel, wind up in polish is nawijać (na bęben)

reel-to-reel tape recorder in polish is szpulowy (magnetofon -)

refer a bill back to the committee in polish is skierować (ponowiie) projekt ustawy do komisji

refer to in polish is nawiązać do czegoś

referee, umpire, arbitrator, peacemaker in polish is rozjemca

reference in polish is odniesienie

reference, connection in polish is nawiązanie

referral in polish is skierowanie

refined sugar in polish is rafinada

reflect in polish is odzwierciedlać

reflection in polish is odbicie

reflection, gleam in polish is odblask

reflection, meditation in polish is zaduma

reflection, wondering in polish is namysł

reflex camera in polish is lustrzanka

refraction of light in polish is załamanie światła

refresh o.s. in polish is odświeżać się

refresh o.s. in polish is posilać się

refresh, strengthen in polish is krzepić

refreshment in polish is ochłoda

refreshment, invigoration in polish is pokrzepienie

refrigerated truck in polish is samochód chłodnia

refrigerated vessel, cold storage vessel in polish is chłodniowiec

refrigeration compressor in polish is sprężarka chłodnicza

refrigerator in polish is chłodziarka

refrigerator in polish is lodówka

refrigerator (compression) in polish is chłodziarka (sprężarkowa)

refrigerator, freezing-chamber in polish is chłodnia

refugee, displaced person in polish is uchodźca

refund, instalment in polish is spłata

refusal in polish is odmowa

refuse, decline, deny in polish is odmawiać/odmówić

refuse, waste in polish is odpad

regiment in polish is pułk

region, part, plot of land in polish is połać f.

registered letter in polish is list polecony

registered, certified mail in polish is przesyłka polecona

registrar in polish is archiwariusz

registration fee in polish is opłata za uczestnictwo

registration fee in polish is wpisowe

registration, transcript, record, legacy in polish is zapis

registration, waiting list in polish is zapisy

Registry Office in polish is USC (Urząd Stanu Cywilnego)

regulation uniform in polish is przepisowy mundur

regulation, decree, ordinance in polish is rozporządzenie

reign in polish is panowanie

reimburse in polish is zwrócić

rein(s) in polish is cugel, cugle

reindeer in polish is ren

reinforced concrete in polish is beton zbrojony

reinforced concrete in polish is zbrojony beton

reinforced concrete in polish is żelatobeton

reinforced concrete, ferro-concrete in polish is żelbet

reinforcements in polish is posiłki

reins in polish is wodze

reinvent the wheel in polish is odkrywać Amerykę

reject an amendment in polish is odrzucić podprawkę

reject, recoil, kick, reaction (jet) in polish is odrzut

rejoice in sth in polish is radować się czymś

rejuvenate in polish is odmładzać

related in polish is powinowaty

related to in polish is skoligacony z+instr

related to in polish is spokrewniony

relative in polish is odnożny

relative* in polish is krewniak

relative, proportional in polish is stosunkowy

relatives in polish is bliscy

relativity in polish is względność

relax (muscle), slacken in polish is odprężać /yć

relax, unwind in polish is odprężać się

relaxation, loosening in polish is rozluźnienie

relay race in polish is bieg sztafetowy

relay, transmitter in polish is przekaźnik

release (a record) in polish is wydać (płytę)

release of radioactive material in polish is przeciek substancji radioaktywnych

release, relaxation in polish is zwolnienie

relentlessly, vehemently in polish is zawzięcie

reliable, trustworthy, responsible in polish is odpowiedzialny

reliable, trustworthy, unfailing in polish is niezawodny

relic of the past, old timer in polish is przeżytek

relief in polish is odsiecz

relief, consolation in polish is ukojenie

relieve (pain), quell (riots) in polish is uśmierzać

relieve, slacken in polish is luzować

religious figure carved in wood in polish is świątek

relinquish in polish is zrzekać się /zrzec

relive in polish is ulżyć

reluctant in polish is niechętny

reluctant in polish is nierad

rely on s.o. in polish is spuszczać się na kogoś

remain to the end of a meeting in polish is dosiedzieć do końca zebrania

remainder in polish is ostatek

remains in polish is szczątki

remind in polish is przypominać /przypomnieć

reminder in polish is monit

remit in polish is zakres odpowiedziałności

remittance in polish is rymesa

remittance, transfer in polish is przelew

remote control in polish is pilot

remote control in polish is telesterowanie

remote, distant in polish is oddalony

remote-controlled in polish is sterowany (zdalne -)

remote-controlled in polish is zdalnie sterowane

remoteness in polish is dal

removal in polish is przenosiny pl.

removal in polish is przeprowadzka

removal in polish is wyprowadzka

removal van in polish is wóz meblowy

remove, raise (hat), repeal, abolish (law) in polish is uchylać

Renaissance in polish is Odrodzenie

renal calculosis in polish is kamica nerkowa

rename in polish is przemianować

rendezvous in polish is randka

rendezvous, date in polish is schadzka

renew a contract in polish is odnowić (umowę)

renew, extend (validity) in polish is przedłużać (ważność)

renewable (energy) in polish is odnawialny

renewal in polish is przedłużenie

renewal (of a policy) in polish is odnowienie

renounce sth in polish is wyrzeć się czegoś

renounce, disown in polish is wyrzekać /wyrzec

renovate in polish is odnawiać

renovation, restoration in polish is odnowa

renowned, famed in polish is osławiony

rent in polish is czynsz

rent, lease in polish is dzierżawa

rent, rental in polish is komorne n.

renting, hiring in polish is wynajem

repair, remedy in polish is naprawa

repatriation in polish is odeslanie do kraju

repatriation in polish is przesiedlenie

repay, pay sb back in polish is odpłacić (komuś)

repayable in polish is zwrotny

repeal in polish is uchylenie

repeat in polish is powtwarzać /powtwórzyć

repeated in polish is parokrotny

repellent, deterrent in polish is odstraszający

replace broken part, have a 2nd job, moonlight in polish is dorabiać/dorobić

replaceable in polish is wymienny

replete, satiated in polish is syty

report card in polish is świadectwo szkolne

report, account in polish is sprawozdanie

report, account (give a _) in polish is sprawodzanie (składać _)

reported missing in polish is uznany za zaginionego

reports, rumors in polish is słuchy

repossess in polish is odzyskiwać posiadanie

reprehensible, criminal in polish is karygodny

representative democracy in polish is przedstawicielska (demokracja -)

repression in polish is powstrzymanie

reprimand, telling-off* in polish is bura

reprint in polish is przedruk

reproach in polish is wyrzut

reproach s.o. in polish is wyrzuty (robić komuś -)

reproach s.o. for sth in polish is wymawiać komuś coś

reproach, excuse in polish is wymówka

reproach, objection in polish is zarzut

reproachful in polish is karcący

reproduction in polish is rozrodczość

reproductive system in polish is rozrodczy (układ -)

reptile, mean guy in polish is gad

reptile, viper in polish is gadzina

repudiate in polish is odrzucać

repulsive, hideous in polish is odrażający

repulsive, revolting in polish is wstrętny

reputable in polish is znany

request (on _) in polish is życzenie (na _)

request sth in polish is zażyczyć sobie czegoś

request the speaker to conclude his speech in polish is odebrać głos

required in polish is wymagany

requirement in polish is wymaganie

resale in polish is odsprzedaż

rescue in polish is ocalenie

rescue, save in polish is ratować /u-

research into in polish is skierować dociekania w/na

resent in polish is oburzać się na

resentful in polish is rozżalony

resentment, grudge in polish is uraza

reservation in polish is zastrzeżenie

reserve the right in polish is zastrzegać sobie prawo

reserves (military) in polish is odwód

reservoir, body of water in polish is akwen

reset in polish is zerować /wy/

residence permit in polish is prawo pobytu

residence permit in polish is zezwolenie na pobyt

resident, inhabited in polish is zamieszkały

residential in polish is mieszkaniowy

residual in polish is pozostały

residual in polish is szczątkowy

resign in polish is dymisja (podać się do -i)

resign in polish is podać się do dymisji

resign from office in polish is złożyć urząd

resilience in polish is spężystość

resilient, elastic, supple in polish is prężny

resin in polish is żywica

resist s.o./sth in polish is opierać się komuś/czegoś

resistant, immune in polish is odporny na coś

resistor in polish is opornik

resistor in polish is rezystor

resolution in polish is rozdzielczość

resolution, vote, law in polish is uchwała

resonance, publicity in polish is rozgłos

resonant, voiced in polish is dźwięczny

resounding, loud in polish is donośny

resounds, rumble in polish is dudnić

resourceful in polish is zaradny

resources in polish is zasoby

respect, esteem in polish is poważać

respect, spare (life) in polish is uszanować

respiratory (system) in polish is oddechowy (układ -)

rest in polish is odpoczywać

rest in polish is spocynek

rest sth against, base sth on in polish is opierać coś na acc.

rested, well-rested in polish is wypoczęty

restrain os in polish is hamować się

restrained, evasive in polish is powściągliwy

restraint, abstinence in polish is powściągliwość

restrictive interpretation in polish is wykładnia zawężająca

resume a sitting in polish is wznowić posiedzenie

resume negotiations in polish is wznawiać negocjacje

resume work in polish is podjąć pracę

resumé, summary, abstract, synopsis in polish is streszczenie

resurrection in polish is wskrzeszenie

resurrection in polish is zmartwychwstanie

retail in polish is detaliczny

retaliate in polish is mścić się

retaliation, revenge in polish is odwet

retaliatory in polish is odwetowy

reticence in polish is niedomówienie 2

reticent in polish is powąściągliwy w mowie

reticent, taciturn in polish is małomówny

retina, volleyball in polish is siatkówka

retire in polish is odejść na emeryturę

retouching in polish is retusz

retract in polish is wstecz (działać -)

retreading, recapping (tires) in polish is bieżnikowanie

retreat in polish is odwrót

retreat, resign, recede, yield in polish is ustępować /ustąpać

retreat, seclusion in polish is ustronie

retroactive effect (with _) in polish is wsteczną (z mocą _)

retroactive law in polish is ustawa działająca wstecz

retune in polish is przestarajać

return address in polish is adres zwrotny

return on capital in polish is zysk z kapitału

return on investment in polish is zwrot z inwestycji

return ticket in polish is powrotny bilet

reusable in polish is nadający się do wielokrotnego użytku

reusable in polish is ponowego wykorzystania (do _)

reveal in polish is odkrywać

reveal in polish is wyjawiać /wyjawić

revealing, exploratory in polish is odkrywczy

revel in sth, take delight in in polish is upajać się czymś

revelation in polish is objawienie

revenge in polish is zemsta

revenge, vengeance in polish is pomsta

revenue in polish is dochód

reverberation in polish is pogłos

reverend (Father) in polish is wielebny

reverie, pondering in polish is zamyślenie

reverse gear in polish is bieg tylny

reversed charge call in polish is R-ka

revive, bring around in polish is ocucać/ocucić

revive, bring back to consciousness in polish is cucić

revocatory, appeals in polish is odwaławczy

revolt, appal in polish is oburzać

revolting. in polish is obrzydliwe

revolving door in polish is drzwi obrotowe

revulsion, repulsion in polish is wstręt

reward in polish is nagradzać

Rhine in polish is Ren

rhinoceros in polish is nosorożec

rhubarb in polish is rabarbar

rhyme in polish is rym

rhyme with in polish is rymować z

rhythmic, measured, steady in polish is miarowy

rib in polish is żebro

ribbon in polish is wstączka

ribbon in polish is wstążka

ribcage in polish is klatka piersowa

ribs in polish is żeberka

rich in sth in polish is zasobny w coś

rickets in polish is krzywica

rickets, rachitis in polish is angielska choroba

riddle in polish is przetak

riddle, puzzle, mystery in polish is zagadka

ride, travel in polish is jeździć*jechać

ridicule in polish is ośmieszać /yć

riffraff in polish is draństwo

riffraff in polish is hoota

riffraff, rabble in polish is hołota

riffraff, rabble in polish is motłoch

rifle in polish is rusznica

rigging in polish is takielunek

right (decision), good buy in polish is trafiony

right angle in polish is kąt prosty

Right Honourable in polish is wielce szanowny

right of repurchase in polish is odkup (prawo -u)

right of way in polish is pierwszeństwo przejazdu

right to reprieve in polish is łaski (prawo -)

right to speak in polish is prawo do zabranie głosu

right to vote in polish is prawo wyborcze czynne

right, authorisation in polish is uprawnienie

right, title, authorisation in polish is uprawienie

right-winger in polish is prawicowiec

rigor mortis in polish is stężenie pośmiertne

rim (of wheel) in polish is felga

rim, hem of skirt in polish is cyrkiel

ring in polish is pierścień

ring finger in polish is palec serdeczny

ringleader (crooks), chieftain in polish is herszt

rings (gymnastics) in polish is kółka

rings under eyes in polish is kręgi pod oczyma

rinse down, sip in polish is popijać/popić

rinse, flush in polish is splukać

rinse, flush, wash off dirt in polish is przemyć

rinse, gargle in polish is przepłikać

rinse, gargle one's throat in polish is płukać

rinse, wash out in polish is wypłukać

rinsing in polish is płukanie

riot in polish is zamieszki

riot, uproar in polish is ruchawka

rip s.o. off* in polish is obdzierać kogoś ze skóry

ripples in polish is zmarszczki na wodzie

rise from the ashes in polish is powstać ze zgliszcz

rise from the dead in polish is zmartwychwstać /ać

rise in price in polish is podrożeć

risk one's head in polish is nadstawiać głowy/karku

risk one's neck in polish is nadstawić głowę

rissole in polish is kotlet siekany

ritual, rite in polish is obrządek

river basin, drainage area in polish is dorzecze

rivet in polish is nit

road adhesion in polish is przyczepność nawierzchni

road block in polish is zapora drogowa

road house in polish is zajazd przydrożny

road sign, signpost in polish is drogowskaz

road surface, pavement in polish is nawierzchnia drogi

roadhog in polish is pirat drogowy

roadway in polish is jezdnia

roam, climb down, come off (color) in polish is złazić /zleźć

roam, wander in polish is błąkać się

roar in polish is ryczeć

roar with laughter in polish is ryczeć ze śmiechu

roar, bray, bellow, moo, blare in polish is ryczeć /ryknąć

roar, moo, bray, blare, howl in polish is ryk

roasted, braised in polish is opiekany

roasting, baking in polish is pieczenie

roasting-spit in polish is rożen

rob in polish is zrabować

rob s.o. of sth in polish is ograbiać kogoś z czegoś

rob, plunder in polish is obłabować/obłupić

rob, plunder in polish is rabować

robber in polish is rabuś

robber, pirate in polish is rozbójnik

robbery in polish is napad rabunkowy

robbery in polish is rozbój

robbery (daylight _) in polish is rozbój (w biały dzień)

robbery, hold-up in polish is rabunek

robin in polish is drozd wędrowy

rock a baby to sleep in polish is ukołysać dziecko do snu

rock, lie in polish is bujać

rocket launcher in polish is wyrzutnia (rakietowa)

rocking chair in polish is bujany (fotel -)

rocking chair in polish is fotel na biegunach

rocking-chair in polish is bujak

rocky in polish is skalisty

rocky in polish is skalny

Rocky Mountains in polish is Góry Skaliste

rod, cock** in polish is laska**

rodent in polish is gryzoń

roe in polish is ikra

role-playing in polish is odgrywanie scenek

roll in polish is wtaczać się

roll in polish is zwitek

roll down, fight in polish is staczać /stoczyć

roll down, go from bad to worse in polish is staczać się

roll in in polish is wtaczać /wtoczyć

roll one's eyes in polish is przewracać oczami

roll out, go over and over (subject) in polish is wałkować /roz-

roll up one's sleeve in polish is podwinąć rękaw

roll up one's sleeves in polish is zakasać rękawy

roll, wind (up) in polish is zwijać

roll-call vote in polish is głoswanie imienne

rolled oats in polish is płatki owsiane

rolled sheet, plate in polish is blacha walcowana

roller blind, window shade in polish is żaluzja zwijana

roller coaster in polish is kolejka górska

roller skates in polish is łyżworolki

roller skates in polish is wroki

roller skates in polish is wrotki

roller, cylinder, shaft in polish is wałek

rollers in polish is wałki

rolling mill in polish is wulcownia

rolling pin in polish is wałek do ciasta

rolling stock in polish is tabor kolejowy

rolling strike in polish is strajk kroczący

roll-on/roll-off cargo in polish is ładunek toczny

roll-on/roll-off ship in polish is rorowiec

Roman in polish is Rzymian

roof beam in polish is ściąg dachowy

roof ridge in polish is grzbiet dachu

roof slate in polish is łupek dachowy

roofer in polish is dacharz

roofing in polish is krycie dachu

roofing tile in polish is dachówka

rook in polish is gawron

roomy, spacious in polish is przestronny

root, spice in polish is korzeń

rope in polish is postronek

rope-ladder in polish is drabinka sznurowa

rosary in polish is rożaniec

rosemary in polish is rozmaryn

rostrum in polish is mównica

rosy cheeks in polish is rumiana buzia

rot (wood), decay (teeth) in polish is spróchnieć

rot, decay in polish is butwieć

rot, decay in polish is zgnić

rot, decay (wood) in polish is mursz

rotary harrow in polish is brona kolczatka

rotary, revolving in polish is obrotowy

rotate a crop in polish is zmienać uprawy

rotational in polish is wirowy

rotor in polish is wirnik

rotten to the core in polish is zepsuty do szpiku kości

rotten wood in polish is próchno

rotten, decayed in polish is spróchniały

rotten, putrid in polish is zgniły

rough in polish is zgrubny

rough (sea) in polish is wzburzone (morze)

rough draft in polish is wersja wstępna

rough estimate in polish is obliczenie na oko

rough kid in polish is andrus

rough sketch in polish is szkic (na brudno)

rough terrain in polish is wertepy

rough, course, blunt in polish is szorstki

roughly, approximately in polish is grubsza (z _)

round in polish is obchód kontrolny

round of ammunition, cartridge, explosive charge in polish is nabój

round off in polish is wyokrąglać

round potato dumplings in polish is pyty

round up to in polish is zaokrąglić do...

roundabout in polish is rondo

rounded in polish is obły

rounded off in polish is zaokręgleniu (w -)

rounded-off number in polish is zaokrąglona (liczba _)

roundup in polish is spęd

rousing, inspiring, spell-binding in polish is porywający

route, draft, process in polish is ciąg

routine check in polish is kontrola bieżąca

routine repair in polish is remont okresowy

routine test in polish is badanie okresowe

routing information in polish is trasowa (informacja _)

row in polish is draka

rowdy in polish is awanturniczy

rower in polish is wioślarz

rowing in polish is wioślarstwo

Royal Navy in polish is Marynarka Królewska

royalties, bonus in polish is tantiemy

royalty in polish is honorarium autorskie

rub in polish is pocierać/potrzeć

rub in polish is przecierać

rub in in polish is wcierać

rub off in polish is odpruwać /odpruć

rub off, dust in polish is ścierać

rub out, erase (recording) in polish is wymaszywać /wymazać

rub sth in sth in polish is wcierać coś w coś

rub, grate in polish is trzeć

rub, harass in polish is nacierać

rub, scratch, tousle in polish is czochrać

rubber band, eraser in polish is gumka

rubber stamp in polish is pieczątka

rubber, eraser in polish is gumka do wycierania

rubbing, massage in polish is wcieranie

rubbish in polish is lichota

rubbish bin in polish is pojemnik na śmieci

rubbish, cheap junk in polish is tandeta

rubble in polish is zwaliska

rubella, German measles in polish is rózyczka

rudder in polish is ster kierunku

rudder, helm in polish is ster

rude, obscene, boorish in polish is grubiański

rude, vulgar in polish is karczemny

ruffian in polish is zbir

ruffle, stir up trouble in polish is wichrzyć /z-

rug in polish is dywanik

rug, blanket in polish is derka

ruin s.o.'s health in polish is zszarpać komuś zdrowie

ruins after a fire in polish is pogorzelisko

rule in polish is prawidło

rule of law in polish is rządy prawa

rule, reign, power in polish is wladza

ruler in polish is władca

rules of procedure, regulations in polish is regulamin

ruling coalition in polish is koalicja rządząca

ruling, order (court), order, instruction in polish is zarządzenie

Rumanian in polish is Rumun

rummage, ransack in polish is buszować

rumor in polish is pogłoska

rump in polish is rostbef

rump, fillet in polish is cąber

run in polish is biec, biegnąć /po-

run a lot, exert oneself in polish is nabiegać się

run after sth in polish is ganiać za czymś

run around in polish is osiąść na mieliżnie

run around in polish is uganiać się

run down (stairs), escape in polish is zbiegać

run for president in polish is stawać do wyborów (prezydenckich)

run in a car in polish is docierać silnik

run into a tree in polish is wpakować się na drzewo

run out of time in polish is wyczerpać czas

run the risk of sth in polish is narażać się na coś

run-away, fugitive in polish is zbiegły

run-down battery in polish is bateria wyczerpana

rung (ladder), level in polish is szczebel

runner-up (sport) in polish is wicemistrz

running machine, treadmill in polish is bieżnia 2

running-in (engine) in polish is doieranie

runup to, catch up, overtake,lay hands on sth in polish is dopaść/dopadać (imp)

runway, airstrip in polish is pas startowy

runway, racetrack, tire tread in polish is bieżnia

rupture in polish is zerwanie

rupture, hernia in polish is przepuklina

rural, pastoral in polish is sielski

ruse, trick in polish is podstęp

rush hours in polish is godziny szczytu

rush, scamper in polish is gnać

rushes in polish is szuwary

Russian studies in polish is rusycystyka

rust in polish is rdza

rustproof, stainless in polish is nierdzewny

rust-proof, stainless in polish is rdzooporny

rusty in polish is rdzawy

rusty in polish is zardzewiały

ruthless in polish is bezwzględny

rye in polish is żytni

rye in polish is żyto

Sabbath (the _) in polish is szabas

sabbatical (take a _) in polish is urlop naukowy (wziąć _)

sable in polish is soból

saboteur, guerrilla fighter in polish is dywersant

sacrifice in polish is wyrzeczenie

sacrilege in polish is świętokradztwo

saddle in polish is siodło

safe and sound in polish is cały i zdrów

safe and sound in polish is zdrów i cały

safety belt in polish is pas bezpieczeństwa

safety helmet in polish is hełm ochronny

safety pin in polish is agrafka

safety valve in polish is zawór bezpieczeństwa

sage in polish is szałwia

Sagittarius in polish is Strzelec

sail in polish is ożaglowanie

sail in polish is żagiel

sail (windmill) in polish is śmiga

sailboat in polish is żagłówka

saintly in polish is świątobliwy

salad bowl in polish is salaterka

salad, pig-iron in polish is surówka

salamander in polish is jaszczur

salary in polish is pobory

sale in polish is rozprzedawać/rozprzedać

sale, retailing in polish is rozprzedaż

sales in polish is obroty

sales manager in polish is kierownik działu sprzedaży

sales manager in polish is kierownik działu zbytu

saline in polish is solny

saline soil in polish is zasolona (gleba _)

salinity in polish is zasolenie

saliva in polish is ślina

sally, attack in polish is wypad

salmon trout in polish is troć f.

salsify in polish is kozibród

salted, corned (beef) in polish is solony

salt-mine in polish is salina

saltpeter in polish is saletra

saltshaker in polish is solniczka

salt-works in polish is żupa

salty in polish is słony

salute (military) in polish is honory (oddać _)

salvation in polish is zbawienie

salvo errore o omissione in polish is z zastrzeżeniem błędów i opuszczeń

sampling in polish is losowanie

sanctimonious in polish is świętoszkowaty

sand dune, snowdrift in polish is wydma

sand pit in polish is piaskowica

sandals in polish is trepki pl.

sandals in polish is trepy

sandbox, sandpit in polish is piaskownica

sandpaper in polish is papier ścierny

sandpaper in polish is papier ścierowy

sandstone in polish is piaskowiec

sandstorm in polish is burza piaskowa

sanitary napkin in polish is podpaska higieniczna

sanitation, garbage collection in polish is asenizacja

sap, undermine in polish is podkopać

sapphire in polish is szafir

sapphire blue in polish is szafirowy

sarcastic, peevish in polish is zgryźliwy

satchel in polish is tornister

satiate in polish is sycić /na-

satin in polish is atłas

satisfaction in polish is zadośćuczynienie

satisfy the demand in polish is zaspokojać popyt

saturated in polish is nasycony

saturation, impregnation in polish is nasycanie

saucepan in polish is rondel

saucer in polish is spodek

sauerkraut in polish is kapusta kiszona/kwasona

sauerkraut soup in polish is kapuśnik

sausage sautée in polish is kiełbasa z wody

save from in polish is ocalać/ocalić od

save, rescue in polish is ocalić

savings deposit in polish is wkład oszczędności

Savior, redeemer in polish is zbawiciel

saviour in polish is zbawca

savoury in polish is cząber

saw in polish is piła

saw off in polish is odpiłować /odpiłać

sawdust, old writings, poetry in polish is trociny

sawer in polish is tracz

saw-fish in polish is ryba-piła

sawmill in polish is tartak

Saxon in polish is Sas

say one's prayers in polish is odmawiać modlitwę

say, talk in polish is mówić /powiedzieć

scab, crust in polish is strup

scabies in polish is świerzb

scaffolding in polish is rusztowanie

scald in polish is odparzenie

scald in polish is wyparzać

scald, sting in polish is sparzyć

scale? in polish is podziałka

scallop in polish is przegrzebek

scam, cheating people out of their money in polish is wyłudzenie

scamper away in polish is zmykać

scandal in polish is afera

scanner in polish is czytnik

scapegoat in polish is kozioł ofiarny

scar in polish is blizna

scar in polish is szrama

scare away in polish is spłoszyć

scarecrow in polish is straszydło

scarecrow, toy gun in polish is straszak

scarf in polish is chustka

scarf in polish is szalik

scarf, shawl, cloth, rug in polish is chusta

scarlet fever in polish is płonica

scatter in polish is rozsypać (się)

scatter, take off (in all directions) in polish is rozbiegać się/rozbiec się

scatterbrained, distracted in polish is roztrzepany

scattered in polish is rozproszony

scavenger in polish is padlinożerne (zwierzę -)

scene (theater), opening (chess) in polish is odsłona

scene. (Don't make a _) in polish is awantur (Nie rób _)

scent in polish is zwietrzyć

sceptre, rule in polish is berło

schedule, decay, distribution in polish is rozkład

scheduled (flight) in polish is rejsowy

scheming, machinations in polish is krecia robota

scholar in polish is naukowiec

school composition, essay in polish is wypracowanie

school inspectorate in polish is kuratorium

School of Fine Arts in polish is ASP Akademia Sztuk Pięknych

school of fish in polish is ławica ryb

school, college in polish is uczelnia

schoolgirl in polish is podlotek

schooner in polish is szkuner

sciatica in polish is ischias

sciatica in polish is rwa kulszowa

scientist, learned, erudite in polish is uczony

sciroppo per la tosse in polish is syrop na kaszel

scissors in polish is nożyczki

scoff at s.o. in polish is natrząsać się z kogoś

scoff at s.o., sth in polish is szydzić z kogoś, czegoś

scold in polish is besztać

scold in polish is fukać/fuknąć

scold in polish is łajać

scold, rebuke in polish is strofować

scoop, bail, ladle in polish is czerpak

scoop, excavator in polish is czeparka

scoop, ladle out, draw water from well in polish is czerpać

scoot over in polish is przyjeżdżaj

scooter in polish is hulajnoga

scope, range, radius in polish is zasięg

scorch (sun), warm up again in polish is dogrzać

scorching (sun), stinging (pain) in polish is piekący

score (music) in polish is nuty

Scotch pine in polish is sosna zwyczajna

scoundrel in polish is łotr

scout in polish is zwiadowca

scram*, blow in (wind, leaf, snow) in polish is nawiewać/nawiać

scrap (paper, land), patch in polish is skrawek

scrap iron, hardware in polish is żelaztwo

scrap of meat in polish is ochłap

scrap of paper, piece of paper in polish is świstek (papieru)

scrap yard in polish is składowisko złomu

scrap yard in polish is złomowisko

scrap, junk in polish is szmelc

scrap, waste in polish is złom

scrape (off), scribble, scrawl in polish is skrobać /ze-

scraper in polish is cyklina

scraper in polish is skrobek

scrapheap in polish is zwał złomu

scrap-iron in polish is złom żelazny

scraps, leftover food in polish is ochłapy

scrapyard in polish is składnica złomu

scratch in polish is zadrasnąć perf.

scratch o.s. (by accident) in polish is zadrapać się

scratch one's head in polish is drapać się w głowie

scratch, crack in polish is rysa

scratch, scrape, grate in polish is chrobotać

scrawl in polish is grzymolić

scrawl in polish is piśmidło

scream, shriek in polish is wrzask

screech in polish is pisk

screen candidates in polish is lustrować kandydatów

screening in polish is przegląd prawa

screening (candidates), sifting in polish is odsiew

screw in polish is wkręt

screw (on) in polish is przykręcać

screw in, load (paper) in polish is wkręcać /cić

screw on in polish is przyśrubować

screw on a nut in polish is nakręcać nakrętke

screw thread in polish is gwint

screw tight in polish is dokręcać /-ć

screw up* in polish is odpieprzyć

screwdriver in polish is śrubokręt

screwdriver in polish is wkrętak

scribble (worthless) in polish is wypociny

scribble, scrawl in polish is bazgrać

scroll, rewind in polish is przewijać

scrotum in polish is moszna

scrounge money in polish is wyciągać od kogoś pieniądze

scrub room in polish is umywalnia

scrub, scour in polish is szorować

scrubbing brush in polish is szczotka do szorowania

scrumptious! Yummy! in polish is palce lizać!

scuba diver in polish is płetwonurek

scuba diving in polish is nurkowanie z aparatem tlenowym

scuffle, disturbance, rough neck in polish is burda

sculptor in polish is rzeźbiarz

sculptor in polish is snycerz

scum in polish is szumowiny

scum of society in polish is męty społeczne

scurvy in polish is szkorbut

scythe in polish is kosa

SEA in polish is JAE Jednolity Akt Europejski

sea anemone in polish is ukwiał

sea breeze in polish is bryza

sea level (above _) in polish is poziomem morza (nad _)

sea urchin in polish is jeżowiec

sea-green in polish is morski

seagull in polish is mewa

seal in polish is foka

seal in polish is uszczelniać /nić

seal, pack, tighten in polish is uszczelniać

sealed envelope in polish is zaklejona koperta

seamstress in polish is szwacka

seamstress in polish is szwaczka

search warrant in polish is nakaz rewizji

search, ransack in polish is przetrząsnąć

searing heat in polish is spiekota

seasickness in polish is morska choroba

season to taste/replace a missing part in polish is doprawiać/doprawić

seasonal clearance sale in polish is wyprzedaż posezonowa

seasonal fluctuations in polish is wahanie sezonowe

seasoned, dry (wine) in polish is wytrawny

seat of evil in polish is jaskinia zła

seat, behind in polish is siedzenie

seat, place in polish is sadzać

seaweed, alga in polish is wodorost

secant in polish is sieczna

secede in polish is odstąpić

secession in polish is odstępstwo

secluded in polish is pustelniczy

secluded spot in polish is zacisze

secluded, isolated in polish is odosobniony

secluded, quiet in polish is zaciszny

second hand in polish is sekundnik

second helping, extra bonus in polish is dokładka

Second Lieutenant, Ensign in polish is podporucznik

second-hand in polish is ręki (z drugiej _)

second-hand clothing, (clothes*) in polish is ciuch(y)

second-hand shop in polish is komis

second-rate in polish is drugorzędny

secret in polish is potajemny

secret in polish is skryty

secret in polish is tajny

secret admirer in polish is cichy wielbiciel

secret police in polish is UB (Urząd Bezpieczeństwa)

secret police agent in polish is ubek

secret, clandestine in polish is tajemny

secrete (hormone), give off (scent), dispense (money) in polish is wydzielać /ić

secretion in polish is wydzielina

secretly, silently in polish is pocichu

sectarian in polish is sekciarski

secular, lay in polish is ściecki

secular, lay- in polish is świecki

secure the proper course of proceedings in polish is zapewnić prawidłowy tok postępowania

securities in polish is papiery wartościowe

security (against) in polish is kaucja (za -ą)

security, gage in polish is zabezpieczenie

security, guarantee in polish is poręka

security, pledge, pawn, deposit in polish is zastaw

security, stock, bond in polish is papier wartościowy

sediment in polish is osady

sedition in polish is bunt

sedition in polish is wywrotowa (działalność -)

sedition in polish is wywrotowe (działania _)

seduce in polish is uwodzić /uwieść

seducer of women in polish is uwodziciel

seduction in polish is uwiedzenie

seductive, attractive in polish is ponętny

seductress in polish is uwodzicielka

sedurre in polish is uwieść

see pink elephants in polish is widzieć białe myszki

see s.o. home in polish is odprowadzać komuś do domu

see sth in one's mind's eye in polish is widzieć coś oczami duszy

see through s.o. in polish is rzszyfrować kogoś

see to sth in polish is dopilnować coś

see, catch sight of in polish is widzieć /zobaczyć

seed production in polish is nasiennictwo

seedling in polish is flanca

seedling in polish is rozsada

seek a new mandate in polish is ubiegać się o relekcję

seek, look for in polish is szukać /po-

seeming, apparent in polish is pozorny

see-through, transparent in polish is przeroczysty

Seine in polish is Sekwana

seine (net) in polish is niewód

seine, purse net, ring net in polish is okrężnica

seize sth in polish is dorwać się do czegoś

seize, begin in polish is jąć

seize, formulate, deduct in polish is ująć

seize, grasp in polish is schwycić

seizure, annexation, annexed territory in polish is zabór

seld-centered in polish is zapatrzony w siebie

select few (a _) in polish is wybrańców (garstka -)

select, choice (adj.) in polish is doborowy

selection board in polish is komisja rekrutacyjna

selective in polish is wybiórczy

selenium Se in polish is selen

self-aligning in polish is wahliwy

self-appointed in polish is samozwańczy

self-assertive, quarrelsome in polish is czupurny

self-assurance in polish is tupet

self-assured, clever in polish is rezolutny

self-defence in polish is obrona własna

self-determination in polish is samookreślesnie

self-determination in polish is samostanowienie

self-instruction in polish is samouctwo

selfish in polish is samolubny

selfishness in polish is samolubstwo

self-medication in polish is samoleczenie

self-reliant in polish is samodzielny

self-sufficient in polish is samowystarczalny

self-taught in polish is domorosły

self-taught person in polish is samouk

sell by weight in polish is sprzedawać na wagę

sell off, get rid of (s.o.) in polish is zbywać /zbyć

sell out in polish is rozprzedać

sell out in polish is sprzedawać się

sell* in polish is upłynniać /nić

semen, seed in polish is nasienie

semicolon in polish is średnik

semi-conductor in polish is półprzewodnik

semi-detached (house) in polish is dwurodzinny

semi-detached houses in polish is bliźnicze (domki _)

semi-detached houses in polish is dom bliźniak

semitrailer in polish is naczepa

send in polish is wysyłać /wysłać

send by airmail in polish is posłać pocztą lotniczą

send for an ambulance in polish is posłać po pogotowie ratunkowe.

send for backup in polish is wezwać wsparcie

send on a mission in polish is wysłać z misją

send out, distribute in polish is rozsylać

sender in polish is nadawca

senile in polish is starczy

senior lecturer, tutor in polish is adiunk/t -ta -ci

senior shepherd (Tart Mts.) in polish is baca

seniority in polish is starszeństwo

seniority in polish is staż pracy

seniority in polish is wysługa lat

sense (common -) in polish is rozsądek (zdrowy -)

sense of duty in polish is poczucie obowiązku

sense, instinct in polish is zmysł

sensible, reasonable in polish is rozsądny

sensible, reasonable in polish is rozumny

sensitive, emotional in polish is uczuciowy

sensor in polish is czujnik

sensory, sensuous, sensual in polish is zmysłowy

sensuality in polish is zmysłwość

sentence in polish is skazywać/skazać

sentence sb to 5 years of prison in polish is skazać kogoś na 5 lat więzenia

sentence, verdict in polish is wyrok

sentimental in polish is ckliwy

sentimental in polish is łzawy

sentimental, soft-hearted in polish is czułostkowy

sentry in polish is czujka

sentry in polish is wartownik

separate in polish is oddzielny

separate in polish is odrębny

separate in polish is osobny

separate the wheat from the chaff in polish is oddzielać ziarna od plew

separately in polish is luzem

separation in polish is rozląka

separation of Church and State in polish is rozdział kościoła od państwa

separation of powers in polish is podział władzy

separation of powers in polish is rozdział władz

separation of powers in polish is rozdział władzy

septic tank in polish is dół gnilny

sequence of numbers in polish is ciąg liczbowy

sequin in polish is cekin

serfdom, drudgery in polish is pańszczyzna

sermon in polish is kazanie

serum in polish is surowica

servant in polish is posługacz

servant of God in polish is sługa boży

servants (coll) in polish is czeladź

serve (sport) in polish is zagrywać /zagrać

serve (sport), opening gambit in polish is zagrywka

serve (tennis) in polish is podanie 2

serve, be intended for in polish is służyć /po-

server overload in polish is przeładowanie serwera

service a debt in polish is obsługiwać dług

service of a loan in polish is obsługa kredytu

service, favo(u)r in polish is przysługa

servile in polish is czołobitny

servile in polish is służalczy

servility,obsequiousness in polish is czołobitność

serving player in polish is gracz podający

set (math) in polish is mnogość

set (phrase), common (opinion) in polish is utarty

set (pudding), freeze (face) in polish is tężeć

set a dog on s.o. in polish is szczuć /po- kogoś psem

set a precedent in polish is tworzyć precedens

set fire to in polish is podpalać

set fire to sth in polish is rozpalić coś

set free, release in polish is wypuszczać /wypuścić

set one's heart on in polish is wymarzyć coś sobie

set out (arguments) in polish is wyłuszczać /yć

set phrase in polish is utarty zwrot

set s.o. against s.o. in polish is napuszczać kogoś na kogoś

set square in polish is ekierka

set the table in polish is nakryć do stolu

set to zero, reset in polish is nastawiać na zero

set topic in polish is zadany temat

set up a barricade in polish is ustawić barykadę

setback, reverse in polish is porażka

settle in polish is sadowić się /u-

settle in polish is ustanowić

settle (liquid), mature (wine) in polish is odstawać się /odstać

settle a claim in polish is zaspokojać roszczenie

settle accounts in polish is rozliczyć się

settle accounts in polish is rozrachować

settle down in polish is zagospodarować się

settle down, nest in polish is gnieździć się

settled (fluid), tired (man, horse) in polish is ustały

settled (person), resident (bird) in polish is osiadły

settlement in polish is rozrachunek

settlement in polish is ustalenie

settler in polish is osadnik

settling, settlement in polish is rozliczenie

sever in polish is oddzielać

severance pay in polish is odprawa (pieniężna)

sew in polish is szyć /u-

sew on in polish is naszyć

sew on in polish is przyszyć

sew up, stitch up in polish is zaszywać /zaszyć

sewage treatment plant in polish is oczyszczalnia ścieków

sewage, sewer in polish is ścieki

sewer in polish is ściekowy (kanał _)

sewer, drain in polish is ściek

sewing machine in polish is maszyna do szycia

shabby in polish is szmatławy

shade in polish is ocieniać

shade of meaning in polish is odcień znaczeniowy

Shadow Cabinet (the _) in polish is gabinet cieni

shady in polish is cienisty

shady in polish is szemrany

shady dealings in polish is niecny proceder

shaft (pit) in polish is szyb (kopalniany)

shaft, handle (of a hammer) in polish is trzonek

shake in polish is potrząsać

shake in polish is trząść

shake (hand), squeeze in polish is ściskać

shake a fist at s.o. in polish is wygrażać komuś pieścią

Shake before use in polish is wstrząsnąć (Dobrze - przed użyciem)

shake off in polish is otrząsać /nąć

shake one's head in polish is kręcić głową

shake sth in polish is chwiać czymś

shake well before use in polish is Dobre wstrząsnąć przed użyciem

shake, toss in polish is chwiać

shake, wobble in polish is chybotać się

shaken, shocked in polish is wstrząśnięty

shaky, wavering, unsteady in polish is chwiejny

shallot in polish is szalotka

shallow in polish is płytki

shame, embarrass in polish is zażenować

shame, ignominy in polish is sromota

shameful in polish is niechlubny

shameless in polish is bezwstydny

shank in polish is goleń przednia

shank. lower leg in polish is podudzie

shanty, ruin, hovel in polish is rudera

shapeless, deformed in polish is nieforemny

shapely in polish is foremny

share index in polish is wskaźnik kursów akcji

share option in polish is opcja na akcje

share premium in polish is ażio przy emisji akcji

share, part in polish is udział

shareholder, stockholder in polish is udziałowiec

shark in polish is rekin

sharpen in polish is temperować /za-

sharpen up in polish is naostrzyć

sharpshooter, marksman in polish is wyborowy (strzelec -)

shatter, demolish in polish is rozwalać

shattered in polish is skolatany

shaving (filings) in polish is opiłek (opiłki)

shaving cream in polish is pianka do golenia

shear in polish is strzyc

shears, clippers in polish is nożyce

sheath(ing) in polish is obicie

shed in polish is szopa

shed tears in polish is lać łzy

shed tears in polish is ronić łzy

shed, depot in polish is remiza

sheep in polish is owca

sheepdog in polish is owczarek

sheepskin jacket in polish is kożuch

sheet in polish is arkusz

sheet in polish is prześcieradło

sheet metal, tin-plate, baking tray in polish is blacha

sheet of paper in polish is kartka

shelf in polish is półka

shelf life in polish is dopuszczalny okres magazynowania

shelf life in polish is trwałość przechowalnicza

shell (egg), peel in polish is obłupywać/obłupać

shell (nut), skin (potato) in polish is łupina

shell out (money) in polish is wysupłać perf.

shellfish, crustaceans in polish is skorupiaki

shells in polish is makaron-muszelki

shelter, dug-out, pillbox in polish is schron

shelve a matter in polish is odłożyć sprawę do akta

shelve a plan in polish is chować sprawę pod sukno

shepherd in polish is pasterz (owiec)

shepherdess, Christmas midnight mass in polish is pasterka

she-wolf in polish is wilczyca

shield, defence in polish is osłona

shift in polish is brygada zmianowa

shift responsibility onto s.o. in polish is przerzucać na kogoś odpowiedzialność

shift work in polish is wielozmianowa (praca _)

shiftwork in polish is praca na zmiany

shiftwork in polish is praca zmianowa

shin in polish is goleń tylna

shin in polish is pręga

shin-bone, tibia, leg (lamb) in polish is goleń

shine one's shoes in polish is pastować buty

shine through in polish is przeświecać

shine, glitter in polish is błyszczeć

shingle in polish is gont

shingles in polish is półpasiec

shin-guard, kneepad in polish is nagolennik

ship sailing under a flag of convenience in polish is statek pod tanią banderą

ship salvaging, wrecking in polish is ratownictwo okrętowe

shipowner in polish is armator

ship's side in polish is burta

ship-shape in polish is wypieszczony

shipwreck in polish is rozbicie statku

shipwrecked person, down-and out in polish is rozbitek

shipyard in polish is stocznia

shit (vulg.) in polish is srać

shit (vulgar) in polish is fajdać

shithead in polish is gnojek

shithole** in polish is sraka**

shiver with cold in polish is dygotać z zimna

shoal in polish is mielizna

shoal, school of fish in polish is ławnica

shock absorber in polish is amortyzator

shock, upheaval in polish is wstrząs

shocking in polish is wstrząsajacy

shoddy, shabby in polish is lichy

shoemaker, cobbler in polish is szewc

shoo! (animal) in polish is sio!

shoot a plane down in polish is zestrzelić samolot

shoot up like mushrooms in polish is rosnąć jak grzyby po deszczu

shoot, kill (animals) in polish is upolować perf.

shoot, sprout in polish is kiełek

shooting in polish is strzelanie

shooting pain in polish is przeszywający ból

shop floor in polish is hala produkcyjna

shoplifter in polish is złodziej sklepowy

shopping basket in polish is koszyk sklepowy

shopping cart in polish is wózek na zakupy

shopping trolley in polish is wózek sklepowy

short notice (at _) in polish is wypowiedzeniem (za krótkim _)

short notice (at _) in polish is wypowiedzeniem (za krótkim _)

short-circuit in polish is krótkie spięcie

short-circuit in polish is zwarcie

shortcoming in polish is niedociągnięcie

shortcut in polish is przełaj (na-)

shorts in polish is spodenki

short-sighted in polish is krótkowidz

short-term, temporary, immediate in polish is doraźny

short-wave radio or transmitter in polish is krótkofalówka

shot in the dark in polish is ciemno (strzał w -)

shot put in polish is pchnięcie kulą

shotgun, rifle in polish is strzelba

shoulder (road) in polish is pobocze

shoulder blade, spatula, spade in polish is łopatka

shoulder-strap, epaulet in polish is naramiennik

shout in polish is krzyczeć /krzyknąć

shout at s.o. in polish is krzyczeć na kogoś (krzyknąć)

shout at the top of one's lungs in polish is zrywać sobie płuca

shove in polish is suwać

shove aside, elbow one's way through in polish is rozpychać się/rozepchać się

shovel in polish is saperka

shovel plough in polish is radło

shovel, scoop in polish is szufla

show in polish is pokazywać /pokazać

show business in polish is przemysł widowoskowy

show fear in polish is stchórzyć

show off (one's talent) in polish is popisywać się (talentem)

show one's I.D. in polish is pokazać dowód tożsamośći

show up, turn up, to find one's feet in polish is odnajdować się

shower in polish is prysznic

shower head in polish is sitko natryskowe

shower with gifts in polish is obsypywać kogoś prezentami

shower, downpour in polish is przelotny desczcz

shower, downpour in polish is ulewa

shower-bath in polish is natrysk

show-off in polish is efekciarz

showroom in polish is wzorcowia

show-window in polish is okno wystawowe

showy, efficient in polish is efektowny

shredding in polish is szatkowanie

shrew in polish is diablica

shrewd, cunning in polish is cwany

shrewdness, cunning in polish is spryt

shriek in polish is wrzeszczeć

shrill, piercing in polish is wrzaskliwy

shrill, squeaky in polish is piskliwy

shrine in polish is kapliczka

shrink in polish is skurczyć (się)

shrink in polish is zbiegać się

shrink, youngster in polish is maleć

shrinkable in polish is kurczliwy

shrinkage, contraction in polish is skurcz

shrinkproof in polish is niekurczliwy

shroud in polish is całun

Shrove Tuesday in polish is tłusty wtorek

Shrovetide (last days of carnival) in polish is ostatki

shrug one's shoulders in polish is wzruszać ramionami

shrug one's shoulders in polish is wzrzuszać ramionami

shun in polish is stronić od + gen

shunt in polish is bocznik

shunt in polish is bocznikować

shut your mouth in polish is buzię (zamknij -)

shut your trap! in polish is stul gębę/pysk!

shut-off valve in polish is zawór odcinający

shutter (camera), snapshot, news in brief in polish is migawka

shutter release in polish is spust migawki

shutters in polish is okiennice

shuttlecock in polish is lotka

shy in polish is nieśmiały

shy in polish is pochliwy

sick benefits in polish is zasiłek chorobowy

sick leave in polish is urlop chorobowy

sick leave in polish is urlop chorobowy

sick leave in polish is urlop zdrowotny

sick leave in polish is zdrowotny (urlop -)

sick leave in polish is zwolnienie lekarskie

sickeningly, sadly in polish is ckliwie

sickle in polish is sierp

sickly in polish is cherlawy

side by side in polish is obok siebie

side curl in polish is pejs

side street, railway siding in polish is bocznica

side track in polish is boczny tor

side-, foreign in polish is postronny

sideburns in polish is baki

sideburns, whiskers in polish is baczki

side-effect in polish is uboczny (efekt -)

sideline, odd job in polish is fucha

side-street in polish is przecznica

sidewhiskers, lambchops in polish is bokobrody

siege in polish is oblężenie

sieve in polish is rzeszoto

sieve in polish is sito

sieve in polish is sto

sift in polish is odsiewać /odsiać

sift, make dust, sprinkle in polish is prószyć

sigh in polish is wzdychać

sigh of relief in polish is westchnienie

sigh, take a rest in polish is odsapnąć

sightseer in polish is krajoznawca

sign in polish is składać podpis

sign (board) in polish is szyld

sign language (in _) in polish is migi (na -)

sign out in polish is wypisywać się

sign up in polish is zapisywać się

significant, characteristic in polish is znamienny

significant, momentous in polish is doniosły

silence fell in polish is nastała cisza

silencer in polish is tłumnik

silencer, muffler in polish is tłumik dźwięków

silent consent in polish is zgoda milcząca

silent film in polish is film niemy

silent partner in polish is cicha wspólnik

silent partnership in polish is cicha spółka

silent-running in polish is cichobieżny

silicate in polish is krzemian

silicon in polish is krzem

silicon dioxide, silica in polish is dwutlenek krzemu

silk-screen printing in polish is sitodruk

silkworm in polish is jedwabnik

silky, satiny in polish is atłasowy

silo, storage bin in polish is silos

silver in polish is srebny

silver in polish is srebro

silver-plated in polish is posrebrzany

silver-plating in polish is posrebrzanie

silverside in polish is górna strona piezeni

silvery in polish is srebrzysty

similar in polish is zbliżony

similar, related in polish is pokrewny

simmering in polish is duszenie na wolnym ogniu

simple majority vote in polish is większość (głosów) zwykla

simplicity in polish is prostota

simplify (oversimplify) in polish is upraszczać /uprościć

simulator in polish is naśladownik

simultaneous interpreter in polish is tłumacz kabinowy

sin, trespass in polish is grzeszyć

since then, from now on in polish is odtąd

since when? in polish is odkąd?

sincere in polish is szczery

sine die in polish is terminu (bez ustalenia -)

sine qua non in polish is warunek konieczny

singe, burn (food) in polish is przypalić

single in polish is stanu wolnego

single child in polish is jedynak/jedynaczka

single room/in room No. 1 in polish is w jedynce/pod jedynką (Mieszkam _)

singular, particular in polish is osobliwy

sinister, distressing news in polish is hiobowa wieść

sink in polish is zlewozmywak

sink a ship in polish is zatopić okręt

sinking fund in polish is fundusz amortyzacyjny

sinking fund in polish is fundusz amortyzacyjny

sinner in polish is grzesznik

sinusitis in polish is zapalenie zatok

siphon, hoist, (lifting) jack in polish is lewar

sirloin in polish is krzyżówka (polędwica)

sirloin steak in polish is befsztyk z krzyżówki

sirloin, loin, fillet in polish is polędwica

sister-in-law in polish is bratowa

sit an exam in polish is przystąpić do egzamin do testu)

sit at sb's table in polish is dosiadać /dosiąć do czyjegoś stolika

sit cross-legged in polish is turecku (siedzieć po -)

sit down in polish is siadać /usiąć

sit-down strike in polish is strajk okupacyjny

sitting room, parlour in polish is bawialnia

sizzle in polish is skwierczeć

skate in polish is łyżwa

skateboard in polish is deskorolka

skeleton in polish is kościec

skeleton in polish is kościotrup

skeleton key in polish is klucz uniwersalny

skeleton key in polish is wytrych

sketch, cancel, jot down in polish is skreślić

ski lift in polish is wyciąg naciarski

ski poles in polish is kijki naciarskie

skid in polish is ślizg

skiing cap, woman skier in polish is naciarka

skiing resort in polish is ośrodek naciarski

skilful in polish is umijętny

skilful in polish is zręczny

skill, know-how in polish is umiejętność

skill, proficiency in polish is wprawa

skimmed milk in polish is odciągane (mleko _)

skimming in polish is zbieranie (śmietanka)

skin and bone in polish is skóra i kości

skin rash in polish is wysypka

skinny guy in polish is chudzielec

skinny, drawn (face) in polish is wychudły

skinny, weakly, sickly in polish is chuderlawy

skip a meal in polish is ominąć posiłek

skirmish in polish is potyczka

skirmish in polish is utarczka

skirt in polish is poła

skirt in polish is spódnica

skull in polish is czacha

skull in polish is czerep

skull cap in polish is sklepienie czaski

skull, cranium in polish is czaszka, czasza?

skullcap in polish is piuska

skull-cap in polish is mycka

skull-cap in polish is myczka

skunk, coward in polish is tchórz

sky-high in polish is niebotyczny

slab in polish is kęsisko płaskie

slack, loose in polish is obluzowany

slag concrete in polish is żużlobeton

slag, cinder in polish is żużel

slam (door), lock in (s.o.) in polish is zastrzaskiwać /zastrzasnąć

slam the door in polish is trzaskać drzwiami

slam the door in s.o.'s face in polish is zamknąć komuś drzwi przed nosem

slander in polish is obmowa

slander in polish is szalowanie

slander, defame in polish is szkalować

slander, libel in polish is potwarz

slanderer in polish is potwarca

slanderous in polish is oszczerczy

slant in polish is skos

slant in polish is skros (w _)

slant (look askance) in polish is ukos (patrzeć z ukosa)

slant, incline in polish is ukos

slant-eyed in polish is skośnookni

slanting eyes in polish is oczy skośne

slanting, diagonal in polish is skośny

slap in the face in polish is spoliczkować

slap s.o. in the face in polish is wymierzyć komuś policzek

slash in polish is ukośnik (prawy)

slaughter in polish is ubój

slaughter, circumcise in polish is rzezać

slaughterhouse, abattoir in polish is rzeźnia

Slav in polish is Słowianin

slave in polish is niewolnik

slave away in polish is tyrać

slave driver, capitalist pig in polish is bonzo

slavery, captivity in polish is jasyr

sled, sleigh in polish is sanie

sledge, sled in polish is sanki pl.

sleep in polish is spać, sypiać /pospać, przespać

sleeping bag in polish is śpiwór

sleeping pill in polish is nasenna pigułka

sleeping pill in polish is tabletka nasenna

sleepy in polish is śniący

sleepy (not enough sleep) in polish is niewysypany

sleepy-head (you _!) in polish is śpioch (-u!)

sleet in polish is deszcz z śniegem

sleeve in polish is rękaw

sleeveless waistcoat (furred traditional) in polish is serdak

slender in polish is cienki

slender, slim in polish is smukły

slice in polish is krajać na plasterki

slice (bread) in polish is kroić na kromki

slice (bread) in polish is skibka

slice (of fish) in polish is dzwonko

slice of bacon in polish is plasterek boczku

slice, flake, lobe in polish is płat

slicer in polish is krajalnica

slicing in polish is krojenie na plasterki

slide in polish is przezrocze

slide in polish is śliwgawka

slide in polish is zjeżdżalnia

slide projector in polish is diaskop

slide rule in polish is suwak logarytmiczny

slide, glide, skate in polish is ślizgać się

slide, transparency in polish is przerocze

sliding rule in polish is przymiar składany

sliding sun-window in polish is szyberdach

sliding window in polish is okno przesuwane

slightly salty in polish is słonawy

slim and tall in polish is wysmukły

slim waist in polish is wcięcie (głębokie - w talii)

slim, diet in polish is odchudzać się

slime, phlegm in polish is śluz

slimy in polish is grząski

sling in polish is temblak

sling, catapult in polish is proca

slip in polish is pośliznąć

slip in, creep in in polish is wślizgiwać się /gnąć

slip of paper in polish is pasek papieru

slip of the tongue in polish is przejęzyczenie(się)

slip out in polish is wymykać się /wymknąć

slip s.o. sth in polish is wsuwać coś komuś

slip s.o. sth in polish is wtykać coś komuś

slip through in polish is prześliznąć

slip, insert in polish is wsuwać /wsunąć

slip-ons in polish is buty wsuwane

slipper(s) in polish is kapeć kapci

slippers in polish is kapcie

slippery, slimy in polish is śliski

slipshod work, second job in polish is chałtura

slip-up in polish is wpadka

slit one's wrists in polish is podciąć sobie żyły

sllipsis, suspension points in polish is wielokropek

slob* in polish is flejtuch

slog away at sth in polish is mozolić się nad czymś

slope in polish is nachylenie

slope in polish is zbocze

slope (ski) in polish is stok

slope, slant in polish is pochyłość

slope, windfall in polish is spad

sloppy, negligent in polish is niedokładny

sloshed, boozy in polish is zapity

slouch in polish is ciamajda

Slovakian in polish is Słowak

slovenliness in polish is niechlujstwo

slow on the uptake in polish is nierozgarnięty

slow thinking, dull in polish is niedomyślny

slow-witted person, dope* in polish is gapa

sludge, slime, mud, silt in polish is szlam

slug in polish is pomrowik

slug in polish is ślimak nagi

sluggish, clumsy in polish is ślamazarny

sluggish, dilatory in polish is opieszały

sluggish, lazy in polish is gnuśny

sluice gate in polish is wrota śluzy

sluice, lock in polish is śluza

slum in polish is rudera

slur one's words in polish is połykać słowa

slush, melting snow in polish is topniejący śnieg

slyness in polish is skrytość

smack in polish is miaskać

smack one's tongue in polish is cmokać językiem

small- and medium sized enterprises in polish is male i srednie przedsiebiorstwa

small black coffee in polish is mała czarna

small change in polish is drobne

small flat noodles with cabbage, mushrooms and onions in polish is łazanki z kapustą

small fry in polish is ciury

small hand, handle in polish is rączka

small pillow in polish is jasiek

small sausage (usually smoked) in polish is serdelek

small talk in polish is pogawędka

small-minded in polish is młostkowy

smart aleck, know-it-all, wiseacre in polish is mędrek

smash to pieces in polish is strzaskać

smash, crush to pieces in polish is druzgotać

smash, defeat in polish is rozbijać/rozbić

smash, shatter in polish is stłuc

smashed potatoes in polish is tłuczone (ziemniaki _)

smashing of the atom in polish is rozbicie atomu

smear in polish is umazać

smear test in polish is wymaz

smear, stain in polish is babrać

smell in polish is węch

smell (sense of -) in polish is powonienie

smell a rat in polish is zwięszyć pismo nosem

smell of burning in polish is swąd

smell of burning smoke (I smell the _) in polish is spalenizna (czuję _ -ę)

smell of sth in polish is zalatywać czymś

smelt in polish is stynka

smile, grin in polish is uśmiechać się

smith, blacksmith in polish is kowal

smoke is coming out of the chimney in polish is dymi się z komina

smoked ham in polish is baleron

smokescreen in polish is dymna zasłona

smokescreen in polish is zasłona dymna

smoky in polish is zakopcony

smooth operator, artful dodger in polish is spryciarz

smooth out in polish is wygładzać /dzić

smother, suppress in polish is tłumić /s-

smoulder in polish is tleć

smoulder, glow in polish is tlić się

smudge, slap paint on in polish is zapaćkać

smudged in polish is umorusany

smuggle (into a country) in polish is przemycać

smuggler in polish is przemytnik

smuggling in polish is przemyt

smuggling, contraband* in polish is szwarc

snail in polish is ślimak

snake charmer in polish is zaklinacz węży

snake, hose in polish is wąż

snap fastener in polish is zastrzask

snap one's fingers in polish is prztykać palcami

snare in polish is wnyk, wnyki

snare drum, drum roll in polish is werbel

snare, trap in polish is sidło

sneak in in polish is wśliznać

sneak in in polish is zakradać się /zakraść

sneak into in polish is wemknąć się

sneer, jeer in polish is drwina

sneeze in polish is kichać

sniff at in polish is obwąchiwać/obwąchać

sniff, nose about in polish is niuchać

sniffer* (nose) in polish is kichawa*

snoot (nose) in polish is kinol**

snore in polish is chrapać

snorkelling in polish is nurkowanie z maską i fajką

snort in polish is parskać

snotty* in polish is zasmarkany

snout (nose) in polish is nosisko*

snout, mug in polish is ryj

snout, mug, rowdyism in polish is pysk

snow boots in polish is śniegowce

snow cover, mantel in polish is okrywa śnieżna

snow pellets in polish is krupa

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves in polish is Królewna śnieżka I siedmiu krasnoludków

snowball in polish is śnieżka

snow-covered in polish is ośnieżony

snowdrift, dune in polish is zaspa

snowflake in polish is płatek śniegu

snowflake in polish is śnieżynka

snowmobile in polish is śniegołaz

snowshoes in polish is rakiety śnieżne

snowstorm in polish is śnieżyca

snowstorm, blizzard in polish is zadymka

snowstorm, blizzard in polish is zamieć f.

snowstorm, blizzard in polish is zawieja

snowy in polish is śnieżny

snub nose in polish is zadarty nos

snuff in polish is tabaka

snuff it in polish is odwalić kitę***

snuff-box in polish is tabakierka

snuggle up close, cuddle in polish is przytulić się

snuggle up to s.o. in polish is tulić się do kogoś

snuggle, fondle, cuddle in polish is hołubić

so be it in polish is niech i tak będzie

so long as nobody knows in polish is byle nikt nie wiedział

soak in sth, vanish into thin air in polish is wsiąkać /wsiaknąć w coś

soak up water in polish is nasiąkać/knąć wodą

soak, drench in polish is przemoczyć

soak, imbibe in polish is nasiąkać

soap bubbles in polish is bańki mydlane

soap dish in polish is mydelniczka

soap over, pull the wool over eyes in polish is zamydlić

soapbox oratory in polish is przemówienie uliczne

soap-suds in polish is mydliny

soar in polish is szybować

sob in polish is chlipać

sob in polish is łkać

sob in polish is szloch

sob in polish is szlochać

sober up in polish is otrzeźwiać /wić

sober up, bring back to consciousness in polish is trzeźwieć

sober, clear-headed in polish is trzeźwy

so-called in polish is tzw. (tak zwany)

social ladder in polish is drabina społeczna

social welfare in polish is opieka społeczna

social worker in polish is opiekun społeczny

socialise in polish is udzielać się towarzystwo

socket in polish is tulejka

socket (lighbulb), holder in polish is oprawka

socket, little nest in polish is gniazdko

socking cap, woolly cap in polish is czapka wełniana

sodium in polish is sód

sodium carbonate in polish is węglan sodowy

sofa bed in polish is wersalka

soft-boiled (eggs) in polish is miękko (jajka na -)

soften, ease off (wind) in polish is łagodnieć

soil in polish is gleba

soil erosion in polish is erozja gleby

solar system in polish is układ słoneczny

solar-powered in polish is zasilany energią słoneczną

solder in polish is lut

solder in polish is lutować

solder, weld in polish is spawać

soldering gun in polish is lutownica z uchwytem pistoletowym

soldering iron (gun) in polish is lutownica (pistoletowa)

soldering-iron in polish is kolba do lutowania

soldier of the Polish Home Army (W.W.II) in polish is akowiec

soldier's pay in polish is żołd

sole in polish is podeszwa

sole, bottom of shoe in polish is zelówka

solemn in polish is uroczysty

solicit, beg, insist in polish is dopraszać się/doprasić się

solicit, compete for, apply for in polish is ubiegać się

solicitation in polish is starania

solicitude in polish is staranność

solid gold in polish is szczere złoto

solid, well-ground in polish is gruntowny

solidify in polish is krzepnąć

solid-state physics in polish is fizyka ciała stałego

solitary confinement in polish is izolatka

soluble in polish is rozpuszczalny

solution in polish is roztwór

solution (chem.), leaven (yeast) in polish is rozczyn

solution (problem), dissolution (parliament, marriage), delivery (med) in polish is rozwiązanie

solve, guess in polish is odgadnąć

solve, untie in polish is rozwiązywać /rozwiązać

solvency in polish is wypłacalność

solvent in polish is rozpuszczalnik

solvent in polish is rozżuszczalnik

solvent, financially sound in polish is wypłacalny

somebody else's in polish is cudzy

somersault in polish is fikołek

somersault in polish is koziołkować

sonar in polish is hydrolokator

sonic in polish is dźwiękowy

sonic boom in polish is uderzenie dźwiękowe

son-in-law in polish is zięć

soon, shortly in polish is wnet

soot in polish is sadza

soothe in polish is koić

soothe, appease in polish is ukoić

soothing, comforting in polish is kojący

sophisticated, big-headed in polish is przemądrzały

soporific in polish is usypiający

soprano, treble in polish is dyszkant

sorcerer in polish is czarodziej

sore in polish is obtarcie

sorrel in polish is szczaw

sought after in polish is rozchwytywany

soulmate in polish is bratwa dusza

sound amplification in polish is nagłaśnianie

sound barrier in polish is bariera dwięku

sound effects in polish is efekty dźwiękowe

sound familiar in polish is swoisko (brzmieć -)

sound insulation in polish is wygłuszenie

sound mixing in polish is mieszanie dźwięku

sound recording in polish is nagrywanie dźwięku

sound reproduction, playback in polish is odczytanie dźwięku

sound track in polish is ścieżka dźwiękowa

sound-absorbing in polish is dźwiękochłonny

sound-proof in polish is dźwiękoszczelny

sour cherry in polish is wiśnia

sour rye and cream soup in polish is żurek

sour, embittered in polish is zgorzkniały

sovereign in polish is władny

sow in polish is locha

sow in polish is maciora

sow in polish is obsiewać/obsiać

sow, spread (panic) in polish is siać /za- or po-

sower, propagator in polish is siewca

sowing in polish is o

sowing in polish is siew

sowing machine, seeder in polish is siewnik

sowing, seed in polish is posiew

soya bean in polish is biała fasolka

sozzled, drunk in polish is ululany

space probe in polish is sonda kosmiczna

space shuttle in polish is prom kosmiczny

space shuttle in polish is wahadłowiec

space suit in polish is skafander kosmiczny

space, arrange, lay out in polish is rozmieszczać

spacecraft in polish is pojazd kosmiczny

space-time (continuum) in polish is czasoprzestrzen'

spacing in polish is interlinia

spacing in polish is rozstaw

spaciousness in polish is przestronność

spade in polish is rydel

spade in polish is szpadel

spade (cards) in polish is pik

spade, shovel in polish is łopata

spaghetti in polish is makaron-nitki

Spaniard in polish is Hiszpan -ka

spanking in polish is cięgi

spare no pains in polish is skąpić (nie - wysiłków)

Spare the rod and spoil the child in polish is Rózeczką Duch święty dziateczki bić radzi.

spare, emergency in polish is zapasowy

sparingly, scantily in polish is skąpo

spark in polish is iskierka

spark in polish is iskra

spark in polish is iskrzyć

spark arrester in polish is chwytacz iskier

spark arrester in polish is iskrochron

spark gap in polish is przerwa iskra

spark plug in polish is świeca zapłonowa

spark, trigger off (discussion, fight) in polish is rozpętać

sparking, scintillation in polish is iskrzenie

sparkle in polish is skrzyzć się

sparkle, effervesce in polish is musować

sparkling (drink in polish is musujący

sparkover, flashover in polish is przeskok iskry

sparkplug in polish is świeca motoru spalinowego

sparrow in polish is wróbel

spatula, putty knife in polish is szpachla

speak broken English in polish is angielszczyzna (mówić łamana -ą)

speak broken English in polish is mówić łamanym językiem angielskim

speak incoherently in polish is związku (mówić bez -)

speak of the devil! in polish is wilku (o - mowa!)

speak to address in polish is zagadywać /nąć

speak up, speak first in polish is odżywać

speak with a hoarse voice in polish is chrypieć

speak with, talk to in polish is rozmawiać /po-

speakers list in polish is kolejność mówców

spear in polish is dzida

spear in polish is włócznia

spearmint in polish is mięta zielona

spearmint in polish is mięto kędzierzawa

species in polish is gatunek

specific gravity in polish is ciężar właściwy

specific, characteristic in polish is swoisty

specification in polish is opis techniczny

specify, qualify in polish is uściślać /ić

specimen in polish is okaz

speck of dust, pollen in polish is pyłek

speckled with, covered in in polish is usiany

speckled, dotted with in polish is upstrzony czymś

spectator in polish is widz

speech in polish is przemówienie

speech (long), harangue in polish is przemowa

speech disorder in polish is zaburzenie mowy

speech therapist in polish is logopeda

spend on drink in polish is przepić

spending side of budget in polish is strona rozchodowa budżetu

spendthrift in polish is utracjusz

sperm cell in polish is plemnik

sperm whale in polish is kaszalot

spherical in polish is kulisty

spice rack in polish is półka na przyprawy kuchenne

spicing in polish is zaprawiane

spicy in polish is korzenny

spider's web, cobweb in polish is pajęczyna

spike, thorn in polish is kolec

spill blood in polish is przelewać krew

spin in polish is prząść /u-

spin, reel off in polish is snuć

spinal in polish is dordzeniowy

spinal column, spine in polish is pacierzowy stos

spinal cord in polish is rdzeń kręgowy

spinal marrow in polish is mlecz (pacierowy)

spindle in polish is wrzeciono

spin-dry, centrifuge in polish is wirować

spinner in polish is wirówka do bielizny

spinning machine in polish is przędzarka

spiral in polish is ślimakowaty

spiral staircase in polish is kręcone schody

spiral staircase in polish is schody kręte

spit in polish is pluć

spit in polish is splunąć

spit on in polish is napluć

spit out in polish is wypluć

spit, spittle in polish is plwocina

spite in polish is przekora

spiteful. malicious, malignant in polish is złośiwy.

spitting image! in polish is wypisz, wymaluj!

spittoon in polish is spluwaczka

splash in polish is bryzgać /nąć

splash in polish is obryzgiwać/obryzgać

splash in polish is plusk

splash (about) in polish is chlapać/-nąć (się)

splash, lap in polish is chlupać/-nąć

splash, spray (agri) in polish is opryskiwać /opyskać

splash, whack, lash in polish is chlastać/chlasnąć

splashdown in polish is wodowanie

spleen, milt in polish is śledziona

splendid isolation in polish is doskonała izolacja

splendid! first rate! in polish is byczo!

splinter in polish is drzazga

splinter in polish is szczapa

splinter in polish is zadra

splinter group in polish is rozłamowa (grupa _)

splinter party in polish is odłamowa (partia -)

splinter, chip, flake in polish is odprysk

splinter, sliver, shrapnel in polish is odłamek

split in polish is rozszczepialny

split hairs in polish is dzielić włos na czworo

split hairs in polish is rozszczepiać włos na czworo

split one's sides laughing in polish is wać boki ze śmiechu

split personality in polish is rozdwojenie jaźni

split personality in polish is rozszczepienie osobowości

split vote in polish is głosowanie oddzielne

split, break with somebody in polish is rozbrat

split, crack in polish is łupać

split, rift, discord in polish is rozdźwięk

spoil in polish is uprzykrzać /yć

spoil (child) in polish is rozpieszczać

spoil s.o.'s appetite in polish is odbierać komuś apetyt

spoil, decay in polish is psuć

spoiled, pampered in polish is rozpieszczony

spoils of war in polish is lupy wojenne

spoke in polish is ramię koła

spoke in polish is szprycha

spokesman in polish is rzecznik

sponge in polish is gąbka

sponge cake, biscuit in polish is biszkopt

spongy, mushy in polish is gąbczasty

spontaneous in polish is samorzutny

spontaneous combustion in polish is samozapalenie

spool, bobbin, coil, duct in polish is cewka

spool, bobbin, reel in polish is szpula

spore in polish is zarodnik

sportsmanship in polish is sportowe zachowane

spot in polish is cętka

spot check in polish is wyrywkowa (kontrola)

spot operation, transaction in polish is operacja loco

spot price in polish is cena spotowa

spotlight in polish is jupiter

spotlight in polish is reflektorek

spotted in polish is kropki (w _)

spouse's secret savings in polish is zaskórniak

sprain, dislocate in polish is zwichnąć

sprain, dislocation (bones) in polish is zwichnięcie

sprat in polish is szprotka

spray in polish is natryskiwać

spray (crop) in polish is rozpylać

spray gun in polish is pistolet natryskowy

spray irrigation, sprinkling in polish is deszczowanie

sprayer, atomiser, nozzle in polish is rozpylacz

sprayer, nozzle in polish is rozplacz

spraying machine in polish is opryskliwacz

spread (disease) in polish is rozprzestrzeniać się

spread (gossip, infection) in polish is rozsiewać

spreadsheet in polish is arkusz kalkulacyjny

sprightly, spry in polish is dziarski

spring in polish is resor

spring in polish is sprężyna

spring in polish is zdrój

spring crops in polish is jare (rośliny _)

spring equinox in polish is równonoc wiosenna

spring is at hand in polish is pasem (wiosna za -)

spring mattress in polish is sprężynowy (materac -)

spring onion, scallion in polish is cebulka dymka

spring/winter crops in polish is zboże (jare/ozime)

springboard in polish is odskocznia

spring-tooth harrow in polish is brona sprężynowa

sprinkle in polish is kropić s-

sprinkle, moisten in polish is skrapiać /skropić

sprinkle, surround, fail, flunk in polish is oblewać

sprinkler in polish is nawadniacz

sprinkler, spraying machine in polish is opryskiwacz

sprinkler, windshield washer, windscreen in polish is spryskiwacz

sprinkling (irrigation) in polish is nawadniane deszczujące

spruce in polish is świerk

spruce s.o.up in polish is ogarnąć się

spur in polish is ostroga

spurt (to work in fits and starts) in polish is zryw (pracować -ami)

sputum production in polish is wydzielanie plwiociny

spy in polish is szpieg

spy satellite in polish is satelita szpiegowski

squabble in polish is zwada

squabbles in polish is zwady

squander (a fortune) in polish is roztrwonić

squander one's money in polish is szafowanie pieniędzmi

square root in polish is pierwiastek kwadratowy

squash in polish is kabaczek

squat in polish is kucać

squat down in polish is cupnąć

squatter in polish is dziki lokator

squeal (child), screech in polish is piszczeć /pisnąć

squeal, grass in polish is sypać

squeegee in polish is rakiel

squeeze in, drive in in polish is wciskać /wcisknąć

squeeze out in polish is wyduszać /wydusić

squeeze out (lemon, paste), wring out (clothes) in polish is wyciskać /wycisnąć

squeeze through in polish is przeciskać /przecisnąć

squeeze through in polish is przeciskać się

squeezing in polish is wyciskanie

squid, cuttlefish in polish is mątwa

squint in polish is zezować

squint at, peep into in polish is zerkać/zerknąć

squint, cross-eye in polish is zez

squire in polish is giermek

squirrel in polish is wiewórka

squirt, belch, eject, pinch (steal) in polish is buchać

squirt, piss (vulg.) in polish is sikać

squirt, whippersnapper in polish is chłystek

St. Andrew's Day (30 Nov) in polish is andrzejki

St. Barbara's Day (Miner's Day) in polish is Barbórka (4 grudnia)

stab in polish is zadźgać perf.

stab in polish is żgać

stab to death in polish is zakłuć

stable in polish is stajnia

stable, buoyant in polish is stateczny

staff turnover in polish is rotacja kadr

stag in polish is jeleń

stage fright in polish is trema

stage-dive in polish is dać nura w tłum

stagger, falter in polish is chwiać się na nogach

stagnation in polish is zastój

stain 2)seed pickle in polish is bejca

stain remover in polish is odplamiacz

stain remover in polish is wywabiacz plam

stain, blemish in polish is zmaza

stained glass window in polish is witrażowe (okno -)

stainless steel in polish is nierdzewna (stal _)

stainless steel in polish is stal nierdzewna

staircase in polish is klatka schodowa

stairs to the cellar in polish is zejście do piwnicy

stake (game), rate (price) in polish is stawka

stale in polish is czerstwy

stale in polish is zleżały

stalemate, deadlock in polish is pat

stalemate, deadlock in polish is patowa (sytuacja -)

stalk in polish is gląb

stalk in polish is łodyga

stalk, stem in polish is badyl

stall (engine) in polish is utknięcie silnika

stall (motor) in polish is gaśnąć (o silniku)

stall, booth in polish is stragan

stall, shed in polish is buda

stallion in polish is ogier

stalls (engine) in polish is gaśnie.(motor)

stamen in polish is pręcik

stammer in polish is dukać

stammer, stutter in polish is jąkanie się

stammerer, stutterer in polish is jąkała

stamp album in polish is klaser

stamp one's feet in polish is tupać /tupnąć nogami

stamp, seal in polish is pieczęć

stamping feet in polish is topnięcie

stance, attitude in polish is postawa

stand in polish is stać /po-

stand (fair) in polish is stoisko

stand on ceremony, fuss in polish is certować się

stand on end (hair) in polish is stawać dęba

stand out in polish is rzucać się w oczy

stand out in polish is wyróżniać się

stand out against sth, contrast in polish is odbijać od czegoś

stand out, protrude in polish is odstawać

stand the test of time in polish is przetrwać próbę czasu

stand to attention in polish is stać na baczność

stand up against in polish is powstać przeciw czemuś

stand up for s.o. in polish is nadstawiać za kogoś piersi

stand up for sb in polish is nadstawić za kogoś piersi

stand up to s.o./sth in polish is stawić czoło komuś/czemuś

stand up, rise in polish is stanąć

stand upright, erect in polish is prężyć się /wy

stand, tripod in polish is statyw

stand-alone computer in polish is wolnostojący (komputer _)

standard contract in polish is umowa typowa

standard contract in polish is umowa typowa

standard letter in polish is rutynowy list

standard of living in polish is stopa życiowa

standardise in polish is ujednolicać /ić

stand-by in polish is pogotowiu (być w _)

standing committee in polish is komisja stała

standing order, direct debit in polish is zlecenie stale

standing orders in polish is regulamin obrad

standing subcommittee in polish is podkomisja stała

standstill in polish is bezruch

standstill in polish is przestój

standstill (econ) in polish is zastrój

stannic, tin (made of) in polish is cynowy

stanza in polish is zwrotka

staphylococcus in polish is gronkowiec

staple in polish is zszywka

stapler in polish is zszywacz (do papieru)

staples in polish is zszywki

starboard in polish is burta (prawa _)

starboard in polish is prawa burta

starch in polish is krochmal

starch in polish is skrobia

stare, look intently in polish is wpatrywać się

starfish in polish is rozgwiazda

stark naked in polish is adamowym (w _ stroju)

starling in polish is szpak

starry in polish is gwiaździsty

start legal proceedings in polish is wszczynać postępowanie

start talking in polish is zagadać

starting price in polish is cena wywoławcza

starting price in polish is wywoławczy (cena -)

starting, start up in polish is rozruch

startle, frighten in polish is trwożyć

starve in polish is morzyć się

starve s.o. to death in polish is morzyć (kogoś głodem)

starve to death, starve os in polish is głodzić się

starve, be half-dead in polish is przymierać

starving in polish is zgłodniały

state in polish is oznajmić

state of bliss in polish is błagostan

state of emergency in polish is stan wyjątkowy

state of natural disaster in polish is stan klęski żywiołowej

state, rule, adjudicate in polish is orzekać orzec

statement, comment in polish is wypowiedź

statesman in polish is mąż stanu

static (radio) in polish is trzaski

static interference in polish is zakłócenia elektrostatyczne

station master in polish is zawiadowca (stacji)

stationary bicycle in polish is rower treningowe

statue in polish is posąg

statuette in polish is posążek

status quo ante in polish is stan poprzedni

statute book in polish is zbiór ustaw

statutory in polish is ustawowy

stay in polish is bytność

stay in the shade/sun in polish is przebywać w cieniu/słońce

stay of execution in polish is zawieszenie egzekucji

stay overnight in polish is zostać na noc

stay with friends in polish is zamieszkać u przyjaciół

stay, visit in polish is gościna

steadfast, unwavering in polish is niezłomny

steadfastness, inflexibility in polish is niezłomność

steadiness in polish is stateczność

steal a ride, ride without paying in polish is gapę (jechać na -)

stealthily, furtively in polish is ukradkiem

stealthily, on the sly, in secret in polish is cichaczem

steam in polish is para

steam engine in polish is parowóz

steamer in polish is parowiec

steaming in polish is gotowanie na parze

steamroller in polish is walec drogowy

steamship in polish is statek parowy

steel fixer in polish is zbrojarz

steel mill in polish is walcownia

steel-works in polish is stalownia

steep (slope) in polish is strome (zbocze)

steep, abrupt in polish is stromy

steep, sloping in polish is spadzisty

steeple-chase in polish is gonitwa z przeszkodami

steer in polish is sterować

steering committee in polish is sterujący (komitet -)

steering wheel in polish is koło kierownicy

stellar in polish is gwiezdny

Stellt den Wecker auf sechs Uhr. in polish is Nastawcie budzik na szóstą.

stench in polish is odpór

stench in polish is smród

step in polish is schodek

step in sth in polish is wdepnąć w coś

step on in polish is nadepnąć

step on it in polish is dechy (naciskać gaz do -)

stepdaughter in polish is pasierbica

stepfather in polish is ojczym

stepmother in polish is macocha

stepson in polish is pasierb

sterile, impoverished in polish is wyjałowiony

sterile, vain in polish is płonny

stern in polish is rufa

stern deck in polish is rufie (pokład na -)

sternum, breastbone, little bridge in polish is mostek

stewed in polish is duszony

stewed beef in polish is sztufada

stewed chicken in thick white sauce in polish is potraka z kury

stewing, braising in polish is duszenie

stick in polish is kij kokejowy

stick in polish is patyk

stick and carrot policy in polish is kija i marchew (polityka _)

stick in in polish is wlepiać /pić

stick in in polish is wtykać /wetknąć

stick one's nose into other people's business in polish is wtykać nos w nie swoje sprawy

stick one's nose into s.o. else's business in polish is pchać nos w nie swoje sprawy

stick one's tongue out at s.o. in polish is pokazywać komuś język

stick out in polish is wypinać /wypiąć

stick out of the water in polish is wynurzać

stick out, protrude, hang around* in polish is sterczeć

stick to one's guns in polish is upierać się przy swoim

stick to one's point of view in polish is obstawać przy swoich poglądach

stick, glue in polish is lepić

stick, glue in polish is przylepić

stick, piece of wood in polish is drewienko

stick. stay in polish is tkwić

sticker in polish is nalepka

sticky in polish is czepliwy, czepny

sticky in polish is lepki

stiff in polish is sztywny

stiff, hardened in polish is stężały

stiffen, harden in polish is stężeć

stifling in polish is duszący

stigmatise in polish is piętnować /na-

still life in polish is martwa natura

still waters run deep in polish is cicha woda brzegi rwie

stilts in polish is szczudła

stimulant in polish is używka

stimulus, incentive in polish is bodziec (dźca dźce)

sting in polish is żądło

sting (bee) in polish is źądlić

sting, pinch in polish is szczypać

sting, prick in polish is ukłucie

stingy in polish is skąpy

stink in polish is capieć*

stink in polish is śmierdzieć

stink, smell bad in polish is cuchnąć

stinking in polish is smrodliwy

stipulate in contract in polish is ustalać w umowie

stir up discord between in polish is waśnić /z- or po-

stir, disturb in polish is mącić

stirrup in polish is stremię

stirrup in polish is strzemię

stitch in polish is ścieg

stitch in polish is ściek

stitch, suture, seam in polish is szew

St-John's wort in polish is dziurawiec zwycajny

stock and bond market in polish is walorów (rynek _)

stock cube, bouillon cube in polish is kostka rosołowa

stock, store,reserve in polish is zapas

stock-fish, cod in polish is sztokfisz

stockholderś meeting in polish is zebranie akcjonariusz

stocking (-s) in polish is pończocha (-y)

stocks in polish is dyby

stocks and shares in polish is akcje i udziały

stoker, fireman in polish is palacz

stone in polish is kamienować

stone, absolutely sure* in polish is murowany

stone, lapidate in polish is ukamienować

stonecutter (diamond-) in polish is szlifierz

stoned (be _) in polish is bani (być na _)

stoned* (drugs) in polish is naćpany*

stonemason in polish is kamieniarz

stoning in polish is drylowanie

stool pigeon, informer, nark in polish is szpiciel

stool, faeces in polish is stolec

stoop in polish is garbić (się)

stop in polish is stawać /stanąć

stop a check in polish is wstrzymać czek

stop a check in polish is wstrzymać wypłatę czeku

stop and search in polish is zatrzymywać i rewidować

stop and search in polish is zatrzymywać i rewidować

Stop bothering me. in polish is Nie zamęczaj mnie.

stop by the office in polish is wstępować /wstąpić do biura

stop off in Prague/at a friend's in polish is zahaczyć o Pragę/znajomego

stop up, clog in polish is zatkać

stopper, plug in polish is zatyczka

stopping leaks in polish is usuwanie nieszczelności

stopwatch, halfback, centre-half in polish is stoper

storage in polish is pamiętanie

storage (comp) in polish is zapisywanie

storage dues in polish is składowe

storage life, shelf life? in polish is czas składowania

storage place in polish is pawlacz

storage yard in polish is składowisko

store in polish is składować

store (data) in polish is zapisywać

store, stock, supply in polish is zasób

stored energy in polish is nagromadzona (energia _)

storehouse in polish is składnica

stork in polish is bocian

storm in a teacup in polish is burza w szklance wody

storm, snowstorm in polish is nawałnica

storm-wind in polish is zawierucha

story-teller in polish is gawędziarz

straggle behind in polish is odłączać się

straight line in polish is linia prosta

straighten up* in polish is ogarniać /nąć

straighten, make straight in polish is rozprostować

straighten, unbend, pull down in polish is odginać/odgiąć

straightforward in polish is prostolinijny

straightforward, blunt, crude in polish is dosadny

strain in polish is nadwyrężać

strain in polish is natężać się

strain in polish is przecedzać /dzić

strain off, decant, pour off a liquid in polish is scedzić

strain to listen in polish is nadsłuchiwać

strain, filter, percolate in polish is cędzić się

strain, filter, sip (drink) in polish is cedzić prze-

strain, overwork in polish is przemęczenie

strain, stretch in polish is natężać

strained my back (I have -) in polish is nadwyrężyłem sobie plecy.

strained, intense in polish is natężony

strainer in polish is durszlak

strainer in polish is sitko

strainer, filter in polish is cedzidło

straitjacket in polish is kaftan bezpieczeństwa

straits in polish is cieśnina

Straits of Dover in polish is Cieśnina Kaletańska

Straits of Gibraltar in polish is Cieśnina Gibraltarska

stranded costs in polish is koszty osierocone

strangle in polish is dusić

strangle in polish is udusić

strapping in polish is postawny

strapping fellow in polish is dryblas

straw in polish is słoma

straw in polish is słomka

straw mat in polish is słomianka

strawberry in polish is poziomka

stray cat in polish is bezpański kot

stray from the subject in polish is odbiegać od tematu

stray satellite in polish is błądzący (satelita _)

stream in polish is potok

streamlet in polish is poytoczek

streamline (tasks) in polish is usprawnić (zadania)

streamlined in polish is opływowy

street cleaner in polish is zamiatacz

street loudspeaker in polish is gigantofon

street-cleaning truck, watering can in polish is polewaczka

streetlamp in polish is latarnia

streetwalker, prostitute in polish is ulicznica

strengthen, fix, record in polish is utrwalać /lić

strenuous, intense in polish is usilny

streptococcus in polish is paciorkowiec

stress in polish is nacisk (kłaść -)

stretch (patience), overtax in polish is nadwerężać -yć

stretch one's legs in polish is wyprostować nogi

stretch, last in polish is ciągnąć się /po-

stretch, pull, pull one's leg, con, take in,cheat* in polish is naciągać

stretcher in polish is nosze

stretcher-bearer in polish is sanitariusz

stretching in polish is rozciąganie

stretchy, spread out, tensile, extendible in polish is rozciągliwy

strew, powder in polish is obsypywać

strew, powder in polish is posypać

stride in polish is kroczyć

strife, dispute in polish is spór

strike a deal in polish is ubić interes

strike a deal, bargain in polish is dobić targu

strike up an acquaintance in polish is nawiązać znajomość

strike, offend, dazzle in polish is razić

strike-breaker, scab in polish is łamistrajk

striker in polish is gracz przyjmujący

striking in polish is uderzający

string in polish is sznurek

string bean in polish is fasola szparagowa

string bean in polish is strączkowy (fasola -a)

string instruments in polish is strunowe (instrumenty _)

string, cord,twine in polish is szpagat

strings in polish is smyczki

strings in polish is struny

strip loin in polish is forszlak

strip loin, sweetbread in polish is nerkówka

strip mine in polish is kpalnia odkrywkowa

strip mine in polish is odkrywowa (kopalnia -)

strip mine, open pit in polish is kopalnia odkrywkowa

stripe in polish is pręga

stripe (mil) in polish is krokiewka

stripe on trousers in polish is lampas

stripe(d) in polish is prążek (w prążki)

striped in polish is pasiasty

striped in polish is paski (w -)

striped in polish is pasy (w -)

striped in polish is prążkowany

striped in polish is pręgowaty

stripped to the waist in polish is rozebrany do pasy

strive, exert oneself in polish is zabiegać

stroke in polish is glaskać

stroke in polish is udar

stroke in polish is udar mozgu

stroke (machine) in polish is suw

stroke of fate in polish is zrządzenie losu

stroke of inspiration in polish is szczęśliwe odkrycie

stroke of luck in polish is uśmiech losu

stroke, shock in polish is porażenie

stroll in polish is przechadzka

strong impression in polish is nieodparte wrażenie

strong warm wind in the Tatra mountains in polish is halny

strongbox in polish is kasa pancerna

stronghold in polish is warownia

stronghold, fortress in polish is twierdza

struck by a virus in polish is zarazić się wirusem

struggle against in polish is maganie

struggle with in polish is zmagać się z czymś

stubble, crew-cut in polish is jeża (włosy na _)

stubborn (as a mule) in polish is uparty (jak osioł)

stubborn, fierce, ferocious in polish is zaciekły

stubborn, obstinate, persistent in polish is uporczywy

stuck in the snow, mud. in polish is utwiło się w śniegu, w błocie. (auto)

stud in polish is stadnina

student body in polish is ogół studentów

studhorse, stallion in polish is ogier (rozpłodowy)

study in polish is gabinet

stuff in polish is upychać

stuffed cabbage in polish is gołąbki

stuffed turkey in polish is indyk nadziewany

stuffing in polish is faszerowanie

stuffing, dressing in polish is nadziewanie

stuffy air in polish is zaduch

stultify in polish is ośmieszać

stultifying in polish is ogłupiający

stumble in polish is potknąć

stumble in polish is potykać się

stumble, slip in polish is potykać się/potknąć się

stump, trunk in polish is pniak

stunner, beauty in polish is cudo

stunning in polish is oszałamiający

sturgeon in polish is jesiotr

stutter, stammer in polish is jąkać się

stye in polish is jęczmień na oku

subcutaneous, underground (water) in polish is zaskórny

subdued (color, light) in polish is stonowany

subject in polish is poddanny

subject in polish is podległy

subject, serf in polish is poddany ?

subjectiveness in polish is podmiotowość

subjunctive mood in polish is tryb łączący

sublease, sublet in polish is podnajmować

subliminal in polish is podświadomy

submarine in polish is okręt podwodny

submissive, compliant in polish is uległy

submissiveness in polish is potulność

submit a referendum in polish is poddać pod referendum

submit a tender in polish is składać ofertę

submit an amendment in polish is przedłożyć poprawkę

subordinate in polish is podwładny

subordinate clause in polish is podrzędne (zdanie)

subordinate clause in polish is zdanie podrzędne

subpoena in polish is wezwanie do sądu

subscript in polish is index dolny

subsequent in polish is późniejszy

subservience in polish is uleganie dominacji

subside, ease (pain) in polish is zelżeć perf.

subsidiarity in polish is pomocniczość (subsydiarności)

subsidiary in polish is zależny

subsidiary in polish is zależny

subsidise in polish is dotować

subsidised accommodation in polish is mieszkanie dotowane

subsist in polish is wyżywiś się

substandard in polish is podrzędny

substantial in polish is spory

substantial in polish is znaczny

substantiate in polish is uzasadnić

substantive law in polish is prawo materialne

substantive motion in polish is wniosek rzeczowy

substitute in polish is namiastka

substitute A for B in polish is podstawiać A za B

substituted, in polish is podstawiony

subterfuge, stratagem in polish is fortel

subtract in polish is odejmować

subtraction in polish is odejmowanie

subtrahend in polish is odjemnik

subtropical in polish is podzwrotnikowy

subversive in polish is przewrotowy

succeed in polish is odnieść sukces

succeed ? in polish is następować

succeed at a test in polish is powieść się na egzamin

succeed in in polish is zdołać coś zrobić

successful recovery, cure, healing in polish is uleczenie

successful, favorable, prosperous in polish is pomyślny

suck in in polish is zasysać zassać

sucrose in polish is sacharoza

suction in polish is ssanie

suction cup in polish is przyssawka

suddenly in polish is naraz

sue in polish is pożywać

suede shoes in polish is zamszowe (buty -)

suede, chamois in polish is ircha

suffer in polish is cierpieć

suffer damage in polish is ponosić szkodę

suffering in polish is cierpienie

suffice in polish is starczyć

suffix in polish is przyrostek

suffocation, strangulation in polish is uduszenie (się)

sugar cane in polish is trzcina cukrowa

sugar factory in polish is cukrownia

sugar industry in polish is cukrownictwo

suggestion in polish is namowa

sui generis in polish is swego rodzaju

suitable for human consumption in polish is zdatny do spożycia

suitor, wooer in polish is zalotnik

sulk, be angry in polish is boczyć się

sulk, pout in polish is dąsać się

sulker in polish is obrażalski

sulkiness in polish is dąsy

sulky, petulant in polish is nadąsany

sulphate in polish is siarczan

sulphide in polish is siarczek

sulphite in polish is siarczyn

sulphur dioxide in polish is bezwodnik siarkawy

sulphur S in polish is siarka

sulphuric (acid) in polish is siarkowy (kwas _)

sulphurous in polish is siarkawy

sultry in polish is parny

sum total in polish is łączna suma

summarise in polish is streszczać /streścić

summary arrest in polish is areszt doraźny

summer solstice in polish is przesilenie letnie

summer, lukewarm in polish is letni

summons, call in polish is wezwanie

summons, writ, citation in polish is pozew

sumptuous in polish is wystawny

sunbathe/get a suntan in polish is opalać się/opaclić się

sunburn in polish is oparzenie słoneczne

sunburnt in polish is poparzony przez słońce

sunburnt, tanned in polish is ogorzały

Sunday driver in polish is niedzielny kierowca

sundial in polish is zegar słoneczny

sunflower in polish is słonecznik

sun-helmet in polish is hełm tropikalny

sunlit in polish is nasłoneczniony

sunrise in polish is wschód słoca

sunset in polish is zachód słońca

sunstroke in polish is porażenie słoneczne

sunstroke in polish is udar słoneczny

suntan in polish is opalenizna

suntan lotion in polish is emulsia do opalania

suntanned in polish is opalony

superalloy in polish is nadstop

superconductor in polish is nadprzedwodnik

superficial in polish is pobieżny

superfluous in polish is zbędny

superfluous, redundant in polish is zbyteczny

superhuman in polish is nadludzki

superintendent in polish is kierownik

superior in polish is zwierzchni

superior, primary in polish is nadrzędny

superiority in polish is zwierzchnictwo

supernatural in polish is nadprzyrodzony

superscript in polish is index górny

supersonic in polish is naddźwiękowy

supersonic in polish is nadsłyszalny

supersonic plane in polish is naddźwiękowy (samolot -)

superstition in polish is zabobon

superstitious in polish is przesądny

superstitious in polish is zabobonny

superstore in polish is megasam

supervise in polish is dorozować

supervise, take care of in polish is dozorować

supervision in polish is dozór

supervision, care, servicing in polish is dogląd

supervisor, overseer, superintendent in polish is nadzorca

supervisory body in polish is organ nadzoru

supple in polish is wygimnastykowany

supplementary payment in polish is wyrównanie

suppleness in polish is prężność

supplier in polish is dostawca

supply in polish is podaż

supply and demand in polish is popyt i podaż

supply s.o. with sth in polish is zasilać coś czymś

supply, tributary, inlet in polish is dopływ

support in polish is podpórka

supporter in polish is popiecznik

supporting beam, girder in polish is dźwigar

supporting, load-bearing structure in polish is konstrukcja nośna

suppose, consider in polish is mniemać

supposed, alleged, implied in polish is domniemany

supposedly in polish is przypuszczalnie

suppository (-ies) in polish is czopek (-pki)

suppress hunger in polish is odpędzać głód

suppress, withhold in polish is zatajać

suppressed in polish is zduszony

suppurate, fester in polish is ropieć

surf, breakers in polish is fala przybojowa

surface (lake), sheet (ice) in polish is tafla

surface mining in polish is górnictwo odkrywkowe

surfboard in polish is deska surfingowa

surfing in polish is pływanie na desce

surge absorber in polish is pochłaniacz fal

surly in polish is opryskliwy

surplus in polish is nadwyżka

surplus, interest in polish is naddatek

surround in polish is okalać

surround, bet on, back in polish is obstawiać -ić

surround, wait on s.o. hand and foot in polish is obskakiwać/obskoczyć

surtax in polish is domiar

surveillance (electronic _) in polish is inwigilacja (elektronicza)

surveying, land measuring in polish is miernictwo

surveyor, adjuster, appraiser in polish is rzeczoznawca

survival instinct in polish is samozachowawczy

survive in polish is ocaleć

susceptible to sth in polish is podatny na coś

suspect in polish is podejrzany

suspect s.o. of sth in polish is posądzać kogoś o coś

suspect sth in polish is dopatrzywać się czegoś /dopatrzyć

suspend payments in polish is zawiesić wypłaty

suspend the debate in polish is zawiesić debatę

suspended sentence in polish is wyrok z zawieszeniu

suspender (garter) in polish is podwiązka

suspension in polish is zawiesina

suspension (car) in polish is zawieszenie

suspension bridge in polish is most wiszący

suspicion in polish is posądzenie

suspicious, distrustful in polish is podejrzliwy

suture the cut in polish is zszywać ranę

swab, cotton ball in polish is wacik

swallow in polish is jaskółka

swallow in polish is łykać/lyknąć

swallow in polish is połykać/połknąć

swallow in polish is połyskać

swallow in polish is przełknąć

swallow in polish is przełykać / przełknąć

swamp, marsh in polish is bagno

swamps in polish is mokradła

swampy, boggy in polish is bagnisty

swampy, boggy, marsh, waterloggedy in polish is podmokły

swan in polish is łabędź

swanky in polish is szpanerski

swarm (bees), cluster in polish is rój

swarm, gathering place in polish is rojowisko

swarm, gooseflesh in polish is mrowie

swarm, hordes in polish is chmara

swarm, pack in polish is czereda

swarthy in polish is smagły

swarthy, sun-tanned in polish is śniady

swashbuckler in polish is zawadiaka

sway, flicker, waver in polish is chwiać się

swear at s.o. in polish is kląć kogoś

swear at s.o. in polish is wymyślać komuś

swear, curse in polish is przeklinać/przekląć

swearing in in polish is zaprzysiężenie

sweat in polish is pocić

sweat in polish is spocić się

sweat (by the sweat of one's brow) in polish is pot (w pocie czoła)

sweat one's guts out (fam) in polish is chapać

sweat out, be soaked in sweat in polish is wypocić

sweat over sth in polish is pocić się nad czymś

sweat profusely in polish is ociekać potem

sweatband, armband, dressing in polish is opaska

sweatband, blindfold in polish is przepaska

sweatshirt in polish is bluza

sweaty in polish is przepocony

sweep in polish is zamiatać

sweep, fling in polish is mieść

sweeping (movement), vigorous in polish is zamarzysty

sweepstakes in polish is totalizator

sweet cherry, cherry tree in polish is czereśnia

sweet dreams in polish is miłych snów!

sweet-and-sour in polish is słodko-kwaśny

sweetener in polish is słodzik

sweetheart! in polish is serduszko!

sweets in polish is łakocie

sweet-talk in polish is bajerowanie

swell in polish is puchnąć

swell, become swollen in polish is napuchnąć

swell, bulge in polish is spuchnąć

swell, pump up in polish is nabrzmiewać

swelling in polish is opuchlizna

swelling in polish is puchlina

swelling, bulging in polish is pęcznienie

sweltering in polish is upalny

swift in polish is chyży

swift, supple in polish is chybki

swim mask in polish is maska płetwonurka

swim over in polish is przepłynąć

swim the crawl in polish is kraulem (pływać -)

swimming trunks in polish is kąpielówki

swindle in polish is oszustwo

swindle, fraud in polish is machlojka

swindler in polish is aferzy/sta -sty -ści

swindler in polish is szalbierz

swindler, impostor in polish is oszust

swine in polish is trzoda chlewny

swing in polish is wymach

swing door in polish is wahadłowy (drzwi -)

swing one's arm in polish is zamachnąć się

swing, seesaw in polish is huśtawka

swinging moods in polish is huśtawka nastrojów

Swiss army knife, pocket-knife in polish is scyzoryk wielofunkcyjny

switch in polish is przełącznik

switch in polish is zwrotnica

switch off, cut off (phone) in polish is wyłączać /yć

switch on, include in polish is włączać /yć

switch, circuit-breaker in polish is wyłącznik

switchboard in polish is tabliczka rozdzelcza

switchboard, junction in polish is łącznica

switched off in polish is wyłączony

switch-partners (dance) in polish is odbijany

swollen in polish is nabrzmiały

swollen in polish is obrzękły

swollen in polish is obrzmiały

swollen in polish is opuchły

swollen in polish is opuchnięty

swollen in polish is wezbrany

swollen (budget) in polish is rozdęty (budżet)

swollen, bloated in polish is napuchnięty

swollen, thickened, augmentative form in polish is zgrubiały

swordfish in polish is miecznik

sworn (jury member) in polish is przysięgły

sworn enemies in polish is zaprzyięgli wrogowie

sworn in (witness) in polish is zaprzysiężony

swot, grind in polish is kujon

syllable in polish is zgłoska

sympathise in polish is wczuwać się

sympathy, understanding in polish is wyrozumienie

symptom in polish is objaw

symptom, sign in polish is przejaw

symptom-alleviating drugs in polish is kojące (leki -)

synagogue in polish is bóżnica

synonymous in polish is bliskoznaczny

synonymous, tantamount to in polish is równoznaczny

syntactical in polish is składniowy

syntax in polish is składnia

synthesiser in polish is syntetyzator

syphilis in polish is kiła

syphilis*, shit* in polish is syf

syringe in polish is strzykawka

syringe in polish is szpryca

table in polish is wykaz

table (big enough) for tens of people. in polish is stół na kilkadziesiąt osób.

table a motion in polish is odkładać wniosek

table a motion in polish is zgłaszać wniosek

table an amendment in polish is zgłosić poprawkę

table FOR five people in polish is stolik NA pięć osób

table tennis ball in polish is piłeczka do ping-ponga

table top in polish is blat

table wine in polish is stołowe (wino -)

tablecloth in polish is obras

tablecloth in polish is obrus

tablespoon(ful) in polish is łyżka stołowa

tableware in polish is zastawa stołowa

tabloid (newspaper), paving stone, cobblestone in polish is brukowiec

tachometer, revolution counter in polish is obrotomierz

tachycardia, rapid heartbeat in polish is częstoskurcz

tachypnoea, rapid breathing in polish is przspieszenie oddechu

tacit in polish is milczący

tacit approval in polish is cicha zgoda

taciturn, sulky, mumbling in polish is mrukliwy

tacky, shoddy, trashy in polish is tandetny

tactile in polish is dotykowy

tadpole in polish is kijanka

tag in polish is oznacznik

tag in polish is przywieszka

tail boom in polish is belka ogonowa

tail fin (airplane) in polish is statecznik

tail light in polish is światło tylne

tailcoat, tails in polish is frak

tailless aircraft in polish is bezogonowiec

tailor in polish is krawiec

tailor-made, made to measure in polish is szyty na miarę

tailplane in polish is statecznik poziomowy

tailwind in polish is wiatr w plecy

take in polish is brać /wziąć

take a bath in polish is kąpać się /wy-

take a deep breath in polish is oddech (zaczerpnąć -u)

take a dump* in polish is wysrać się***

take a liking to s.o. in polish is polubić kogoś

take a message for... in polish is przyjąć wiadomość dla..

take a short cut in polish is skracać sobie drogę

take a sip of milk in polish is popić mleka

take a sip of, make drunk in polish is upijać

take a vote on a proposal in polish is głosować nad wnioskiem

take a walk in polish is przejść się

take advantage of sb in polish is wykorzystywać

take aim in polish is celować

take an oath in polish is przysięgać

take an oath in polish is składać przysięgę

take an oath in polish is złożyć przysięgę

take apart in polish is rozebrać

take apart in polish is rozłożyć na części

take away, take along in polish is zabierać

Take care. in polish is Dbaj o siebie.

take charge in polish is obejmować kierownictwo

take down, off, take a picture in polish is zdejmować /zdjąć

take French leave in polish is wymknąć się po angielsku

take in the beauty of sth in polish is chłonąć piękno czegoś

take into consideration, respect in polish is uwzględniać /nić

take legal action in polish is wstąpić na drogę sądową

take legal advice in polish is zasięgać porady prawnej

take off in polish is zzuwać/zzuć

take off (shoes) in polish is zdjąć (buty)

take offense at sth in polish is obrazić się o coś

take office in polish is obejmować urząd/władzę

take one's life in polish is odebrać sobie życie

take out a policy in polish is uzyskać polisę

take out the rubbish in polish is wynosić śmieci

take out, collect in polish is wyjmować /wyjąć

take pills in polish is zażywać pigułki

take pride in sth in polish is chlubić się czymś

take revenge on s.o. in polish is odkuwać się na kimś

take root in polish is przyjmować się /przująć się

take s.o. aside in polish is odwodzić kogoś na bok

take sb in in polish is butelkę (nabić kogoś w _)

take the bull by the horns in polish is byka (chwycić _ za rogi)

take the bull by the horns in polish is chwycić byka za rogi

take the chair in polish is objąć przewodnictwo

take the collection in polish is kwestować

take the dog out. in polish is wyprowadzić psa.

take the elevator/lift in polish is wjeżdżać/zjeżdżać windą

take the floor in polish is zabierać głos

take the floor in polish is zabrać głos

take the lead in polish is wysforować się (na czoło)

take the trouble in polish is fatyga (zadać sobie -ę)

take to flight in polish is ratować się ucieczką

take to one's heels in polish is drapak (dać/dawać -a)

take to the sea (ship) in polish is wodowanym (być _)

take up arms in polish is chwycić za broń

take up residence in polish is zamieszkać

Take your hands off. in polish is Zabieraj łapy.

take, carryback, suffer, sustain (defeat, injury) in polish is odnosić/odnieść

take, express in polish is ujmować /ująć

take, incur a risk in polish is ponosić ryzyko

take-away, carry-out in polish is wynos (na -)

talented, gifted in polish is uzdolniony

talk back in polish is pyskować

talk deliriously, wander in mind in polish is majączyć za/

talk gibberish, mumble in polish is bełkotać

talk into, persuade in polish is wmawiać

talk nonsense in polish is mówić od rzeczy

talk nonsense in polish is wygadywać bzdury

talk one's heart's content, spill the beans, blab in polish is wygadać się

talk oneself hoarse in polish is strzępić język

talk s.o. into sth in polish is namówić kogoś do czegoś

talk straight from the shoulder in polish is walić prostu z mostu

talkative in polish is gadatliwy

tall, big frame, sturdy in polish is rosły

tall, strapping fellow, ruffian, rowdy in polish is drab

tallow, suet in polish is łój

tame in polish is obłaskawiać /ić

tame in polish is oswoić

tame in polish is poskramiać

tame in polish is ugłaskać

tame, domesticated in polish is oswojony

tamer in polish is poskromiciel

tamer (animal) in polish is pogromca

tamer (lion _) in polish is treser (lwów)

tamper in polish is babraċ się w czymś

tan in polish is garbować

tan s.o.'s hide in polish is łoić komuś skórę

tangent (line) in polish is prosta styczna

tangible in polish is dotykalny

tangible in polish is namacalny

tangible assets in polish is aktywa materialne

tank truck in polish is cysterna

tank, reptile in polish is czołg

tank, reservoir in polish is zbiornik

tanker in polish is zbiornikowiec

tanker (ship), oil tanker in polish is tankowiec

tannery in polish is garbania

tannery in polish is garnarina

tanning liquor in polish is brzeczka garbarska

tap, faucet in polish is kurek

tap-dance in polish is stepować

tap-dance in polish is stepowanie

tape measure in polish is taśma miernicza

taper, cone in polish is stożkować

tapestry in polish is gobelin

tapestry in polish is obicie ścienne

tapeworm in polish is soliter

tapeworm in polish is tasiemiec

tar in polish is dziegieć

tar, pitch in polish is smoła

target in polish is docelowy

target, badge, shield, face in polish is tarcza

tarpaulin in polish is brezent impregnowany

tarpaulin in polish is plandeka

tarpaulin, canvas in polish is brezent

tarragon in polish is bylica estragon

tarry, linger in polish is ociągać się

tart, acid, harsh in polish is cierpki

tartlet in polish is placuszek z owocami

tassel in polish is frędzel

taste bud in polish is kubek smakowy

Tatra mountaineer's stick with decorated axe handle in polish is ciupaga

tattoo in polish is capstrzyk

tattooed in polish is wytatuowany

taunt, to look for a fight in polish is zaczepka (szukać zaczepki)

Taurus in polish is Byk

tautology* in polish is masło maślane

tawny owl in polish is puszczyk

tax arrears in polish is zalegości podatkowe

tax basis in polish is podstawa wymiaru podatku

tax bracket in polish is grupa podatkowa

tax collector in polish is poborca

tax deductible in polish is odliczalny przez opodatkowaniem

tax deductible in polish is odliczany od dochodu

tax deduction in polish is potrącenie podatku

tax deductions in polish is koszty uzasadnione

tax deductions in polish is potrącenia od podatków

tax evasion in polish is uchylanie się od podatków

tax exemption in polish is zwolnienie od podatków

tax loophole in polish is luka podatkowa

tax relief, allowance in polish is ulga podatkowa

tax return in polish is zeznanie podatkowe

tax withheld in polish is podatek potrącony

taxed at source in polish is opodatkowany w źródła

taxi meter, fare register in polish is licznik taksówkowy

taxi stand in polish is postój taksówek

taxi v. (plane) in polish is kołować

taxpayer in polish is podatnik

T-bar in polish is teownik

T-beam in polish is belka teowa

tea service in polish is zastawa do herbaty

tea strainer in polish is sitko do herbaty

teach s.o. a lesson in polish is zadać komuś bobu

teach-yourself book, handbook in polish is samouczek

team in polish is zaprząg

team (horse) in polish is cugowy

team spirit in polish is duch zespołowy

team work in polish is zespołowa (praca _)

teapot in polish is czajniczek

teapot in polish is imbryczek

tear in polish is rozdarcie

tear duct in polish is kanalik łzowy

tear duct in polish is łzowy kanal

tear gas in polish is gas łzawiący

tear off in polish is udzierać /udrzeć

tear off, pull off in polish is urwać

tear sth to pieces/shreds in polish is drzeć coś na kawałki/strzepy

tear, pluck, pull out in polish is rwać /urwać

tear, pull out in polish is rwać się (o ubraniu)

tear, rip in polish is drzeć /ze-

tear, rip off in polish is obrywać

tear, wear out (shoes), shout* in polish is drzeć /po-

tea-room in polish is herbaciarna

tearup in polish is podrzeć

tease, banter in polish is droczyć się

tease, irritate, annoy in polish is drażnić

teaspoon in polish is łyżeczka (do herbaty)

teaspoon(ful) in polish is łyżka herbaciana

teddy bear in polish is miś

teddy bear in polish is pluszowy miś

teeming, swarming (crowds) in polish is rojny

teenybopper in polish is smarkula

telegram, parcel in polish is przesyłka

teleprinter in polish is dalekopis

telescope in polish is luneta

televise in polish is nadawać przez telewizję

tell off, scold in polish is zbesztać

tell s.o. sth his/her face in polish is powiedzeć coś komuś w oczy

tell s.o. to do sth in polish is kazać komuś coś zrobić

teller in polish is poseł skrutator

temperate, reserved, abstemious in polish is wstrzemięźliwy

temperature above zero in polish is dodatnia (temperatura -)

temperature above zero in polish is temperatura dodatnia

temperature below zero in polish is temperatura ujemna

temperature below zero in polish is ujemna (temperatura -)

template in polish is szablon

temple in polish is skroń f.

temple in polish is świątynia

temporal lobe in polish is płat skroniowy

temporarily in polish is przejściowo

temporary in polish is chwilowy

temporary, provisional in polish is tymczasowy

tempt, seduce in polish is kusić

temptation in polish is pokusa

tempting, alluring in polish is kuszący

Ten Commandments (tthe _) in polish is przykazań (dzisięcioro _)

ten days in polish is dekada

tenant in polish is najemca

tenant (farmer), leaseholder in polish is dzierżawca

tender in polish is czuły

tender in polish is pieszczotliwy

tender, auction in polish is przetarg

tender, bid in polish is oferta przetargowa

tender, loving in polish is tkliwy

tenderer in polish is oferent

tenderness in polish is czułość

tendon, heel, sinew in polish is ścięgno

TEN's, Trans-European Networks in polish is siece transeuropejskie

tense, tight in polish is napięty

tensile stress in polish is naprężenie rozciągające

tension, intensity, amperage in polish is natężenie

tension, strain, stress (mechanical) in polish is naprężenie

tent pegs in polish is śledzie (do namiotu)

tent pole in polish is maszt

tentacle, feeler in polish is macka

tenure in polish is kadencja

term in prison in polish is odsiadka

term of imprisonment in polish is wymiar karg

terraced house, row house in polish is szeregowiec

terrestrial globe in polish is glob ziemski

territorial claims in polish is roszczenia terytorialne

territorial development in polish is uzbrojenie terenu

terror, awe in polish is postrach

test in polish is probierczy

test pilot in polish is oblatywacz

test tube in polish is probówka

test, criterion in polish is sprawdzian

testimony (testify, give evidence) in polish is zeznanie (składać/złożyć -)

tetanus in polish is tężec

textile worker in polish is włókniarz/włókniarka

Thai in polish is Taj -ka

thanks a lot! (ironically) in polish is obejdzie się!

Thanks for the ride. in polish is podrzucenie. (dziękuję za _)

thanksgiving in polish is dziękczynienie

that way in polish is tamtędy

thatched roof in polish is strzecha

That's no use for anything in polish is nadaje się do niczego. (To nie _)

that's not all in polish is mało tego

thaw in polish is odwilż

thaw in polish is roztajać

thaw in polish is roztop

thaw in polish is tajać /od-

thaw, melt, get warm in polish is odmarznąć

the Allies in polish is alianci

the ankle is swollen in polish is spuchnięta (kolana jest -)

The Ayes have it. in polish is wniosek przyjęto

the Bar, the legal profession in polish is adwokatura

The Big Bad Wolf in polish is Zły Wilk

the blues in polish is chandra (mieć _ę)

The boss can do anything he likes. in polish is Szefowi wszystko wolno.

the carotid (artery) in polish is szyjna (tętnica -)

The carpathian mountains in polish is Karpaty

The cat was so scared that it ran off. in polish is Kot tak się przestraszył, że aż uciekł.

the Creator in polish is Stwórca

the deceased in polish is niebiszczyk

the deceased (murder), suicide in polish is denat

the defendant, the accused in polish is oskarżony

the devil only knows in polish is czort wie

The devil take you! in polish is Niech was piorun trzaśnie!

the devil, Satan in polish is bies

the Elbe river in polish is Łaba

the elders in polish is starszyna

the end justifies the means in polish is cel uświęca środki

the executioner in polish is wykonawca wyroku

the golden calf in polish is cielec (złoty _)

the grapevine in polish is pantoflowa (poczta -)

the Great Bear in polish is Wielka Niedźwiedzica

the hitch is that… in polish is szkopuł w tym, że…

the Holy trinity in polish is Trójca święta

the hub of the universe in polish is pępek świata

the Last Supper in polish is wieczerza (ostatnia -)

the law is not retroactive in polish is ustawa nie działa wstecz

the Left in polish is lewica

the legislature in polish is władza ustawodawcza

The less he works, the more his wife nags him. in polish is Im mniej pracuje, tym więcej mu żona dokucza.

the letter Y in polish is igrek

the little ones in polish is dzieciarnia

The mice will play when the cat's away. in polish is Myszy tańcują, gdy kota nie czują

the motion was lost in polish is wniosek upadł

the number twelve (bus, tram) in polish is dwunastka

the number twenty (bus, tram) in polish is dwudziestka

the other day in polish is onegdaj

the other way around, inversely in polish is na odwrót

the polluter pays in polish is zanieczyszczający płaci

the proceedings in polish is obrady

the Right in polish is prawica

the rumor spread like wildfire in polish is plotka rozeszła się lotem błyskawicy

the situation took an unexpected turn in polish is obrót (sytuacja przybrała nieoczekiwany -)

the sky is clearing in polish is wypogadza się

the sooner the better in polish is im wrześniej tym lepiej

The surrounding area is pretty but run-down. in polish is Okolica jest piękna, lecz zaniedbana.

the then prime minister in polish is ówczesny premier

the Virgin Mary in polish is Matka Boska

the wrong way (round) in polish is opak (na -)

theorem in polish is twierdzenie

there is a draught in polish is ciągnie

there's going to be a storm in polish is zbiera się na burze

There's no place like home in polish is Wszędzie dobrze, ale w domu najlepiej

thermal in polish is cieplny

thermal underwear in polish is ciepła bielizna

thermal, heat treatment in polish is obróbka cieplna

thick in polish is zawiesisty

thick as two planks in polish is but (głupi jak -)

thick milk pudding with vanilla, chocolate, or fruit flavouring in polish is budyń

thicken in polish is gęstnieć

thickening qgent in polish is zagęstnik

thicket in polish is gęstwina

thief in polish is złodziej

thigh in polish is udo

thighbone in polish is udowy (kość -a)

thimble in polish is naparstek

thin smoked pork sausage in polish is kabanos

thin the paint down with water in polish is rozcieńczyć farbę wodą

think in polish is myśleć /po-

think highly of s.o./sth in polish is cenić sobie kogoś/coś

think tank in polish is zespół analityków

think too highly of o.s. in polish is przeceniać się

thinker in polish is myśliciel

thin-layer (solar cell) in polish is cienkowarstwowy

thinner, diluent in polish is rozcieńczalnik

third party insurance in polish is OC (od opowiedzialności cywilny)

Third Reich (the _) in polish is rzesa (trzecia -)

This beats everything! in polish is przechodzi ludzkie pojęcie! (To _)

this is a bit over the top in polish is przegięcie (to jest -)

this is no joke in polish is przelewki (to nie -)

This was a scandal to beat all scandals. in polish is skandal nad skandale. (To był _)

thistle in polish is oset

thong in polish is rzemyk

thongs, flip-flops in polish is klapki

thorn in polish is cierń f.

thorn bush in polish is krzew ciernisty

thorny in polish is ciernisty

thorny, prickly in polish is kolczasty

thorough knowledge in polish is gruntowna znajomość

thorough, complete in polish is doszczętny

thoughtlessness in polish is bezmyślność

thread in polish is nitka

threadbare in polish is przetarty

threadbare in polish is wyświechtany

threadbare, hackneyed in polish is wytarty

threaten sb in polish is odgrażać się komuś

three-dimensional, spatial in polish is przestrzenny

three-phase current in polish is prąd trzyfazowy

threescore, 60 in polish is kopa

thresh in polish is młócić

thresher in polish is młockarnia

threshing machine in polish is młoautonia

threshold in polish is próg

thrifty in polish is skrzętny

thriller in polish is dreszczowiec

thriller in polish is grozy (powieść)

thrive in polish is darzyć się

throb, rattle in polish is warkot

thrombosis in polish is zakrzepica

throttle, choke in polish is zadusić

throw in polish is miotać

throw in polish is rzucać /rzucić

throw abuse at s.o. in polish is obrzucać kogoś błotem

throw down, lay (blame) in polish is zwaliċ (winę)

throw one's weight around in polish is panoszyć się

throw out the rubbish in polish is wyrzucać śmieci

throw out, drive out, banish in polish is wypędzać /wypędzić

thrush in polish is drozd

thug, ruffian in polish is opryszek

thumb in polish is kciuk

thumb through a book in polish is przewracać kartki książki

thumbtack in polish is pinezka

thumbtack in polish is pluskiewka

thunder in polish is grzmieć

thunder(bolt) in polish is grom

thunderstorm in polish is burza

thunderstorm in polish is burza z piorunami

thwart in polish is niweczyć

thyme in polish is tymianek

thyme, mint in polish is macierzanka

thymus gland in polish is grasica

thyroid gland in polish is tarczyca

tibia in polish is piszczel

tick (clock), chirp (grasshopper), pay in small instalments in polish is cykać/cyknąć

tick (insect) in polish is kleszcz

ticker* (heart) in polish is pompa*

tickle in polish is łaskotać

tickle in polish is łechtać

tidbit, delicacy in polish is przysmak

tidbit, delicacy in polish is smakołyk

tiddlywinks in polish is pchełki

tide in polish is pływ morza

tidiness, neatness in polish is dbałość o swój wygląd

tidy, remove in polish is sprzątać /sprzątnąć

tie in polish is zawiązywać /zawiązać

tie (a tie) in polish is zawiązać (krawat)

tie clip, pin in polish is spinka do krawatu

tie one's shoes in polish is zasznurować buty

tie the knot in polish is kobierzec (stanąć na ślubnym -)

tie the knot in polish is połączyć sią węzłem małżeńskim

tie up in polish is uwiązywać /uwiązać

tie, wrap around in polish is obwiązywać/obwiązać

tied up in polish is skrępowany

Tierra del Fuego in polish is Ziemia Ognista

tight bend in polish is wiraż

tight, crowded, confined in polish is ciasny

tighten the screws in polish is dociągać śruby

tight-fitting in polish is obcisły

tightness, lack of space in polish is ciasnota

tigress in polish is tygrysica

tile in polish is kafel

tile in polish is kafelek

tile in polish is płytka ceramiczna

tiler in polish is glazurnik

till now, down to here in polish is potąd

tilting in polish is przechylny

timber in polish is budulec

timber in polish is drzewno bodowlane

timber yard in polish is skład drewna

time bomb in polish is bomba zegarowa

time difference in polish is różnica czasu

Time is up in polish is Czas kończyć.

time limit of speeches in polish is czas przemówień

time machine in polish is wehikuł czasu

time zone in polish is stref czasowy

time-consuming in polish is czasochłonny

timer in polish is czasomierz

timer (cooking) in polish is minutnik

time-sharing in polish is podział czasu

timetable in polish is rozkład jazdy

timetable in polish is rozkład zajęć

timid in polish is lękliwy

timid in polish is płochliwy

timid, faint-hearted in polish is bojaźliwy

tin in polish is blaszany

tin foil in polish is staniol

tin Sn in polish is cyna

tin, can in polish is puszka

tin-foil in polish is cynfolia

tingling, pins and needles in polish is mrowienie

tinplate, tinned sheet in polish is blacha biała

tin-plating in polish is pobielanie

tinsmith in polish is blacharz

tinsmithing in polish is blacharstwo

tint, tone (voice) in polish is zabarwienie

tip in polish is czubek

tip of my tongue (it's on the_) in polish is czubku (mam to na - języka)

tip of one's tongue (have sth on the _) in polish is mieć coś na końcu języka

tip of the iceberg in polish is wierzchołkiem góry lodowej (być _)

tip the scales in s.o.'s favor in polish is przechylać szalę na czjąś stronę

tipsy in polish is podchmielony

tipsy in polish is zawiany

tipsy,screwed* in polish is datą (pod dobrym _)

tiptoe in polish is czubkach (chodzić na - palców)

tiptoe in polish is palcach (chodzić na -)

tire tread in polish is bieżnik opony

tireless, untiring in polish is niestrudzony

tires in polish is ogrumienie

tiring in polish is nużący

tissue in polish is tkanka

tissue paper, cigarette paper in polish is bibułka

tit in polish is sikorka

tit for tat in polish is wet za wet

title deed in polish is tytuł własności

titre in polish is miano

tits** in polish is bufory**

tits** in polish is cyce**

tits** in polish is cycki**

To and fro. in polish is Tam i z powrotem

to be administered intravenously in polish is Do podawanie dożylnego

to be continued in polish is cdn (ciąg dalszy nastąpi)

to be continued in polish is ciąg dalszy nastąpi

to boot, in the bargain in polish is na dobitką

to get s.o. in a pretty mess in polish is urządzić kogoś

To get to the bottom of it. in polish is Wszystkiego się o tym dowiedzieć.

To my surprise in polish is Ku mojemu zdziwieniu

to no avail, in vain in polish is bezskutecznie

To say that! Never heard of such a thing! in polish is Tak się odezwać! Coś niesłychanego!

to the letter in polish is co do joty

toad in polish is ropucha

toaster in polish is opiekacz (do grzanek)

toaster in polish is opiekacz do pieczywa

toboggan in polish is saneczki

tobogganing in polish is saneczkarstwo

toddler, brat in polish is berbeć

toil in polish is myto

toil in polish is znój

toil, drudge in polish is mordęga

toil, exertion in polish is mozół

toilet bowl in polish is muszla klozetowa

toilet seat in polish is sedes

toilet, paragraph in polish is ustęp

toilsome in polish is mozolny

toll gate, toll bar in polish is rogatka

Tom Thumb in polish is Tomcio Paluch

tomb in polish is grobowiec

tomb(stone) in polish is nagrobek

tomb, grave in polish is mogiła

Tomboy! in polish is Chłopczyca!

tombstone in polish is kamień grobowy

tomcat in polish is kocur

tom-cat in polish is kocisko

tone down in polish is stonować

tongs in polish is obcęgi

tongs. forceps, pliers in polish is kleszcze pl.

tongue in polish is ozór

tonsillitis in polish is angina

tonsillitis in polish is zapalenie migdałków

tonsils in polish is migdałki

too late in polish is poniewczasie

too much of a good thing in polish is dwa grzyby w barszczu

too much, more than enough in polish is zanadto

tooth and nail in polish is zębami i pazurami

tooth harrow in polish is brona zębowa

tooth infection, swelling in polish is fluksja

toothpick in polish is wykałaczka

top management in polish is ścisłe kierownictwo

top of the class in polish is prymus

top up in polish is nalewać do pełna

top up s.o.'s drink in polish is dolewać komuś

topgallant (sail) in polish is bram (żagiel)

tophat in polish is melonik

top-heavy in polish is wywrotny

topple in polish is przewalać /ić

tops (of plant) in polish is natka

top-secret in polish is ściśle tajny

torch in polish is pochodnia

torment in polish is udręczyć perf.

torment s.o. in polish is pastwić się nad kimś

torment, distress in polish is udręka

torment, molest, harass in polish is nękać

torn in polish is rozdarty

torn between 2 cultures in polish is rozdarty pomiędzy dwiema kulturami

torn out in polish is wydarty

torn, worn in polish is podarty

torrent, rapid in polish is wartki (potok)

torrential (rain), thunderous (applause) in polish is rzęsisty

torrential, pouring in polish is ulewny

torsion in polish is skręcanie

torso in polish is tors

torso in polish is tułów

tort in polish is delikt

torture in polish is katusze pl.

torture, agony in polish is męczarnia

torture, torment in polish is katować

torturer, molester in polish is dręczyciel

touch lightly, stroke in polish is muskać/musnąć

touch upon in polish is poruszać

touch, stir, move in polish is ruszać /ruszyć

touch, strike, affect,call by first name in polish is tykać/tknąć

touchdown in polish is przyłożenie

touching, moving in polish is wzruszający

touchy, thorny (issue), ticklish in polish is drażliwy

tough guy in polish is twadziel

tough, resilient, heavy-duty in polish is wytrzymały

toughen a stance in polish is usztywnić stanowisko

toupee in polish is tupecik

tourniquet in polish is opaska uciskowa

tow in polish is holować

tow bar in polish is drążek holowniczy

tow hook in polish is hak holowniczy

tow line in polish is linia holowiczna

tower over s.o. in polish is górować nad kimś

town planner in polish is planista miejski

towrope 2)lounge, hall in polish is hol

towspeople in polish is mieszczanie

toy car in polish is samochodzik

trace element in polish is pierwiasted śladoowy

trace elements in polish is pierwiastki śladowe

trachea, windpipe in polish is tchawica

trachoma, viral eye infection in polish is jaglica

track in polish is torowisko

track in polish is trop

track record in polish is historia dokonań

track record in polish is zestawienie wyników

tracksuit in polish is dres

tractor in polish is ciągnik

trade deficit in polish is deficyt bilansu handlowego

trade union in polish is związek zawodowy

trade unionist in polish is związkowiec

trade winds in polish is pasaty

trade, craft in polish is rzemieślniczy

trademark in polish is znak ochronny

trademark in polish is znak towarowy or fabryczny

tradesman in polish is kupiec

traffic density in polish is nasilenie ruchu

traffic jam in polish is zator ruchu

traffic jam, congestion in polish is zator

traffic police* in polish is drogówka

traffic regulations in polish is przepisy ruchu drogowego

trail (plane, smoke) in polish is smuga

trail, route in polish is szlak

trailer in polish is przyczepka

trailer, sidecar in polish is przyczepa

trailership (RoRo) in polish is statek do przewozu ładuków tocznych

trained, skilled in polish is wyćwiczony

trainee lawyer in polish is aplikant

trainee, apprentice, stagiare in polish is praktykant /ka

trainee, intern in polish is stażysta

trainer in polish is treser

traitor, renegade in polish is odstępca

traitor, turncoat in polish is zdrajca

tram driver in polish is motorniczy

trample, tread in polish is deptać

trampoline in polish is batut

transceiver in polish is nadbiornik

transfer in polish is przelew (dokonać -)

transferable in polish is zbywalny

transferable document in polish is przenoszalny dokument handlowy

transfuse (blood) in polish is przetaczać

transient voltage in polish is napięcie nieustalone

transition period in polish is przejściowy (okres _)

transitional period in polish is okres przejściowy

transitional, connecting (room), challenge, transitive in polish is przechodni

translate in English in polish is tłumaczyć na angielski

translation in polish is przekład

transmission in polish is nadawanie

transmission (gear) in polish is przekładnia

transmission line in polish is przesłowa (linia _)

transmission wires in polish is przewody rozmówne

transmit (disease) in polish is przenosić

transmitter in polish is nadajnik

transplant in polish is przeszczepić

transplant (organ) in polish is przeszczep

transport, burst of emotion in polish is uniesienie

transship in polish is przeladowywać

transversal in polish is poprzeczny

trap in polish is potrask

trap in polish is potrzask

trap in polish is pułapka

trash (film, book), plaited white bread in polish is chała

trash, slum, extreme poverty in polish is dziadostwo

trashy (literature) in polish is szmirowaty

trauma, injury in polish is uraz

traumatic (casualty ward) in polish is urazowy (oddział chirurgii -ej)

travel back in time in polish is sięgać wstecz w czasie

travel regularly in polish is dojechać/dojeżdżać

trawl (net) in polish is włok

tray in polish is taca

treacherous in polish is skrytobójczy

treacherous in polish is zdradliwy

treacherous in polish is zdradziecki

tread, wheel track in polish is rostaw kół

treason in polish is zdrada

treasurer in polish is skarbnik

Treasury Bill in polish is weksel skarbowy

treasury bonds in polish is bony skarbowe

treasury note (US) in polish is bilet skarbowy

treat o.s. to in polish is raczyć się czymś

treat s.o. to sth in polish is raczyć kogoś czymś

treat to something in polish is częstować

Treaty of Accession in polish is traktat zjednoczeniowy

Treaty of Rome in polish is Traktat Rzymski

treble, triple in polish is potrajać /potroić

tree felling in polish is wyrąb

tremble in polish is dygotać

tremble for one's hide in polish is drżeć o własną skórę

tremble, vibrate, twitch, flicker in polish is drgać /drgnąć

tremor in polish is wstrząs podziemny

trench in polish is okop

trench coat in polish is prochowiec

trespass in polish is wtargnąć

trial in polish is rozprawa sądowa

trial + error method in polish is prób i błędów (metoda _)

trial and error in polish is poszukiwać metodą próbi i błędów

trial by fire in polish is próba ogniowa

trial, showdown, debate, dissertation in polish is rozprawa

triangle in polish is trójkąt

tribe in polish is plemię

tribe, strain, graft in polish is szczep

tributary in polish is dopływ rzeki

tribute (pay _) in polish is hołd (składać _)

trichinosis in polish is włośnica

trick (cards) in polish is lewa 2

trick question in polish is podchwytliwe pytanie

trick, prank in polish is sprawka

trickle in polish is ciurkać

trickle down in polish is ściekać /ściec or ścieknąć

trickle, drip in polish is sączyć (się)

tricycle in polish is rower trójkołowy

tricycle in polish is trójkołowy (rower -)

tried-out, tested in polish is wypróbowany

trifle in polish is błahostka

trifle in polish is fraszka

trifle, small matter, trinket in polish is drobnostka

trigger in polish is cyngiel

trigger in polish is spust

trigger (off) in polish is rozpętać

trigger-lock in polish is bezpiecznik spustu

trim hair in polish is podstrzygać

TrinitySunday in polish is święto Trójcy Świętej

trinket in polish is błyskotka

trinket in polish is ozdóbka

trio in polish is tercet

triplets in polish is trojaczki

tripod in polish is trónóg

trite, superficial, commonplace in polish is zdawkowy

tritium in polish is radiowodór

triviality in polish is błahość

trolley in polish is drezyna

trombone in polish is puzon

tropic in polish is zwrotnik

tropical in polish is zwrotnikowy

trot in polish is kłus

trot in polish is trucht (biec -em)

trot along in polish is klusem (jechać _)

trot, poach in polish is kłosować

troublemaker in polish is mąciciel

troublemaker in polish is podżegracz

troublemaker in polish is warchoł

troublemaker in polish is wichrzyciel

trough in polish is niecka

trough, crib in polish is żłób

trough, riverbed in polish is koryto

trouser leg in polish is nogawka

truancy in polish is wagarowanie

truant in polish is wagarach (uczeń na -)

truce in polish is rozejm

trump in polish is atu(t)

trumpeter in polish is trębacz

trunk, stump in polish is pień

trust (put one's - in s.o.) in polish is ufność (pokładać - w kimś)

trust fund in polish is fundusz powierniczy

trust, confide in polish is ufać

trusted in polish is zaufany

trustworthy man in polish is swój człowiek

truthful in polish is prawdomówny

Try harder! in polish is Bardziej się staraj!

try on (clothes) in polish is przymierzyć

try on,apply to in polish is przymierzać

try stay awake in polish is odpędzać sen

try to be funny in polish is silić się na dowcip

try to ingratiate oneself in polish is nadskakiwać

try, taste in polish is próbować /s-

trying on clothes, trial run, fitting in polish is przymiarka

tsar in polish is strzęp

T-square in polish is przykładnica

tube of toothpaste in polish is tubka (pasty do zębów)

tuber, bulb, Jerusalem artichoke in polish is bulwa

tuberculosis in polish is gruźlica

tuft (hair) in polish is kępka

tugboat, towboat in polish is holownik

tug-of-war in polish is przeciąganie liny

tuition in polish is czesne

tuition in polish is zajęcia

tulip in polish is tulipan

tumble down in polish is przewracać się

tumble down, collapse in polish is zwalić się

tumble drier in polish is suszarka bębnowa do bielizny

tumeric in polish is kurkuma

tummy (child) in polish is brzusio

tumour, newly-coined word in polish is nowotwór

tumour, wart in polish is narośl f.

tumultuous in polish is zgiełkliwy

tune (instrument) in polish is dostrajać /dostroić

tune a piano in polish is stroić fortepian

tune in in polish is włączać się /-czyć

tune in to a station in polish is nastawiać odbiornik na stację

tune in to the station in polish is dostroić się do stacji

tune up in polish is zestrajać /zestroić

tungsten in polish is wolfram

tuning fork in polish is kamerton

tuning fork in polish is stroik (widełkowe)

tunnel in polish is podkop

turf in polish is darń f.

turkey in polish is indyk

turkey-hen in polish is indyczka

turn a blind eye in polish is przymykać na coś oczy

turn a blind eye sth in polish is patrzeć przrez palce

turn a blind eye to in polish is przymknąć oko na coś

turn around, unscrew in polish is wykręcić

turn away like hell in polish is uciekać, gdzie pieprz rośnie

turn back (car) in polish is nawracać/nowrócić

turn down an applicant in polish is odrzucić kandydatka

turn grey in polish is siwieć /o- or po-

turn one's back in polish is odwrócić się plecami

turn one's back on s.o. in polish is wykręcić się tylem do kogoś

turn one's nose up at sth in polish is wybrzydzać na coś

turn signal, indicator in polish is kierunkowaskaz

turn somersaults in polish is fikać koziolki

turn somersaults in polish is koziołki (fikać, wywracać -)

turn sour (milk) in polish is warzyć się

turn up at the party in polish is zjawić się na przyjęciu

turnaround in polish is zwrót o 180 stopni

turner, lathe operator in polish is tokarz

turning point, solstice, medical crisis in polish is przesilenie

turning-point in polish is punkt zwrotny

turnip in polish is brukiew f.

turnip, rutabaga in polish is rzepa

turnout in polish is frekwencja wyborcza

turnover tax in polish is obrotowy (podatek -)

turnover tax, sales tax in polish is podatek obrotowy

turnover, circulation, revolution in polish is obrót

turnstile in polish is kołowrót

turntable in polish is stół obrotowy

turquoise in polish is turkuz

turtle in polish is żółw (morski)

turtledove in polish is turkawka

tusks (elephant) in polish is kły

TV control room in polish is reżysernia

TV ratings in polish is oglądalność

tweezers in polish is pęseta

tweezers, forceps in polish is pinceta

twig, rod in polish is rózga

twin, semi-detached house in polish is bliźniak

twine in polish is dratwa

twine, twist, tangle in polish is splot

twinkle, blink in polish is mrugać

twinning in polish is związek partnerski

twins in polish is dwojaczki

twist s.o. around one's finger in polish is palca (owinać sobie kogoś dookoła -)

twist s.o. round one's finger in polish is owinąć sobie kogoś wokół palca

twisted in polish is pogięty

twisted, bent in polish is skrzywiony

twitter (bird) in polish is świergoczyć

Two heads are better than one. in polish is Co dwie głowy to nie jedna.

two-dimensional in polish is dwuwymiarowy

two-wheeled in polish is dwukołowy

type of yacht in polish is hetka

typesetter in polish is składacz

typesetter in polish is zecer

typhoid 2)major (music) in polish is durowy

typhoid fever in polish is dur brzuszny

typing error in polish is błąd maszynowy

typist in polish is maszynista

typist in polish is maszynistka

tyrant in polish is satrapa

ubiquitous in polish is wszechobecny

udder in polish is wymię

UFO in polish is NOL Niezidentyfikowany Obiekt Latający

ugly, unsightly in polish is szpetny

ulcer, abscess in polish is wrzód

ulterior motive in polish is motyw ukryty

ultraviolet, UV in polish is nadfiolet

umbilical cord in polish is pępowina

umpire in polish is arbiter

UN in polish is NZ - Narody Zjednoczony ONZ - Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych

UN in polish is oenzetowski

unanimous vote in polish is głosowanie jednomyślne

unarmed combat in polish is wręcz (walka -)

unawares in polish is znienzcka

unbeliever, atheist in polish is niedowirek

unborn in polish is nascituras

unbridled, rampant in polish is nieokiełzany

unbridled, unruly in polish is rozhukany

unbutton, stretch out, unfurl in polish is rozpiąć

unchain, unbind in polish is rozkuć

uncle in polish is stryj

Uncle Tom's Cabin in polish is Chata Wuja Toma

uncomfortable in polish is niewygodny

uncommon, unheard-of in polish is niebywały

uncork in polish is odkorkować

uncovered check in polish is czek bez pokrycia

uncultivated land (lie fallow) in polish is odłóg (leżeć odłogiem)

undebatable in polish is bezsporny

undemanding, unrefined in polish is niewybredny

undeniably in polish is bezpornie

under age, minor in polish is nieletni

under construction in polish is budowie (w _)

under escort in polish is ciupasem

under lease in polish is wydzierżawiony

under the auspices of in polish is pod auspicjami

under the pretext in polish is płaszcz (pod -ykiem)

undercooked in polish is dopieczony (nie _)

under-cooked in polish is niedogotowany

undercover agent in polish is tajniak

underdeveloped in polish is gospodarczo zacofany

underestimate in polish is nie doceniać

underestimate in polish is niedoceniać

underestimated in polish is niedoceniany

underexposed in polish is niedoświetlony

undergo repairs in polish is naprawie (być w _)

undergo therapy in polish is poddać się terapii

underground in polish is podziemie

underground mining in polish is górnictwo podziemne

underground, subway in polish is kolejka podziemna

undergrowth in polish is runo leśne

underline, stress in polish is podkreślać /podkreślić

underlining in polish is podkreślenie

undermine in polish is podkopywać

undermine (health) in polish is nadwątlać

undermine s.o. in polish is kopać pod kimś dołki

underpants* in polish is gacie

underworld in polish is podziemie przestępcze

underworld in polish is półświatek

undeserved in polish is niezasłużony

undisciplined in polish is niekarny

undisturbed soil in polish is calizna

undo the laces in polish is rozwiązać (sznurówki)

unearth in polish is okopywać /okopać

unemployment benefit in polish is zasiłek dla bezrobotnych

unequal, uneven in polish is nierówny

unequalled in polish is niedościgniony

unequivocal in polish is niedwuznaczny

uneven, coarse, rough in polish is chropawy

unexpected in polish is nadspodziewany

unexpectedly and with great composure in polish is cichą (z _ pęk)

unfailingly in polish is niezawodnie

unfair, wrong in polish is niesłuszny

unfaithful in polish is wiarołomny

unfasten, unbutton, detach in polish is odczepiać/-pić

unfasten, unbutton, detach in polish is odpinać /odpiąć

unfathomable in polish is nezgłębiony

unfavorable in polish is nieprzychylny

unfeasible in polish is niewykonalny

unfeeling, callous in polish is bezduszny

unfit for human consumption in polish is niezdatny do spożycia

unfit for military service in polish is niezdolny do służby wojskowej

unfit, unuitable in polish is niestosowny

unflattering in polish is niepochlebny

unforgiving (pej) in polish is pamiętliwy

unfounded in polish is bezpodstawny

unfulfilled in polish is niewyżyty

ungrateful in polish is niewdzięczny

unhealthy in polish is chorowity

unhurt (escape _) in polish is cało (wyjść _)

unicorn in polish is jednorożec

uniform in polish is jednostajny

unilateral in polish is jednostronny

uninhabited in polish is niezamieszkały

unintelligible, inconceivable in polish is niepojęty

unintentional in polish is bezwiedny

unintentional in polish is nieumyślny

unintentionally in polish is niechący

union due's in polish is opłata związkowa

union fees in polish is składki związkowe

unit trust in polish is fundusz otwarty

universal, usual in polish is nagminny

unkempt in polish is nieczasany

unkempt, dishevelled (hair) in polish is rozczochrany

unlace in polish is rozsznurować

unlawful assembly in polish is zbiegowisko przestępne

unlawful assembly in polish is związek przestępczy

unlearn sth in polish is oduczać się czegoś

unleavened bread in polish is przaśny (chleb -)

unloading in polish is wyładunek

unlock in polish is odbezpieczać -yć

unlucky, ill-fated in polish is feralny

unpack in polish is odpakowywać/odpakować

unpack in polish is wypakowywać /wypakować

unpardonable in polish is nieprzebaczalny

unpleasant in polish is przykry

unplug, disconnect in polish is wylączać z prądu/sieci

unprecedented in polish is bezprzykładny

unprofitable in polish is niepopłatny

unravel in polish is strzępić (się)

unrealistic (person or plans) in polish is nieżyciowy

unreasonable in polish is nierozsądny

unrecoverable debt in polish is nieściągalny (dług _)

unreeling, unwinding in polish is odwijanie

unreliable in polish is niesłowny

unroll, unreel, unwind, unwrap in polish is odwijać /odwinąć

unruly, disobedient in polish is niesforny

unruly, wild in polish is rozwydrzony

unscathed in polish is szwanku (bez _)

unscrew, turn on (gas, water) in polish is odkręcać/odkręcić

unscrew, unwind in polish is rozkręcić

unscrupulous in polish is niesumienny

unseparable in polish is nieodłączny

unshapely, clumsy in polish is niezgrabny

unshaven in polish is zarośnięty

unskilled, inexperienced in polish is nieprawny

unsolicited in polish is nieproszony

unstitch, unsew in polish is pruć

unsuccessful in polish is nieudany

untamed/unfamiliar in polish is nieoswojony/nie oswojony

until dawn in polish is do białego rana

untranslatable in polish is nieprzetłumaczalny

unwilling to do sth in polish is nieskory do czegoś

unworkable in polish is nieziszczalny

up to standard in polish is zgodny z normą

upheaval, revolution, coup in polish is przewrót

uphill, strenuous in polish is żmudny

upholsterer in polish is tapicer

upholstery in polish is obicie tapicerskie

upholstery in polish is tapicerka

upholstery, padding in polish is obicie

uplands, summit in polish is wyżyna

upright, candid in polish is prostoduszny

uprightness, candidness in polish is prostoduszność

uproar, hullabaloo in polish is rejach

uproar, outcry in polish is wrzawa

uproar, trouble in polish is rozruchy pl.

uproar, turmoil in polish is zgiełk

uprooted (person) in polish is wysiedlony

ups and downs in polish is peripetie

ups and downs, ebb and flow in polish is wzloty i upadki

upset (the balance) in polish is naruszyć równowagę

upset about something (he's -) in polish is poruszony (on jest czymś -)

upset one's stomach in polish is struć się

upside down in polish is do góry nogami

upstart, new rich in polish is dorobkiewicz

upstream in polish is pod prąd

uptight* in polish is spięty

up-to date with sth in polish is bieżąco (być z czymś na -)

uraemia in polish is mocznica

urchin in polish is urwis

urchin, hooligan in polish is łobuz

urethra in polish is cewka moczowa

urethra in polish is moczowód

urge in polish is naglić

urge (sb to do sth) in polish is ponaglać do

urge, encourage in polish is namawiać

urgency, suddenness in polish is nagłość

urgent, pressing in polish is naglący

Urgent. It's an emergency. in polish is Pilne. To jest nagły wypadek.

uric acid in polish is moczowy (kwas)

use up, deplete in polish is zużywać

use, application in polish is zastosowanie

useable, in working order in polish is używalny

used to this. (I'm not _) in polish is przyzwyczajony (nie jestem do tego _)

used up, worn out in polish is zużyty

used, second hand in polish is używany

useful for learning in polish is przydatna do nauki.

useful, intentional in polish is celowy

useless in polish is chrzanu (do _)

useless in polish is niepożyteczny

user identification in polish is uwierzytelnienie użytkownika

user name in polish is identyfikator użytnikownika

user-friendly in polish is łatwy w obsłudze

user-friendly in polish is przyjazny

user's manual in polish is podręcznik użytnikownika

usher(ette) in polish is bileter (-ka)

usurer in polish is lichwiarz

usury in polish is lichwa

uterus, womb, screw nut in polish is macica

utilities in polish is świadczenia

utility in polish is zakład użyleczność

utility room in polish is pomieszczenie gospodarcze

utility, use in polish is przydatność

utter, downright in polish is wierutny

U-turn in polish is zawracanie

uvula in polish is języczek

vacancy in polish is wakat

vacate the premises in polish is opróżniać lokal

vaccine in polish is szczepionka

vacuum in polish is próźnia

vacuum-cleaner in polish is odkurzacz

vagina in polish is pochwa

vagrant, vagabond, stray in polish is przybłęda

vain, futile, idle (words, guess) in polish is czczy

vainly, in vain in polish is próźno (na -)

valerian in polish is waleriana

valiant in polish is bitny

valley in polish is kotlina

valley, off-peak period in polish is dolina

valuable in polish is cenny

valuables in polish is kosztowności

valuation in polish is oszacowanie

value added in polish is wartość dodana

valve (anat) in polish is zastawka

valve, ent in polish is zawór

valve, flop (theater) in polish is klapa

van in polish is furgonetka

vane in polish is chorągiewka kierunkowa

vanilla pod in polish is laska wanilii

vanish into thin air in polish is znikać jak kamfora

vanity in polish is próźność

variable in polish is zmienna

variable resistor in polish is reostat

varicella, chickenpox in polish is ospa wietrzna

varicose vein in polish is żylak

variety in polish is rozmaitość

variety in polish is różnorodność

variety, strain, inflection in polish is odmiana

variola, smallpox in polish is ospa

varnish in polish is pokost

varnish in polish is werniks

vase, flower-pot in polish is wazon

vassal in polish is lennik

vat in polish is stągiew f.

vat, tub in polish is kadź

vault in polish is sklepienie

vaulting horse in polish is kozioł

VCR in polish is magnetowid

veal in tomato sauce in polish is forszmak

vegetable in polish is roślinny

vegetable garden in polish is warzywnik

vegetarian in polish is jarosz

vegetarian in polish is jarski

vegetarian (dishes) in polish is bezmięsne (danie -)

veil in polish is woal

veil, goldfish in polish is welon

veiled in polish is zawoalowany

vein in polish is żyła

velvet in polish is aksamit

veneer in polish is okleina

Venetian blind in polish is żaluzja podnoszona

venire al sodo in polish is przejść do sedna sprawy

venison, deer meat in polish is sarnina

venison, game in polish is dziczyna, dziczyzna

venom, poison in polish is jad

vent, air-escape in polish is odpowietrznik

ventilation in polish is nawiew

ventilation shaft in polish is szyb wentylacyjny

ventilation, venting in polish is przewietrzanie

ventilator in polish is wywietrznik

ventricle in polish is komora serca

venture in polish is przesięwzięcie

verbal in polish is ustny

verbal diarrhoea in polish is słowotok

verbal fight in polish is pojedynek na słowa

verbose in polish is rozgadany

verbose, wordy in polish is rozwlekły

verifiable in polish is sprawdzalny

vermicelli in polish is makaron cienki

vermin in polish is robactwo

versare un acconto in polish is wpłacić zaliczkę

vertebrate in polish is kręgowiec

vertical, upright in polish is pionowy

vervain in polish is werbena pospolita

very busy, well-earned (success) in polish is zapracowany

vest in polish is kaftanik

vested in polish is prawnie nabyty

vestibule, atrium (heart) in polish is przedsionek

vex, annoy in polish is dokuczyć

vex, annoy, nag in polish is dokuczać

vexatious, litigious in polish is pieniacz

vicariously in polish is pośrednio

vice in polish is imadło

vice squad in polish is obyczajowa (policja -)

vice, bad habit in polish is narów

vicious circle in polish is błędny koło

vicious, mean in polish is wredny

vicious, wicked, sinful in polish is zdrożny

victorious in polish is zwycięski

video clip in polish is teledysk

viewfinder, sight in polish is celownik 2

vigilance in polish is czujność

vigor in polish is tężyzna

villain in polish is wyrodek

villain, scoundrel, mean in polish is nikczemnik

vindictive, vengeful in polish is mściwy

vine in polish is winorośl f.

vinegar in polish is ocet

vineyard in polish is winnica

vintage in polish is rocznik (wina)

vintage, grape-picking in polish is winobranie

viola in polish is altówka

violate in polish is naruszać/naruszyć

violate the right-of-way in polish is wymuszać pierwszeżstwo

violet (flower) in polish is fiołek

violin in polish is skrzypce pl.

violin maker in polish is lutnik

violinist in polish is skrzypek/skrzypaczka

viper in polish is padalec

viper in polish is żmija

virgin in polish is dziewica

Virgin Mary Ascension Day in polish is Wniebowzięcie NMB (15 sierpnia)

virginal in polish is dziewiczy

virginity in polish is dziewictwo

Virgo in polish is Panna

virtue in polish is cnota

virtue in polish is walor

virtue in polish is zaleta

virtue of (by _) in polish is mocy (na _ czegoś)

virtuous in polish is cnotliwy

virulant, malignant in polish is zjadliwy

virus, germ, microbe in polish is zarazek

visible horizon in polish is widnokrąg

visit, haunt (thoughts) in polish is nawiedzać

visor (cap) in polish is daszek (u czapki)

visual impairment in polish is upośledzenie wzroku

visual inspection, examination in polish is oględziny

vital in polish is żywotny

vitamin deficiency in polish is awitaminoza

vitrification in polish is zeszklenie

vituperate in polish is zelżyć

vivid in polish is obrazowy

vixen (fox) in polish is lisica

vocabulary in polish is słówka

vocal cord in polish is struna głosowa

vocal cord in polish is wiązadło głosowe

vocation in polish is powołanie

vocational training in polish is szkolenie zawodowe

vocative case in polish is wołacz

vodka* in polish is czysta

void in polish is nieistotny prawnie

volatile in polish is lotny

voltage in polish is napięcie (prądu)

voltage dip in polish is nagłe obniżenie napięcia

voltage divider in polish is dzielnik napięcia

voltage drop in polish is spadek napięcia

voltage surge in polish is udar napięciowe

voltmeter in polish is woltomierz

volume control in polish is pokrętło siły głosu

voluntary manslaughter in polish is umyślne pozbawienie życie

voluntary manslaughter in polish is umyślne pozbawienie życie

volunteer in polish is ochotnik (złosić się na -a)

vomiting, retching in polish is torsje

voracious, gluttonous in polish is żarłoczny

vote by roll-call in polish is głosowanie imienne

vote by show of hands in polish is głosowanie jasne przez podniesienie rąk

vote by show of hands in polish is głosowanie przez podniesienie ręki

vote cast in polish is głos oddany

vote for so in polish is głosować na kogoś

vote of confidence/no confidence in polish is wotum zaufania/nieufności

voter, elector in polish is wyborca

voucher in polish is dowód kasowy

vowel in polish is samogłoska

voyeurism in polish is poglądactwo

vulgar in polish is ordynyarny

vulgar, common in polish is pospolity

vulture in polish is sąp

vulture in polish is sęp

vulva, shame in polish is srom

wacky in polish is postrzelony

wadded in polish is watowany

waddle in polish is kaczy chód

wade in polish is brodzić

wade, struggle in polish is brnąć

wafer in polish is andrut

waffle iron in polish is gofronica

waffle* in polish is lać wodę

wag tail in polish is merdać/merdnąć

wage in polish is zarobek -bki

wage claims in polish is roszczenie płacowe

wage demands in polish is żądanie płacowe

wage increase in polish is podwyżka płac

wail, yell in polish is zawodzenie

waist twists in polish is skręty tułowia

waist, deck of cards in polish is talia

waistcoat, vest in polish is kamizelka

waist-deep, waist-high in polish is pas (po -)

wait-and-see in polish is wzczekujący

waiting list in polish is lista oczekujących

waive in polish is zamechać

waiver, renunciation in polish is zrzeczenie się

wake in polish is budzić

wake up in polish is budzić się

wake, funeral banquet, funny confusion in polish is stypa

walk arm-in-arm with sb in polish is iść z kimś pod pachę

walk around in polish is przechadzać się

walk single file in polish is gęsiego (iść -)

walker, hiker in polish is piechur

walkie-talkie in polish is radiotelefon przenośny

walking stick in polish is laska

wall light, wall fitting in polish is kinkiet

wall unit in polish is meblościanka

wallow in polish is nurzać się

wallow in luxury in polish is pławić się w luksusie

wallpaper in polish is tapeta

walnut in polish is orzech włoski

walrus in polish is mors

wand, rod** in polish is różdża**

wander in polish is błąkać

wander in polish is wałęsać się

wander, go in circles, err in polish is błądzić

wanderer in polish is tułacz

want in polish is chcieć

want, insufficiency in polish is niedosyt

wanted by the law in polish is ścigany przez prawo

war of attrition in polish is wojna na wyczepanie

warder in polish is strażnik więzienny

wardrobe in polish is szafa ubraniowa

warehouse, composition, line-up (team) in polish is skład

warhead in polish is głowica bojowa

warm anorak in polish is kurtka ocieplana

warmongerer in polish is podżegacz wojny

warmongering in polish is podżegnanie do wojny

warm-up in polish is rozgrzewka

warm-up (of engine) in polish is nagrzewanie silniku

warn about sth in polish is przestrzegać przed czymś

warning in polish is przestroga

warp in polish is paczyć się

warp in polish is wypaczenie

warp in polish is wypaczyć

warp, pervert in polish is spaczać

warping in polish is snucie

warrant in polish is nakaz sądowy

warrant for arrest in polish is gończy (list)

warrant for arrest in polish is list gończy

warranty in polish is rękomia

Warsaw pork roast (with grated horseradish, butter, and lemon juice) in polish is schab po warszawsku

warship in polish is okręt wojenny

wart in polish is kurzajka

wary, guarded, moderate in polish is oględny

wash away in polish is wypłukiwać /wypłukać

wash off in polish is obmywać

wash off, wash away in polish is zmywać /zmyć

wash oneself in polish is myć się /u-

washable in polish is zmywalny

washbasin in polish is umywalka

wash-board in polish is tara do prania

wash-board, grater, rasp in polish is tarka

washtub in polish is balia

wasp in polish is osa

wastage, defective production in polish is brakoróbstwo

waste (disease) in polish is wycieńczać /yć

waste (kitchen), garbage in polish is odpadki

waste away, deteriorate in polish is marnieć z/

waste disposal in polish is usuwanie odpadków

waste disposal in polish is usuwanie odpadów

waste of time in polish is szoda czasu i atłasu

waste one's breath in polish is rzucać grochem o ścianę

waste one's breath in polish is strzępić sobie język

waste pipe in polish is ściekowa (rura -)

waste, ruin, squander in polish is trwonić /roz-

waste, scrap material in polish is odpady

wasteful, lavish in polish is rozrzutny

wasteland, barren, idle land in polish is nieużytki

waste-paper in polish is makulatura

watch in polish is wachta

watch bracelet in polish is bransoletka do zegarka

watch for, strain eyes in polish is wypatrzywać

watch strap in polish is pasek do zegarka

watch-chain in polish is dewizka

watchman, door-keeper in polish is stróż

watch-tower in polish is strażnica

water intake in polish is ujęcie wodne

water lily in polish is nenufar

water polo in polish is piłka wodna

water purification plant in polish is oczyszczalnia wody

water solution in polish is roztwór wodny

water stain (on the wall) in polish is zaciek

water tower in polish is wieża ciśnień

water treatment in polish is uzdatnianie wody

water, pour on in polish is polewać /polać

watering (plants) in polish is podlewać

watering-can in polish is konewka

waterlogged in polish is namoknięty

watermelon in polish is arbuz

water-nymph in polish is rusałka

water-permeable in polish is przemakalny

waterproof in polish is nieprzemakalny

water-proof in polish is nie przeszczający wody

water-proof, air-tight, opaque in polish is neprzepuszczalny

watershed in polish is dział wodny

water-skiing in polish is narty wodne

watertight in polish is wodoszczelny

watery in polish is załzawiony

watery, wishy-washy in polish is wodnisty

wave (hand), nod (head) in polish is skinienie

wave ones hand in polish is machać ręką

wavelength in polish is długość fali

wavy hair in polish is włosy faliste

wax in polish is wosz

wax (bees) in polish is wosk

wayward in polish is knąbrny

we, the undersigned in polish is podpisani (my, niżej _)

weakling in polish is cherlak

weakling in polish is chuchro

wealthy in polish is zamożny

wealthy person in polish is bogacz

wean a child in polish is odłączyć dziecko od piersi

weapon in polish is oręż

weapon of mass destruction in polish is broń masowej zagłady

wear (shoes), get into swing in polish is rozchodzić

wear until unfit to wear, carry foetus to term in polish is donosić/donaszać

weariness in polish is znużenie

weary, exhausted in polish is strudzony

weasel in polish is łasica

weatherman (!) in polish is synoptyk

weave in polish is wyplatać /wypleść

weaver in polish is tkacz

weaving in polish is tkactwo

wedding ring in polish is obrączka

wedding ring in polish is ślubna obrączka

wedge in polish is klin

weed in polish is chwast

weed in polish is zielsko

weed v. in polish is pielić pleć

weed, herb in polish is ziele

weeder in polish is brona chwastownik

weeds in polish is żałoby

weigh one's words in polish is odmierzać słowa

weight in polish is odważnik

weight loss in polish is utrata wagi

weightlessness in polish is nieważność

weight-lifter in polish is ciężarowiec

weight-lifter in polish is sztangista

weightlifting in polish is ciężarów (podnoszenie _)

weightlifting in polish is podnosienie ciężarów

weightlifting in polish is podnoszenie ciężarów

weighty in polish is ciężarny

weirdo in polish is cudak

weld in polish is spawać /ze-

weld in polish is zgrzewać

weld on in polish is przyspawać

weld, solder in polish is spajać

welder in polish is spawacz

welder's helmet in polish is przyłbica spawacza

welding in polish is spawalnictwo

welding in polish is spawanie

welding arc in polish is łuk spawalniczy

welding goggles in polish is okulary spawalnicze

welding torch, blowpipe in polish is palnik do spanowania

well in polish is studnia

well done! in polish is zuch z ciebie!

well-connected in polish is ustosunkowany

well-done in polish is wysmażony

well-fed in polish is odżywiony (dobrze -)

well-nigh in polish is nieomal

well-read in polish is oczytany

well-rested, good night's sleep in polish is wysypany

well-stocked in polish is zaopatrzony (dobrze _)

well-thought-out in polish is przemyślany

well-worn in polish is wysłużony

welt, crib sheet in polish is ściągacz

we're square in polish is kwita (jesteśmy -)

werewolf in polish is wilkołak

wet in polish is zmoknięty

wet nurse in polish is mamka

wet o.s. in polish is zsiusiać się

wet one's whistle in polish is gardło (przepłukać sobie -)

wet weather in polish is plucha

wet weather in polish is słota

wet, drizzly in polish is dżdżysty

wet, moisten, soak, steep in polish is rozmoczyć

WEU in polish is Unia Zachodnioeuropeiska (UZE)

WEU in polish is UZE - Unia Zachodnioeuropejska

whack, chop in polish is rąbać po-

what a fool I am! in polish is ale głupiec ze mnie!

What a thing to say! in polish is odezwać (Tak się _)

What cannot be cured must be endured in polish is Głową muru nie przebijesz.

what if? in polish is nuż

what weather! in polish is ale pogoda!

Whatever I wanted, that I had. in polish is Com chciał, tom miał.

what's on your mind? in polish is gnębi (co ci _?)

wheat in polish is pszenica

wheat flour in polish is pszenna (mąka -)

wheat grain and honey dessert in polish is kutia

wheatgerm in polish is kiełki pszeniczne

wheelbarrow in polish is taczki pl.

wheelchair in polish is wózek inwalidzki

wheeling and dealing in polish is przepychanki polityczne

wheeze in polish is rzęzić

wheeze, be hoarse in polish is charczeć

whenever, every time in polish is ilekroć

where there's a will, there's a way in polish is chcącego (dla _ nie ma nic trudnego)

whereas in polish is natomiast

whereas... in polish is zważywszy, że...

whetstone in polish is osełka

whey in polish is serwatka

which way in polish is którędy

while you wait in polish is od ręki

while you wait in polish is ręki (od -)

whimper in polish is pojękiwanie

whimper, whine in polish is kwilić

whims, fads in polish is fanaberie

whine in polish is kwilenie

whine in polish is skomieć

whip in polish is batog

whip in polish is poseł dyscyplinator

whip, cow-hide in polish is bykowiec

whip, flog in polish is smagać /nąć

whip, lash in polish is bat

whip, whiplash in polish is bicz

whipping, whisking, beating in polish is ubijanie

whirlpool in polish is lej wirowy

whirlpool in polish is topiel

whirlpool in polish is wir (wodny)

whirlwind in polish is trąba powietrzna

whisk, wag, run in polish is machać/machnąć

whisky, spirits in polish is gorzałka

whisper in polish is szeptać

whist (cards), lead in polish is wist

whistle in polish is gwizdek

whistle in polish is świstać /snąć

Whit Sunday, Pentecost in polish is Zielone Świątki

white frost, hoarfrost in polish is szron

white heat, incandescence in polish is biały żar

white noise in polish is biały szum

white pine in polish is sosna biała

white-collar worker in polish is pracownik umyśłowny

whiz* in polish is spec

whoa! (horse) in polish is prrr!

whole wheat in polish is razowy

wholemeal in polish is pełnoziarnisty

wholesale in polish is hurt

wholesale in polish is hurtowy

wholesale, altogether in polish is czambuł (w _)

wholesaler in polish is hurtownik

wholesalers, warehouse in polish is hurtownia

whole-wheat bread in polish is razowiec

whooping cough in polish is krztusiec

whore* in polish is dziwka

wick in polish is knot

wicked in polish is bezecny

wicked in polish is nikczemny

wicked, unkind in polish is niepoczciwy

wicked, villainous in polish is niegodziwy

wickedness in polish is niegodziwość

wicker basket in polish is wiklinowy kosz

wide open in polish is na oścież

wide open in polish is otwarty na oścież

widely read in polish is poczytny

widow in polish is wdowa

widowed in polish is owdowiały

widower in polish is wdowiec

widthways (to travel the length and breadth of Poland in polish is wszerz (zjeździć Polskę wzdłuż I wszerz

wig in polish is peruka

wild in polish is pustynny

wild beehive in polish is barċ

wild goose chase in polish is szukanie wiatru w polu

wild plum in polish is mirabelka

wildcat in polish is żbik

wildcat strike in polish is dziki strajk

wilderness in polish is bezdroża

wilderness, primeval forest in polish is puszcza

wilfulness in polish is samowolność

willing person in polish is chcący

willing, ready in polish is ochoczy

willow in polish is wierzba

willow (weeping) in polish is wierzba (płacząca)

willy-nilly in polish is rad nierad

wilt, wither, fade in polish is wiednąć /z-

winch in polish is wciągarka

wind braker, wind cheater, airgun in polish is wiatrówka

wind breaker, diving suit, spacesuit in polish is skafander

wind instruments in polish is dęte (instrumenty _)

wind up a clock in polish is nakręcać zegar

windfarm in polish is farma wiatrowa

winding (river) in polish is wijący się

windmill in polish is wiatrak

window-blind in polish is roleta

windowsill in polish is parapet

windshield in polish is szyba przednia

windshield wiper in polish is spłuczka szyby przedniej

windstorm, gale in polish is wicher

windstorm, gale in polish is wichura

windsurfing in polish is pływanie na desce z żaglem

wind-up measuring tape in polish is przymiar taśmowy zwijany

wine industry/wine vinegar in polish is winny (przemysł/ocet)

wine-grower in polish is winogradnik

wine-press in polish is prasa do wina

wink at sb in polish is puszczać do kogoś (perskie) oczko

wink, nod in polish is skinąć

winning streak in polish is passa (dobra -)

winter crops in polish is oziminy

winter solstice in polish is przesilenie zimowe

wipe (wear out) in polish is wycierać (się) /wytrzeć (się)

wipe away, rub off in polish is obcierać

wipe off in polish is ocierać

wipe off, erase (chalk, pencil) in polish is zmazywać /zmazać

wipe off, mix, grate in polish is ucierać

wipe one's face in polish is ocierać się

Wipe your tears. in polish is Wytrzyj łzy.

wire in polish is drut

wire net, mesh in polish is siatka druciana

wiretapping in polish is podsłuch telefoniczny

wireway in polish is ciąg przewodów

wiring in polish is odrutowanie

wishful thinking in polish is chciejstwo

wisp, strand in polish is kosmyk

wistful, moving in polish is rzewny

witch in polish is czarownica

witch, hag in polish is wiedźma

witch, shrew in polish is jędza

witchcraft in polish is czary

with a cold in polish is przeziębiony

with an apostrophe in polish is przecinkiem (z _ u góry)

with bated breath in polish is zapartym (z _ tchem)

with both feet in polish is obunóż

with both hands in polish is oburącz

with dots, spotted in polish is cętkowany

with great pains in polish is ledwością (z _)

with impunity (get away with it) in polish is bezkarnie

with slanting eyes, crossed-eyed in polish is kosooki

withdraw an amendment in polish is wycofać popawkę

withdraw, sink in polish is usuwać się /nąć

withdrawal in polish is odwołanie

withdrawal in polish is podjęcie pienidzyę

wither (from emotion) in polish is usychać /uschnąć

without a second thought in polish is namysłu (bez-)

without delay in polish is niezwłocznie

without flinching in polish is powieki (bez drgnienia -)

without hesitation in polish is dym (jak w _)

without let or hindrance in polish is przeswkód I utrudnień (bez -)

without mincing one's words, bluntly in polish is bez ogródek

without much ado in polish is zwłoki (bez _)

without prejudice in polish is bez uszczerbku

without prejudice in polish is obliga (bez -)

without rhyme or reason in polish is ładu (bez - i składu)

witness for the prosecution in polish is oskarżenia (świadek -)

witness for the prosecution/defence in polish is świadek oskarżenia/obrony

witty in polish is błyskotliwy

wizard in polish is czarnoksiężnik

wizened in polish is zaszuszony

wobble, shimmy in polish is chybotanie

wobbling in polish is chybotliwy

wolf in polish is wilczy

woman in polish is niewiasta

womaniser in polish is lowelas

woman's suit in polish is garsonka

womb, bosom in polish is łono

wood alcohol in polish is spiritus drzewny

wood engraving in polish is drzeworyt

wood engraving in polish is drzeworytnictwo

wood flooring in polish is deszczułki posadzkowe

woodcock in polish is bekas

wood-nymph in polish is driada

woodpecker in polish is dzięcioł

woods in polish is zagajnik

woodshed in polish is drewutnia

woodworking in polish is obróbka drzewna

woof! (dog) in polish is hau!

wool in polish is wełna

woollen in polish is wełniany

woolly in polish is wełnisty

Word has it that in polish is Powiadają, że...

word processing in polish is edycja tekstu

words failed me in polish is odjęło mi mowę

wordy, verbose in polish is wielosłowny

work in polish is pracować /po-

work as a lawyer in polish is wykonywać zawód prawnika

work at full capacity in polish is obrotach (pracować na wysokich -)

work contract in polish is umowa o pracę

work for word in polish is słowo w słowo

work like a horse in polish is harować jak wół

work overtime in polish is nadgodzinach (pracować w _)

work part-time in polish is pół etatu (pracować na _)

work shifts in polish is zmiany (pracować na _)

work station in polish is stanowisko pracy

work wonders in polish is czynić cuda

working party in polish is grupa robocza

working party in polish is zespół roboczy

workmanship, performance in polish is wykonanie

works in polish is budowla

works council in polish is rada zakładowa

worktop, counter in polish is blat kuchenny

worldly wisdom in polish is mądrość życiowa

worm, grub, maggot in polish is czerw

worn out in polish is znoszony

worried in polish is zatroskany

worried, dejected in polish is stroskany

worried, distressed in polish is strapiony

worry in polish is martwić się /z-

worry about sth in polish is trapić się czymś

worry, distress, grief in polish is strapienie

worry, grief in polish is frasunek

worshipper in polish is czciciel

wort (brewer's _) in polish is brzeczka (piwna)

worthy in polish is zbożny

would be, allegedly in polish is rzekomo

wrap in polish is owijać

wrap one's arms around s.o. in polish is oplatać kogoś ramionami

wrapped up in o.s. in polish is zapatrzony we własny pępek

wreath, garland, string (garlic) in polish is wianek

wreck in polish is wrak

wreck in polish is zatopienie

wreckage (after disaster) in polish is szczątki

wrecks, remains in polish is niedobitki

wren in polish is strzyżyk

wrestle with in polish is borykać się z

wrestle, exert oneself in polish is mocować się

wrestler in polish is zapaśnik

wriggle out of sth in polish is wywinąć się od czegoś

wring one's hands in despair in polish is załamywać ręce

wrinkle in polish is zmarszczka

wrinkle, frown in polish is marszczyć

wrinkle, shrivel in polish is marszczyć się

wrinkled in polish is pomarszczony

wrinkled, crumpled in polish is wygnieciony

wrist in polish is nadgarstek

wrist, ball-and-socket joint in polish is przegub

writ in polish is nakaz urzędowy

write in polish is pisać /na-

wrong in polish is opaczny

wrong way in polish is manowca

wrong, harm in polish is krzywda (wyrządzić komuś -ę)

wrong-doer, pest in polish is szkodnik

wrongful dismissal in polish is zwolnienie bezprawne

wrought-iron in polish is kute żelazo

WTO in polish is Światowa Organizacja Handlu

X-ray in polish is prześwietlenie

X-ray in polish is zdjęcie rentgenowskie

yam in polish is ignam, słodki ziemniak

yap in polish is ujadać

yard, backyard in polish is dziedziniec

yarn in polish is prządza

yarn in polish is przędza

yarn in polish is włóczka (wełniana)

yawn in polish is ziewać /nąć

yeast in polish is drożdże

yell in polish is zawodzić

yelp, squeal in polish is skowyt

Yes, Sir! in polish is rozkaz!

yew, C sharp in polish is cis

yield a good harvest in polish is obrodzić

Yield Right of Way in polish is Ustąp Pierwszeństwa Przejazdu

yield right-of-way in polish is ustępować pierwszeństwa przejazdu

yield the right-of-way in polish is ustąpować pierwszeństwa przejazdu

yield, productivity in polish is wydajność

yielding, compliant in polish is ustępliwy

yoke, shakel in polish is jarzmo

yolk in polish is żółtko

you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs in polish is drwa (gdzie _ rąbią, tam wióry lecą)

you'll get yours! in polish is doigrasz się!

young kids in polish is dziatwa

Your Honor! in polish is Wysoki Sądze!

You're a strong drinker. in polish is Masz mocną głowę.

you're in real trouble in polish is marny twój los

You're noisy. in polish is Hałasujesz.

youth hostel in polish is schronisko młodzieżowe

youthful in polish is młodzieńczy

ytterbium Yb in polish is iterb

yttrium Y in polish is itr

zealot, ardent supporter in polish is gorliwiec

zebra crossing in polish is zebra

zebra crossing in polish is zebra

zeppelin, blimp in polish is sterowiec

zero-rated in polish is stawce (o zerowej _)

zinc in polish is cynk

zinc oxide in polish is tlenek cynku

zip(per) in polish is zamek błyskawiczny

zip, zipper, slide control, scroll bar in polish is suwak

zirconium Zr in polish is cyrkon

zither in polish is cytra

zoning in polish is strefowanie


For the terms may also exist other translation definitions and meanings, the translation meaning and definition indicated above are indicative not be used for medical and legal or special purposes.


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